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{{Aerbax's Prodigal Quest Links}}
!colspan=2 class=quest-summary-header| Quest Summary
{{Quest Summary
|               Level = 150 |   Recommended Level = 200+ (solo)
!Quest Type
|         Quest Type = Small Fellowship/Solo
| Solo/Small Group
|         Starts With = [[Oswent the Pale]]
|           Starts At = 25.7N, 49.2E in [[Cragstone]]
!XP Reward
|               Route =
| '''First Time:''' Unknown % <br> '''Repeat:''' ???
|       Repeat Timer = 20 Hours
|   Time to Complete =
!XP Cap
|           Contracts =
| '''First Time:''' 162,415,717 (50% at level 150) <br>'''Repeat:''' ???
|         Quest Chain =
|             Quest 1 = [[Saving Asheron]]
!Item Reward
|             Quest 2 = [[Bur Recall Quest]]
| [[Balor's Robe]]<br>[[Chorizite Pea]]<br>Upgrades For:<br>[[Bastion of Tukal]]<br>[[Crest of Kings]]<br>[[Helm of the Crag]]<br>[[Scepter of Might]]<br>[[Sleeves of Inexhaustibility]]<br>[[Spear of Purity]]<br>[[Staff of Clarity]]
|            Quest 3 = Aerbax's Prodigal Lugian
!Title Reward
== Overview ==
| Guardian of Linvak Tukal
!Starting Location
| [[Cragstone]]
| --
| 13 days
!Level Restrictions
| 150+
!Level Suggestions
| 150+ group, 200+ solo
!Introduced In
| [[Children of the Prodigal Lord]]
== Walk Through ==
The quest begins in [[Cragstone]] with [[Oswent the Pale]]. Oswent is located just outside the smithy and is wearing an outfit similar to the Whispering Blade uniform. In order to start this quest you must have completed the Bur Recall quest also given by Oswent. If you have not done the Bur Recall quest recently you may need to repeat it.
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Oswent the Pale tells you, "You've investigated the matter of the Lord Kresovus impostor to my satisfaction."
Oswent the Pale tells you, "I have another mission for you that may prove far more dangerous, but your people need you."
Oswent the Pale tells you, "Deliver this Royal Summons to Kresovus. He will have to accompany you if he wishes to keep his cover. When you and the imposter are away from Linvak and alone you must dispose of him."</font>
<font color=green>Oswent the Pale gives you Royal Summons.</font>
Speaking to him again will give you a bit of bonus lore.
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Oswent the Pale tells you, "Have you delivered the Royal Summons to the Lord Kresovus imposter?"
Oswent the Pale tells you, "Be sure that you have him alone before you attack. We wouldn't want the Lugians of Linvak Tukal believing we were trying to assassinate their Leader. I believe once the imposter is dead we can prove to the Lugians their Leader has been missing since the attacks on Linvak Tukal began."</font>
Now head to [[Linvak Tukal]]. You can find a portal to there in [[Yaraq]]. While you are there you may wish to speak to [[Kifandal the Imbuer]] and buy some Linvak Tukal portal gems. When you are ready head up to [[Lord Kresovus]] and present him with the Royal Summons.
<font color=green>You give Lord Kresovus Royal Summons.
Kresovus reads the summons. You suspect you see a small smirk flit across his face.</font>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Lord Kresovus tells you, "I cannot speak of this here. There is a spy in my court and I fear for my life. You must meet with me in secret below. Use the chest here to access the chambers beneath Linvak Tukal. I will meet you there.</font>
<font color=green>You place your hand on the chest, and it rumbles open, revealing the purple light of portalspace...</font>
You will be portaled into a dungeon similar to in layout to the dungeon from the Bur Recall quest. In the first room is Lord Kresovus.
<font color=grey>Lord Kresovus says, "Your interference is at an end. Just like the spy they sent to watch me you will never be found."
Lord Kresovus says, "I can't believe they thought you would be able to remove me from Linvak Tukal! Was it Oswent? He only found out about my meeting place here because I needed a distraction in order to fulfill an agreement my master made with the undead. A certain animal was painstakingly modified for them."</font>
<font color=grey>Lord Kresovus says, "I won't even bother dealing with you myself."</font>
<font color=green>Kresovus waves his hand and a number of Lugian Guards file into the room.</font>
<font color=grey>Lord Kresovus says, "Kill him."</font>
Kill the guards and the false Kresovus. Then take down the door and portal in to the next area. In this next room you will find an altar with a piece of Balor's Hide on top of it. Take the hide and then use the altar to open the nearby door. Work your way through the halls, fighting the [[Abyssal Shadow Lugian|Abyssal Shadow Lugians]] to enter the portal to the first trial.
=== Trial of the Arm ===
You will again enter a hallway leading to a large room. In the center of the room is a large boulder. It is attackable, and when destroyed a hallway is revealed underneath it. Right below the boulder in the hallway is the corpse of Phlynt, the lugian Oswent sent to spy on Shadow Kresovus. Open his corpse and loot the [[Phial of Chorizite]] and the [[Hidden Note]]. Then continue down the hallway. You will find a large room with Shadow Kresovus and some of his minions.

