Related topics: Learning From Experience Quest Updates, Learning From Experience Trophy Updates, Immortalbob's Quests By Level

See Category:Quests by Level.

Quest Level
Max XP Percent Cap Special
Dagger of Tikola Quest (Ancient Shard of Metal) 010 010 0,000,135,000 135% 016 None
Dagger of Tikola Quest (Old Nectar) 010 010 0,000,039,293 040% 015 None
Silifi of Crimson Stars Quest 010 030 0,000,135,000 Fixed Fixed None
Focusing Stone Quest 014 030 0,001,845,177 035% 050 Lockpick
Metos Motes (both motes) 015 030 0,004,217,546 080% 050 None
Mountain Sewer Quest (1-79) 015 030 0,002,300,000 100% 040 None
Mountain Sewer Quest (80+) 015 080 0,002,750,000 ?% ? None
The Hunt for Muldaveus 015 070 0,004,500,000 Fixed Fixed None
Elysa's Favor Quest 020 030 0,000,350,000 Fixed Fixed None
Fenmalain Vestibule Quest 020 030 0,001,000,000 Fixed Fixed None
Frore 020 060 0,018,000,000 100% 070 Lockpick
Impious Staff Quest 020 040 0,010,300,000 100% 061 Lockpick
Overlord's Sword Quest 020 070 0,018,000,000 100% 070 None
Shackles of Obedience Quest 020 040 0,007,000,000 175% 047 None
Tanada House of Water's Directives (First time) 020 050 0,020,648,006 030% 100 None
Tanada House of Water's Directives (Repeats) 020 050 0,006,882,669 010% 100 None
Thorsten Cragstone's Armor & Axe 020 040 0,002,500,000 Fixed Fixed None
Empyrean Fire Propylaeum Quest 025 050 0,000,500,000 ?% ? Group
Empyrean Ice Propylaeum Quest 025 050 0,000,500,000 ?% ? Group
Mi Krau-Li's Jitte Quest 025 040 0,015,000,000 ?% ? None
Dericost Ritual Investigation 030 200 ? ?% ? None
Gearknight Lesser Lords 030 040 0,002,000,000 020% 060 None
Inner Sea Aetherium Collection (Depleted Aetherium Ores) 030 040 0,002,000,000 020% 060 None
Inner Sea Aetherium Collection (Gold Aetherium Core Fragment) 030 040 0,001,000,000 010% 050 None
Inner Sea Aetherium Collection (Large Gold Aetherium Core Fragment) 030 040 0,001,000,000 010% 050 None
Plateau Village Transit (main quest) 030 050 0,006,400,000 124% 050 None
Plateau Village Transit (shield reward) 030 050 0,000,288,496 003% 059 None
Hea Bone and Hide Shirt Quest 035 035 0,002,000,000 Fixed Fixed None
The Caliginous Bethel 035 060 0,006,000,000 075% 057 None
Abandoned Shops Quest 040 040 0,004,500,000 085% 050 None
Asheron's Raiment Quest (Low) 040 040 0,005,000,000 Fixed Fixed None
Asheron's Raiment Quest (Mid) 060 060 0,015,000,000 Fixed Fixed None
Asheron's Raiment Quest (High) 090 090 0,046,000,000 Fixed Fixed None
Asheron's Raiment Quest (Extreme) 120 120 0,116,000,000 Fixed Fixed None
Carenzi Plague: Polar Carenzi 000 010 0,000,141,050 060% 020 None
Carenzi Plague: Carenzi Stalker ? 030 0,001,190,826 050% 040 None
Carenzi Plague: Feral Carenzi ? 050 0,004,602,097 045% 060 None
Carenzi Plague: Carnivorous Carenzi ? 070 0,011,876,314 040% 080 None
Carenzi Plague: Mangy Carenzi 050 090 0,024,089,339 035% 100 Quest Flag
Carenzi Plague: Tainted Carenzi 050 120 0,056,184,660 030% 130 Quest Flag
Crafting Forges (Low) 040 050 0,008,000,000 175% 052 None
Crafting Forges (Mid) 070 080 0,045,000,000 150% 081 None
Crafting Forges (High) 100 100 0,070,000,000 100% 102 None
Defense of Zaikhal (Copper) 050 070 0,013,000,000 133% 060 None
Defense of Zaikhal (Silver) 065 085 0,018,000,000 ?% ? None
Defense of Zaikhal (Gold) 080 100 0,030,000,000 ?% ? None
Defense of Zaikhal (Platinum) 100 120 0,058,000,000 ?% ? None
Eater Jaws: Engorged Eater Jaw Quest 040 040 0,002,500,000 100% 041 None
Eater Jaws: Voracious Eater Jaw Quest 070 070 0,008,000,000 Fixed Fixed None
Eater Jaws: Abhorrent Eater Jaw Quest 090 090 0,015,000,000 Fixed Fixed None
Eater Jaws: Ravenous Eater Jaw Quest 110 110 0,035,000,000 Fixed Fixed None
Eater Jaws: Insatiable Eater Jaw Quest 125 125 0,040,000,000 Fixed Fixed None
Faces of the Mukkir (Low) 040 - 059 050 0,010,000,000 100% 060 None
Faces of the Mukkir (Mid) 060 - 079 070 0,030,000,000 115% 080 None
Faces of the Mukkir (High) 080 - 099 090 ? ?% ? None
