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Plateau Village Transit
Level: 30
Type: Solo
Starts With: Optional: Lieutenant Allandal
Starts At: Optional: 42.9N, 42.3W in Plateau Village
Repeat: 20 Hours

Overview Edit

In response to the events of the Fort Tethana Tug of War quest, Queen Elysa had given orders to send soldiers from Plateau Village to Fort Tethana as reinforcements. But before they could achieve this the Viamontians had built a castle and overrun a nearby Renegade Tumerok fort to block this move.

Lord Tyrell Marsan, the leader of the soldiers, required you to clear a path through the Viamontians and return to him with the enemy's colors (pennants). The mission was successful and the army of New Aluvia marched on towards Teth. To learn the fate of Lord Marsan see The Dark Spiral Quest.

Since then, the soldiers are now gone and only Lieutenant Allandal remains. She still rewards adventurers for raiding the Viamontian fortifications.

Walkthrough & Notes Edit

  1. Head to Bluespire. From Bluespire enter the Viamontian Laboratory in the center of town (39.4N, 75.3W).
  2. When inside the dungeon head north through the doors and ignore the next side rooms. At the T-intersection take either a left or right, you will come to a ramp down, instead turn around and go south into the room with two doors.
  3. Inside the west room is the Viamontian Portal Mage, kill him and take his Bracelet of Passage. Now go take the ramp north and whilst wielding the bracelet enter the portal to Castle Pietrus.
  4. You will portal into the basement of a villa type building at Castle Pietrus. Head up the stairs to the top floor and defeat Captain Vietre Lasallia, take his Viamontian Pennant. The Castle Pietrus Log Book is downstairs in a side room full of books and can be handed in for additional xp.
  5. Now you have the first of two Pennants head south east to the Tumerok Fortification at 16.5N, 50.5W.
  6. Defeat Captain Iacollia Dimari here and loot the Viamontian Pennant. The Tumerok Record Book found in the south east tower can also be given in for some experience (stairs are barricaded so use the outside wall).
  7. Return the books and pennants to Lieutenant Allandal to be awarded the XP.

Dungeons & Maps Edit

Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps
Viamontian Laboratory 39.4N, 75.3W -- 0068
Castle Pietrus 19.4N, 49.5W -- --
Tumerok Fortification 16.5N, 50.5W -- --

Rewards Edit

Give Viamontian Pennant (Pietrus Castle) to Lieutenant Allandal
Experience: 1,700,000 (33% up to level 50)
Give Viamontian Pennant (Bloodstone Company) to Lieutenant Allandal
Experience: 1,300,000 (25% up to level 50)
Give Tumerok Record Book to Lieutenant Allandal
Experience: 1,700,000 (33% up to level 50)
Give Castle Pietrus Log Book to Lieutenant Allandal
Experience: 1,700,000 (33% up to level 50)
Give unwanted Shield of Strathelar to Lieutenant Allandal
Experience: 288,496 (3% up to level 59)

Images Edit

Dialog Edit

Opening Dialog

Lieutenant Allandal tells you, "Peace be with you in these dark times. I serve Queen Elysa Strathelar in an information gathering role, but currently those of us who gather information for Her Majesty are baffled by a strange occurance."

Lieutenant Allandal tells you, "We recently sent an army to the Fort Tethana region, a move that was matched by the Viamontian loyalists. We have heard nothing about either force since a report that they had sat down to parlay, except for a rumor of Tumerok activity in the area."

Lieutenant Allandal tells you, "The Queen would like you to explore the area, and return with any information you find."

Lieutenant Allandal tells you, "I have heard that others are in search of information about what happened to the forces. Although Her Majesty would prefer that people aid her, in this matter she believes that something which transcends this war has occurred. As such, if you choose to aid the Viamontians, there will be no negative ramifications from our side."

Lieutenant Allandal tells you, "Also, if you have ventured to the fortifications between here and Fort Tethana, I will accept any Viamontian banners you may have retrieved."
Handing in Viamontian Pennant

You give Lieutenant Allandal Viamontian Pennant.

Lieutenant Allandal tells you, "I see that the banner you give me is that of the Viamontians. Great praise shall be heaped upon you for your efforts against the enemy."

You've earned 1,700,000 experience.

Lieutenant Allandal gives you Strathelar Pennant.

You give Lieutenant Allandal Viamontian Pennant.

You've earned 1,300,000 experience.

Lieutenant Allandal gives you Shield of Strathelar.

Lieutenant Allandal tells you, "You have achieved much in vanquishing the Viamontian foe. Though the need is no longer as pressing, keeping that corridor open for supplies in case of a future attempt to move forces to the northern Direlands is still a vital goal."

Lieutenant Allandal tells you, "For your efforts, I award you with one of the shields we give to members of our army. Return it if you do not wish it as a reward."
Handing in Tumerok Record Book

You give Lieutenant Allandal Tumerok Record Book.

Lieutenant Allandal tells you, "I shall ensure that this is brought to Queen Elysa's attention."

You've earned 1,700,000 experience.
Handing in Castle Pietrus Log Book

You give Lieutenant Allandal Castle Pietrus Log Book.

Lieutenant Allandal tells you, "I shall ensure that this is brought to Queen Elysa's attention."

You've earned 1,700,000 experience.
Handing in Shield of Strathelar

You give Lieutenant Allandal Shield of Strathelar.

Lieutenant Allandal tells you, "This shall be given to one of our soldiers, then. I am afraid that I do not tell stories the way Lord Marsan used to..."

The lieutenant's eyes mist a little.

Lieutenant Allandal tells you, "He was not such a bad man, in truth. Perhaps given to boasting, but he did not deserve the fate he received."

You've earned 288,496 experience.

Update History Edit

A Change in Tactics

  • Quest introduced.

Learning From Experience

The Quest for Freedom

  • Repeat timer changed from 13 days to 20 hours.