* In order to start this quest you must have completed the [[Bur Recall Quest]] also given by [[Oswent the Pale]]. If you have not done the Bur Recall quest recently you may need to repeat it.

<font color=darkgoldenrod>Shadow Kresovus tells you, "So you've found the Lugian Trial Rooms have you? Funny thing, that spy they sent me didn't last too long down here. Perhaps you think you can do better? Let's see how you handle these."</font>
== Walkthrough & Notes ==
=== Part 1: Chambers Beneath Linvak Tukal and Entering the Trials ===
# [[Oswent the Pale]] will give you {{Itemlink|Royal Summons}}.
# Head to [[Linvak Tukal]]. You can find a portal to there in [[Town Network]] (Annex). While you are there you can speak to [[Kifandal the Imbuer]] and buy some [[Linvak Tukal Portal Gem]]s. When you are ready head up to [[Lord Kresovus]] and present him with the Royal Summons.
# Now use [[Kresovus' Lockbox]] and you will be portaled into a dungeon similar in layout to the dungeon from the Bur Recall quest. In the first room is Lord Kresovus.
# Kill the guards and take down the door and then portal in to the next area. In this next room, you will find an [[Altar]] with a {{Itemlink|Pristine White Mattekar Hide}} (piece of Balor's hide) on top of it - it is guarded by various Virindi and Shadow creatures. Take the hide and then use the altar to open the nearby door. Work your way through the halls, fighting the [[Abyssal Shadow Lugian]]s to enter the portal to the first trial.

<font color=grey>Shadow Kresovus says, "You have won this small victory, but I am hardly defeated. Continue at your own risk human."</font>
=== Part 2: Trial of the Arm ===
# You will again enter a hallway leading to a large room. In the center of the room is a large [[Boulder]]. It is attackable, and when destroyed a hallway is revealed underneath it. Right below the boulder in the hallway is the [[Corpse of Phlynt]], the lugian Oswent sent to spy on [[Shadow Kresovus]]. Open his corpse and loot the {{Itemlink|Phial of Chorizite}} and the {{Itemlink|Hidden Note}}. Then continue down the hallway. You will find a large room with [[Shadow Kresovus]] and some of his minions.
#* Note: The Phial of Chorizite is also dropped by [[Shadow Kresovus (Trial of the Heart)|Shadow Kresovus]] in the room with the energy cage.
# When you defeat this [[Shadow Kresovus (Trial of the Arm)|Shadow Kresovus]] enter the portal in the hallway behind him to enter the next trial.

