Zharalim Crookblade
Introduced: | Throne of Destiny |
- Value: 50,000
- Burden: 200
- Skill: Finesse Weapons (Dagger)
- Damage: 32.32 - 40 (??), Slashing/Piercing
- Speed: Slow (50) (0)
- Bonus to Attack Skill: +18%
- Bonus to Melee Defense: +18.0%
- Spells: Aura of Incantation of Swift Killer, Epic Finesse Weapon Aptitude, Aura of Incantation of Blood Drinker, Aura of Incantation of Heart Seeker, Epic Blood Thirst, Incantation of Finesse Weapon Mastery Self
- Properties: Slash Rending, Biting Strike
- Rare #260
- Spellcraft: 350.
- Mana: 2500.
- Mana Cost: 1 point per 30 seconds.
- A piece of the Heroic Destroyer Set.
This is a sacred blade of the Zharalim, carried only by the Masters of the Order. Its razor sharp blade is designed to create a wider, more deadly wound than an ordinary straight blade. It is said that Rafik ibn Jaraz, a legendary Master of the Zharalim, slew six Viamontian royal guards in six steps, wielding this blade and using his "Winds and Smoke" technique.
Item Level: 0/50
Item XP: 0/2,000,000,000
Notes Edit
- Rare item.
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