Retired Dialog Edit

Lord Tyrell Marsan tells you, "You're here to volunteer? Good, good! I could use some volunteers. Now, listen well."
Lord Marsan gestures to the southwest.
Lord Tyrell Marsan tells you, "I've been given orders - by Her Majesty herself, no less - to arrange for safe transit from Plateau Village to Fort Tethana. Her Majesty's going to finally do something about Teth - don't know what, myself. Maybe she's going to attack the renegades, maybe she's going to remind those Fort Tethana vagabonds where their loyalties belong!"
Lord Tyrell Marsan tells you, "It's my job to make sure that the army reaches the Northern Direlands, and to make sure that the troops get their supplies after they've wandered through here."
Lord Tyrell Marsan tells you, "Problem is, some Viamontians have set up a castle seemingly overnight in our path. Spies report that they may have originated from Bluespire. It may be worth your time to check out that report. There's also a long-standing Renegade Tumerok fortress along the way, though their fortifications aren't nearly so frightening."
Lord Tyrell Marsan tells you, "So your job, should you choose to accept it, is to clear a patch for the army by defeating the inhabitants of either fortification - both, if possible. It's often customary, when you win a battle, to take the colors of the other side, so that's how I'd like you to prove that the job's done - bring back the pennants of the opposing force. And, if you should happen to find any intelligence about what the blue bastards are up to, you let me know."

You give Lord Tyrell Marsan Viamontian Pennant.
Lord Tyrell Marsan tells you, "You've beaten the viamontian swine? Good job. We'll begin to mobilize the scout detachment to move through the Direlands, and then once we've got a solid base establsihed, we'll do...whatever needs to be done. Here, take this pennant, bearing the arms of Her Majesty. Display it proudly."
You've earned 288,496 experience.
Lord Tyrell Marsan gives you Strathelar Pennant.

Lord Tyrell Marsan tells you, "Well, well, well...this is a fascinating read. So the Viamontians have a laboratory in Bluespire, and they're using it to make portals to the mainland. Queen Elysa will be very interested to read this."

You give Lord Tyrell Marsan Viamontian Pennant.
Lord Tyrell Marsan tells you, "Another company banner! By Pwyll, well done! I already gave you a banner recently, so let me give you this as a token of the Queen's esteem."
You've earned 288,496 experience.
Lord Tyrell Marsan gives you Shield of Strathelar.
Lord Tyrell Marsan tells you, "We normally issue these shields only to members of our army. But you've helped us plenty - you've earned it. If you don't want the shield, hand it back, and I'll tell you some old war stories that might teach you a thing or two."