=== Part 3: Trial of the Mind ===
When you defeat this Shadow Kresovus enter the portal in the hallway behind him to enter the next trial.
# Once again you are portaled into the same style chambers. Head down to the open room for your next task. In the center of the room is the [[Pillar of the Mind]]. Read it's description closely, as you will need this information to solve the puzzle. When you are ready, use the pillar to begin your first attempt. You have 5 minutes to attempt the puzzle, and 3 attempts total.  If you fail, using the portal will teleport you to the beginning of the Trial of the Arm, but you can run through that dungeon to get back to this puzzle.
# When you use the pillar, the following objects/items will spawn near the pillar:
=== Trial of the Mind ===
## Three [[Bag of Stones]]
## A scale with two [[Bucket]]s
Once again you are portaled into the same style chambers. Head down to the open room for your next task. In the center of the room is the [[Pillar of the Mind]]. Read it's description closely, as you will need this information to solve the puzzle. When you are ready, use the pillar to begin your first attempt. You have 5 minutes to attempt the puzzle, and 3 attempts total.  If you fail, using the portal will teleport you to the beginning of the Trial of the Arm, but you can run through that dungeon to get back to this puzzle.
## Four {{Itemlink|Red Stone}}s (weighing 3 stones each)
## Three {{Itemlink|Yellow Stone}} (weighing 2 stones each)
When you use the pillar, several stones, 3 bags, and a scale will spawn to the sides of the pillar. There are four red stones, 3 yellow stones, and 3 white stones. North of the Pillar are three bags laying west to east. To the east of the pillar is a scale. This scale has two buckets, one on the north side, the other on the south.
## Three {{Itemlink|White Stone}} (weighing 1 stones each)
# You must use the stones provided to make each bag contain one color and "maintain its current weight in stones". You then must use the remaining stones to balance the scales correctly.
The [[Pillar of the Mind]] has the instructions:
# Where by "current" they mean the initial weight.  The bags already contain some stones, and you can use the bag to see what stones are currently in it.  Initially the bags contain the following stones:
:To prove your clarity of mind you must use the stones provided to make each bag contain one color and you must use the remaining stones to balance the scales correctly.
! || West || Middle || East
: Red Stone = 3
: Yellow Stone = 2
: White Stone = 1
First you must solve the bag puzzle, and then you must solve the scale puzzle.  The description on the bags says:
: This bag must contain one color and maintain it's current weight in stones.
Where by "current" they mean the initial weight.  The bags already contain some stones, and you can use the bag to see what stones are currently in it.  Initially the bags contain the following stones:
{| align=center border=1 cellpadding=3px
! !! West !! Middle || East
! Red
! Red
Line 150: Line 64:
|align=center| 9
|align=center| 9
:5. Give each bag one color of stones until it only contains stones of that color (the other colored stones will pop out and be put in your inventory), and the weight of the stones will be the same as the initial weight.
:# Give 2 white stones to the western bag.
:# Give 2 yellow stones to the middle bag.
:# Give 2 red stones to the eastern bag.
:6. You should have 4 red, 3 yellow, and 2 white stones left.  The description of the north bucket says ''"Progressive numbers, equal weight"'', and the one on the south bucket says ''"This bucket must contain an equal number of any stones within it."''
:7. So the scale must balance, the south bucket must contain even numbers of each color, and the north bucket will have 1, 2, and 3 stones of each color.
:# Give 3 white stones, 2 yellow stones and 1 red stone to the scale's northern bucket.
:# Give 2 yellow stones and 2 red stones to the scale's southern bucket.
:8. Use the Pillar again to complete the puzzle.
:9. When you have solved the puzzle, enter the door and head down the hall to the next portal.
:10. Another [[Shadow Kresovus (Trial of the Mind)|Shadow Kresovus]] will appear, this time with Virindi minions. Destroy him and you will be allowed to enter the portal to the next trial.