Faces of the Mukkir (Expert) (levels 100 - 104) 100 110 0,069,000,000 ?% ? None
Faces of the Mukkir (Expert) (level 105+) 100 110 0,099,000,000 085% 115 None
Moarsmen on the Shores (Redspire) 000 015 0,000,235,000 100% 020 None
Moarsmen on the Shores (Mayoi) 000 035 0,001,190,826 050% 030 None
Moarsmen on the Shores (Danby's Outpost) 000 055 0,004,602,097 045% 060 None
Moarsmen on the Shores (Beach Fort) 000 075 0,011,876,313 040% 080 None
Moarsmen on the Shores (Ayan Baqur) 000 095 0,020,648,005 030% 100 None
Moarsmen on the Shores (Eastwatch) 000 125 0,028,092,330 015% 130 None
Olthoi Chasm Quest: Olthoi Chasm 020 020 0,003,000,000 Fixed Fixed None
Olthoi Chasm Quest: Shallow Olthoi Chasm 040 040 0,010,000,000 Fixed Fixed None
Olthoi Chasm Quest: Deep Olthoi Chasm 060 060 0,015,000,000 Fixed Fixed None
Olthoi Chasm Quest: Cavernous Olthoi Chasm 080 080 0,020,000,000 Fixed Fixed None
Olthoi Chasm Quest: Abyssal Olthoi Chasm 100 100 0,025,000,000 Fixed Fixed None
Olthoi Pincers: Harvester Pincer Quest 000 015 0,000,500,000 100% 026 None
Olthoi Pincers: Gardener Pincer Quest 000 015 0,000,750,000 100% 029 None
Olthoi Pincers: Worker Pincer Quest 000 030 0,000,850,000 100% 030 None
Olthoi Pincers: Soldier Pincer Quest 030 030 0,001,000,000 Fixed Fixed None
Olthoi Pincers: Legionary Pincer Quest 040 040 0,002,500,000 Fixed Fixed None
Olthoi Pincers: Eviscerator Pincer Quest 050 050 0,005,000,000 Fixed Fixed None
Olthoi Pincers: Warrior Pincer Quest 070 070 0,008,000,000 Fixed Fixed None
Olthoi Pincers: Mutilator Pincer Quest 080 080 0,011,000,000 Fixed Fixed None
Olthoi Pincers: Hive Eviscerator Pincer Quest 200 200 0,050,000,000 ?% ? None
Olthoi Pincers: Hive Warrior Pincer Quest 200 200 0,065,000,000 ?% ? None
Olthoi Weapons Quest: Lair of Death 015 020 0,000,133,000 Fixed Fixed None
Olthoi Weapons Quest: Colier Olthoi Horde Nest 020 030 0,000,300,000 Fixed Fixed None
Olthoi Weapons Quest: Crater Lair 030 040 0,000,800,000 Fixed Fixed None
Olthoi Weapons Quest: Bandit Castle Olthoi Horde Nest 030 040 0,001,000,000 Fixed Fixed None
Olthoi Weapons Quest: Mountain Retreat Olthoi Horde Nest 030 040 0,001,200,000 Fixed Fixed None
Olthoi Weapons Quest: Olthoi Tunnels 040 050 0,002,500,000 Fixed Fixed None
Olthoi Weapons Quest: Black Death Catacombs 040 050 0,003,000,000 Fixed Fixed None
Olthoi Weapons Quest: Catacombs of Opposition 015 050 0,004,153,202 Fixed Fixed None
Ritual of the Blight: Rank Moarsman 015 020 0,001,190,826 050% 040 None
Ritual of the Blight: Disgusting Moarsman 035 040 0,004,602,097 045% 060 None
Ritual of the Blight: Putrid Moarsman 055 060 0,011,876,313 040% 080 None
Ritual of the Blight: Desolation Moarsman 075 080 0,024,089,339 035% 100 None
Ritual of the Blight: Grimy Moarsman 095 100 0,056,184,660 030% 130 None
Ritual of the Blight: Verdant Moarsman 125 130 0,081,207,858 025% 150 None
Tusker Tusks: Female Tusker Tusk Quest 000 010 0,000,100,000 100% 016 None
Tusker Tusks: Male Tusker Tusk Quest 000 010 0,000,200,000 100% 019 None
Tusker Tusks: Tusker Crimsonback Tusk Quest 012 015 0,000,350,000 100% 023 None
Tusker Tusks: Goldenback Tusker Tusk Quest 015 015 0,000,500,000 100% 026 None
Tusker Tusks: Tusker Redeemer Tusk Quest 020 020 0,000,750,000 100% 029 None
Tusker Tusks: Tusker Liberator Tusk Quest 025 025 0,000,850,000 100% 030 None
Tusker Tusks: Tusker Slave Tusk Quest 030 030 0,001,000,000 100% 032 None
Tusker Tusks: Tusker Guard Tusk Quest 040 040 0,002,500,000 100% 041 None
Tusker Tusks: Silver Tusker Tusk Quest 045 045 0,005,000,000 Fixed Fixed None
Tusker Tusks: Armored Tusker Tusk Quest 050 050 0,003,500,000 Fixed Fixed None
Tusker Tusks: Rampager Tusk Quest 060 060 0,008,000,000 Fixed Fixed None
Tusker Tusks: Plated Tusker Tusk Quest 070 070 0,006,500,000 Fixed Fixed None
Tusker Tusks: Assailer Tusk Quest 080 080 0,011,000,000 Fixed Fixed None
Tusker Tusks: Devastator Tusk Quest 100 100 0,020,000,000 Fixed Fixed None