Each bag only accepts one color of stone, which you can discover by trial and error.  Give each bag one color of stones until it only contains stones of that color (the other colored stones will pop out and be put in your inventory), and the weight of the stones will be the same as the initial weight.
=== Part 4: Trial of the Heart ===
# In this next dungeon you will find the [[Pillar of the Heart]].
When you have solved the bag puzzle you can move on to the scale puzzle, which will use up your remaining stones.  You should have 4 red, 3 yellow, and 2 white stones.  The description of the north bucket says "Progressive numbers, equal weight", and the one on the south bucket says "This bucket must contain an equal number of any stones within it."
# You must answer its question before you may advance. It asks you to pick the thing which Lugians value most.
# Enter a nearby hallway lined with rooms.
So the scale must balance, the south bucket must contain even numbers of each color, and the north bucket will have 1, 2, and 3 stones of each color.  Use the Pillar again to complete the puzzle.
# Each room contains several items which a lugian may value.  When you think you have found the correct item, use it and return to the pillar:
#* {{Itemlink|Bastion of Tukal (Aerbax's Prodigal Lugian)|Bastion of Tukal}}
:<font color=green>You may continue to the Trial of the Heart.</font><br>
#* {{Itemlink|Bolt of Velvet}}
#* {{Itemlink|Chalice of Morkindmity}}
'''''Click here for [[Prodigal_Lugian#Puzzle_Spoilers| puzzle answers]].
#* {{Itemlink|Chorizite Pea}}
#* {{Itemlink|Crest of Kings (Aerbax's Prodigal Lugian)|Crest of Kings}}
When you have solved the puzzle, enter the door and head down the hall to the next portal. But watch out!
#* {{Itemlink|Crown of the First King}}
#* {{Itemlink|Cutters Cup}}
#* {{Itemlink|Energy Cage}}
<font color=green>You begin to enter the portal and are suddenly knocked backwards into the room. A dark figure and several Virindi emerge from the portal</font>
#* {{Itemlink|Gauntlets of Power}}
#* {{Itemlink|Hammer of the Ages}}
#* {{Itemlink|Helm of the Crag (Aerbax's Prodigal Lugian)|Helm of the Crag}}
Another Shadow Kresovus will appear, this time with Virindi minions. Destroy him and you will be allowed to enter the portal to the next trial.
#* {{Itemlink|Painting of the Building of Linvak Tukal}} - '''Correct item'''
#* {{Itemlink|Pyreal Bar (Aerbax's Prodigal Lugian)|Pyreal Bar}}
=== Trial of the Heart ===
#* {{Itemlink|Robes of Grey Dawn}}
#* {{Itemlink|Sack of Black Opal}}
In this next dungeon you will find the Pillar of the Heart. You must answer its question before you may advance. It asks you to pick the thing which Lugians value most. Enter a nearby hallway lined with rooms. Each room contains several items which a lugian may value.  When you think you have found the correct item, use it and return to the pillar.
#* {{Itemlink|Sack of Brass}}
#* {{Itemlink|Sack of Fire Opal}}
:<font color=green>Return to me when you find that which a Lugian treasures most.</font>
#* {{Itemlink|Sack of Granite}}
#* {{Itemlink|Sack of Green Garnet}}
:<font color=green>You give Pillar of the Heart Pyreal Bar.</font><br>
#* {{Itemlink|Sack of Iron}}
:<font color=green>No, this is not that which a Lugian holds most high.</font><br>
#* {{Itemlink|Sack of Steel}}
:<font color=green>You have 2 more guesses.</font><br>
#* {{Itemlink|Scepter of Might (Aerbax's Prodigal Lugian)|Scepter of Might}}
#* {{Itemlink|Spear of Purity (Aerbax's Prodigal Lugian)|Spear of Purity}}
After using the correct item:
#* {{Itemlink|Staff of Clarity (Aerbax's Prodigal Lugian)|Staff of Clarity}}
:<font color=green>Correct.  Remember what matters most and you shall remain Pure of Heart.</font><br>
#* {{Itemlink|Treasure (Aerbax's Prodigal Lugian)|Treasure}}
:<font color=green>A door to the East creaks open.</font><br>
#* {{Itemlink|Ulkra's Sword}}
# The correct answer will open the large door in front of the pillar. Head down the hallway and you will find [[Shadow Kresovus (Trial of the Heart)|Shadow Kresovus]] and the real Kresovus trapped in an energy cage! Defeat this Shadow, then hand the Phial of Chorizite to the real Kresovus to remove the energy cage. Then talk to him this will set him free. # Now enter the final portal and defeat [[Shadow Kresovus (Trials Graduation)|Shadow Kresovus]] at last.
'''''Click here for [[Prodigal_Lugian#Puzzle_Spoilers| puzzle answers]].
# This [[Shadow Kresovus (Trials Graduation)|Shadow Kresovus]] has some powerful war spells, including a wave spells, heavy rings, and a health draining vortex. He will also summon Virindi, shadow, and shadow Lugian minions to defend him. When you defeat him loot the {{Itemlink|Sigil of Linvak Tukal}}. Then return to Linvak Tukal and present Lord Kresovus with the Sigil to receive your rewards. There are also additional rewards available, [[#Rewards|see below]] for details.
The correct answer will open the large door infront of the pillar. Head down the hallway and you will find Shadow Kresovus and the real Kresovus trapped in an energy cage! Defeat this Shadow and set the real Kresovus free.
<font color=green>Your blow knocks a small crystal from Shadow Kresovus' pocket. It falls to the floor and shatters in a bright flash. The energy cage surrounding Lord Kresovus seems to wane.</font>
<font color=grey>Shadow Kresovus says, "Why won't you just die?!"</font>
<font color=green>Shadow Kresovus growls in frustration and leaps through the portal to the next room.</font>
<font color=grey>Lord Kresovus says, "Free me!"</font>
<font color=green>You give Energy Cage Phial of Chorizite.</font>
<font color=green>The energy cage surrounding Lord Kresovus bursts apart in a magical discharge.</font>
<font color=green>Kresovus heaves a sigh of relief and gives you an appraising look.</font>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Lord Kresovus tells you, "Thank you. I must ask that you defeat my imposter alone. I am not strong enough to fight him now. Please follow him and insure he troubles us no more."</font>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Lord Kresovus tells you, "Good luck my friend."</font>
<font color=green>Kresovus makes a sweeping gesture recalling to his lifestone.</font>
Now enter the final portal and defeat Shadow Kresovus at last.
<font color=green>Shadow Kresovus grins, his black teeth grinding, "Congratulations on completing the Trials of the Arm, Mind and Heart human. Perhaps you would make a better Lugian than I, but we shall never find out. For now it is time that you die."</font>
This Shadow Kresovus has some power war spells, including a lightning ring and the health draining black mist clouds that Tusker Imps leave behind when they die. He will also summon Virindi, shadow, and shadow Lugian minions to defend him. When you defeat him loot the [[Sigil of Linvak Tukal]]. Then return to Linvak Tukal and present Lord Kresovus with the Sigil.
=== Rewards ===
<font color=green>You give Lord Kresovus Sigil of Linvak Tukal.</font>
<font color=green>Lord Kresovus heaves a great sigh. "Thank you for freeing me <Player Name>. I owe you a great deal."</font>
<font color=green>Lord Kresovus gives you Powdered Chorizite Pea.</font>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Lord Kresovus tells you, "Take this Chorizite Pea. I have also given permission to Auritis to upgrade any of the armor or weapons of the Arm, Mind and Heart that you may have. Speak with him to find out more."</font>
<font color=green>Kresovus chuckles lightly to himself.</font>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Lord Kresovus tells you, "Long have I trained the best of my people in the three paths we Lugians brought with us from the old world. You have not only seen the Trials of the Arm, Mind and Heart, but you must have bested each of them to save me from the cowled ones and the shadowy imposter."</font>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Lord Kresovus tells you, "Had a human ever asked to take the trials I would have denied them such a presumptious request, but you have proven your Strength, Clarity and Purity beyond doubt."</font>
<font color=green>You've earned 162,415,717 experience.</font> (max reward)
<font color=green>Lord Kresovus clears his throat, "All who may hear my words. I am proud to bestow the honor and duty of 'Guardian of Linvak Tukal' on <Player Name>. Their honor and dignity continue to prove the wisdom of our friendship and loyalty to the Humans.</font>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Lord Kresovus tells you, "Thank you for freeing me human.  My people and I owe you more than can ever be repaid."</font><br>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Lord Kresovus tells you, "The Guardians report they have been unsucessful [sic] in removing the darkness from the last of the chambers below.  I suspect we have not seen the last of this Shadow Kresovus."</font><br>
<font color=green>Return in 13d to fight Shadow Kresovus again.</font><br>
Now show Kresovus your Mattekar Hide.
<font color=green>You allow Lord Kresovus to examine your Pristine White Mattekar Hide.</font>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Lord Kresovus grips the hide of his old pet and drops his head in silence.
Lord Kresovus tells you, "I raised him from a little Mattie. He was my best friend."
Lord Kresovus tells you, "I will miss you Balor."</font>
<font color=green>Kresovus loosens his grip on the hide.</font>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Lord Kresovus tells you, "Balor would want to be of use. He was always so brave..."
Lord Kresovus tells you, "Take it and go. I wish to be alone with my thoughts."</font>
Bring the hide to [[Neydisa Castle]] and give it to Yi Yo-Jin.
<font color=green>You allow Yi Yo-Jin to examine your Pristine White Mattekar Hide.
You hand over 1 of your Pristine White Mattekar Hides.
Yo-Jin holds the hide up reverently and looks a bit scared.</font>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Yi Yo-Jin tells you, "Well, I have Kresovus' permission to craft this hide now, but I'm still not sure I want to. You must be pretty important for Kresovus to allow this."</font>
<font color=green>Yo-Jin hesitates and then begins his work, deftly cutting Balor's hide in the pattern for a robe.
Yi Yo-Jin gives you Balor's Robe.</font>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Yi Yo-Jin tells you, "Here you are. I don't mind saying that this is some of my best work. Be careful with this, I'm not sure Kresovus would be so giving if you let it come to harm. Oh, and be tactful, don't wear this around Kresovus."</font>
=== Puzzle Spoilers ===
''Answers need to be confirmed. Bag numbers may not be correct, but I believe the color-bag order is. Simply give that bag its color until you get the message saying it contains 3 stones of 1 color and 0 stones of the other 2 colors.
'''Trial of the Mind:
Western Bag: Give 2 white stones.
Middle Bag: Give 2 yellow stones.
Eastern Bag: Give 2 red stones.
Northern Scale Bucket: Give 3 white stones, 2 yellow stones, and 1 red stone.
Southern Scale Bucket: Give 2 yellows stones and 2 red stones.
'''Trial of the Heart:

Answer: Painting of the Building of Linvak Tukal
* When repeating the quest, you must speak to Oswent again.
* You will not have to repeat the trials. Using the chest sends you directly to the final room.
* You're only able to get Balor's Robe once.
* You can upgrade one item from the [[Arm, Mind, Heart]] quest every time you complete the quest.

:<font color=green>You look at a painting of Lugians standing side by side next to a freshly built Linvak Tukal.  A caption at the bottom reads, "Only through hard work and friendship can we be truly great."</font><br>
== Dungeons & Maps ==
{{Dungeon Table
| Table Rows =
{{Dungeon Maps
|        Dungeon = Chambers Beneath Linvak Tukal
|    Coordinates = 77.6S 28.0E
  |  Wiki Map File =
{{Dungeon Maps
|        Dungeon = Trials of the Arm, Mind and Heart
|    Coordinates = N/A
|  Wiki Map File =
{{Dungeon Maps
|        Dungeon = Trial of the Arm
|    Coordinates = N/A
|  Wiki Map File =
{{Dungeon Maps
|        Dungeon = Trial of the Mind
|    Coordinates = N/A
|  Wiki Map File =
{{Dungeon Maps
|        Dungeon = Trial of the Heart
|    Coordinates = N/A
|  Wiki Map File =
{{Dungeon Maps
|        Dungeon = Trials Graduation
|    Coordinates = N/A
|  Wiki Map File =

== Subsequent Runs ==
== Rewards ==
{{Rewards Table
|          Quest Task = Give [[Sigil of Linvak Tukal]] to [[Lord Kresovus]]
|          Item Reward =
* {{Icon Link|Powdered Chorizite Pea}}
'''Chance for the following item:'''
* {{Itemlink|Chorizite Threaded Pack Token|Mode=icon}}
|        Max XP Reward = 162,415,717 |        Percent of Level = 50 |        Level Cap =
| Repeat Max XP Reward =  | Repeat Percent of Level =  |  Repeat Level Cap =
|    Luminance Reward = 15,000
|        Title Reward = Guardian of Linvak Tukal
{{Rewards Table
|          Quest Task = Complete quest and give [[Pristine White Mattekar Hide]] to [[Yi Yo-Jin]]
|          Item Reward =
* {{Icon Link|Balor's Robe}}
|        Max XP Reward =  |        Percent of Level =  |        Level Cap =
| Repeat Max XP Reward =  | Repeat Percent of Level =  |  Repeat Level Cap =
|    Luminance Reward =
|        Title Reward =
{{Rewards Table
|          Quest Task = Give [[Sigil of Linvak Tukal]] to [[Lord Kresovus]] (Quest Repeat)
|          Item Reward =
* {{Icon Link|Powdered Chorizite Pea}}
'''Chance for the following item:'''
* {{Itemlink|Chorizite Threaded Pack Token|Mode=icon}}

To begin a subsequent run you must speak to Oswent again.
|        Max XP Reward =  |        Percent of Level =  |        Level Cap =
| Repeat Max XP Reward =  | Repeat Percent of Level =  |  Repeat Level Cap =
|    Luminance Reward = 7,500
|        Title Reward =
{{Rewards Table
|          Quest Task = Complete quest and give an [[Arm, Mind, Heart Quest]] item to [[Aurutis]]
|          Item Reward =
''An enhanced version of the item:''
* {{Itemlink|Bastion of Tukal (Enhanced)}}
* {{Itemlink|Crest of Kings (Enhanced)}}
* {{Itemlink|Helm of the Crag (Enhanced)}}
* {{Itemlink|Scepter of Might (Enhanced)}}
* {{Itemlink|Sleeves of Inexhaustibility (Enhanced)}}
* {{Itemlink|Spear of Purity (Enhanced)}}
* {{Itemlink|Staff of Clarity (Enhanced)}}
|        Max XP Reward =  |        Percent of Level =  |        Level Cap =
| Repeat Max XP Reward =  | Repeat Percent of Level =  |  Repeat Level Cap =
|    Luminance Reward =
|        Title Reward =

== Images ==
Click image for full size version.
<gallery widths=200px heights=200px perrow=3>
File:Oswent the Pale Live.jpg|Oswent the Pale
File:Lord Kresovus Live.jpg|Lord Kresovus
File:Shadow Kresovus (Trials Graduation) Live.jpg|Shadow Kresovus (Trials Graduation)

== Dialog ==
;Opening Dialog
|Oswent the Pale tells you, "You've investigated the matter of the Lord Kresovus impostor to my satisfaction."
|Oswent the Pale tells you, "I have another mission for you that may prove far more dangerous, but your people need you."
|Oswent the Pale tells you, "Deliver this Royal Summons to Kresovus. He will have to accompany you if he wishes to keep his cover. When you and the imposter are away from Linvak and alone you must dispose of him."
|Oswent the Pale gives you Royal Summons.

<font color=darkgoldenrod>Oswent the Pale tells you, "You fought valiantly against the Falatacot that imprisoned Asheron on Bur, didn't you?  I have seen council reports on your bravery. I commend you for your past service, and I would ask for your assistance once more in a very sensitive matter of utmost importance to the realm. Some of us have reason to believe that Lord Kresovus, the leader of our Lugian allies, is... not what he seems."
|Oswent the Pale tells you, "Have you delivered the Royal Summons to the Lord Kresovus imposter?"
|Oswent the Pale tells you, "Be sure that you have him alone before you attack. We wouldn't want the Lugians of Linvak Tukal believing we were trying to assassinate their Leader. I believe once the imposter is dead we can prove to the Lugians their Leader has been missing since the attacks on Linvak Tukal began."

Oswent the Pale tells you, "Please venture to the Lugian stronghold of Linvak Tukal and discreetly investigate Lord Kresovus' quarters. It could be that there is some evidence there of what has happened to him."</font>
;Giving the Royal Summons to Lord Kresovus
|You give Lord Kresovus Royal Summons.
|Kresovus reads the summons. You suspect you see a small smirk flit across his face.
|Lord Kresovus tells you, "I cannot speak of this here. There is a spy in my court and I fear for my life. You must meet with me in secret below. Use the chest here to access the chambers beneath Linvak Tukal. I will meet you there.
|You place your hand on the chest, and it rumbles open, revealing the purple light of portalspace...

;Imposter Lord Kresovus
|Lord Kresovus says, "I can't believe they thought you would be able to remove me from Linvak Tukal! Was it Oswent? He only found out about my meeting place here because I needed a distraction in order to fulfill an agreement my master made with the undead. A certain animal was painstakingly modified for them."
|Lord Kresovus says, "Your interference is at an end. Just like the spy they sent to watch me you will never be found."
|Lord Kresovus says, "I won't even bother dealing with you myself."
|Kresovus waves his hand and a number of Lugian Guards file into the room.
|Lord Kresovus says, "Kill him."
|Kresovus portals further into the dungeon.

;Using the Altar beneath the Mattekar hide
|You notice some deep gouges in the stone. Virindi implements are scattered about matted with blood and white fur.

<font color=darkgoldenrod>Lord Kresovus tells you, "Welcome back Guardian. The other Guardians report trouble in the lower levels. It would appear that Shadow Kresovus has returned. Do your duty and destroy this mockery in my name.</font>
;Shadow Kresovus (Trial of the Arm)
|Shadow Kresovus tells you, "So you've found the Lugian Trial Rooms have you? Funny thing, that spy they sent me didn't last too long down here. Perhaps you think you can do better? Let's see how you handle these."

|Shadow Kresovus tells you, "Feeble human! You cannot fight the dark."

You will not have to repeat the trials. using the chest sends you directly to the final room.
|Shadow Kresovus says, "You have won this small victory, but I am hardly defeated. Continue at your own risk human."

;Shadow Kresovus (Trial of the Mind)
|Shadow Kresovus tells you, "You're proving to be more resourceful than I expected... I will make you pay for the trouble you have caused me."

<font color=green>You give Lord Kresovus Sigil of Linvak Tukal.
;Shadow Kresovus (Trial of the Heart)
|Your blow knocks a small crystal from Shadow Kresovus' pocket. It falls to the floor and shatters in a bright flash. The energy cage surrounding Lord Kresovus seems to wane.
|Shadow Kresovus says, "Why won't you just die?!"
|Shadow Kresovus growls in frustration and leaps through the portal to the next room.
|Lord Kresovus says, "Free me!"

Lord Kresovus shakes his head in wonder, "He keeps returning. When will that imposter learn that Guardian's like yourself will never allow him back?"
;Giving Phial of Chorizite to the Energy Cage
|You give Energy Cage Phial of Chorizite.
|The energy cage surrounding Lord Kresovus bursts apart in a magical discharge.
|Kresovus heaves a sigh of relief and gives you an appraising look.
|Lord Kresovus tells you, "Thank you. I must ask that you defeat my imposter alone. I am not strong enough to fight him now. Please follow him and insure he troubles us no more."
|Lord Kresovus tells you, "Good luck my friend."
|Kresovus makes a sweeping gesture recalling to his lifestone.

Lord Kresovus gives you Powdered Chorizite Pea.</font>
;Shadow Kresovus (Trials Graduation)
|Shadow Kresovus grins, his black teeth grinding, "Congratulations on completing the Trials of the Arm, Mind and Heart human. Perhaps you would make a better Lugian than I, but we shall never find out. For now it is time that you die."

;Defeating Shadow Kresovus (Trials Graduation)
|Shadow Kresovus says, "I can't believe it. You defeated me? Me!"
|Shadow Kresovus says, "You've ruined everything! Oh, but you'll see. The Master will not be happy. You and your kind will be payed back in full."

<font color=darkgoldenrod>Lord Kresovus tells you, "Take this Chorizite Pea. I have also given permission to Auritis to upgrade any of the armor or weapons of the Arm, Mind and Heart that you may have. Speak with him to find out more."</font>
;Giving Sigil of Linvak Tukal to Lord Kresovus
|You give Lord Kresovus Sigil of Linvak Tukal.
|Lord Kresovus heaves a great sigh. "Thank you for freeing me <Player Name>. I owe you a great deal."
|Lord Kresovus gives you Powdered Chorizite Pea.
|Lord Kresovus tells you, "Take this Chorizite Pea. I have also given permission to Auritis to upgrade any of the armor or weapons of the Arm, Mind and Heart that you may have. Speak with him to find out more."  
|Kresovus chuckles lightly to himself.
|Lord Kresovus tells you, "Long have I trained the best of my people in the three paths we Lugians brought with us from the old world. You have not only seen the Trials of the Arm, Mind and Heart, but you must have bested each of them to save me from the cowled ones and the shadowy imposter."
|Lord Kresovus tells you, "Had a human ever asked to take the trials I would have denied them such a presumptious request, but you have proven your Strength, Clarity and Purity beyond doubt."
|You've earned 162,415,717 experience.
|Lord Kresovus clears his throat, "All who may hear my words. I am proud to bestow the honor and duty of 'Guardian of Linvak Tukal' on <Player Name>. Their honor and dignity continue to prove the wisdom of our friendship and loyalty to the Humans.
|Lord Kresovus tells you, "Thank you for freeing me human.  My people and I owe you more than can ever be repaid."
|Lord Kresovus tells you, "The Guardians report they have been unsucessful [sic] in removing the darkness from the last of the chambers below.  I suspect we have not seen the last of this Shadow Kresovus."
|Return in 13d to fight Shadow Kresovus again.

;Showing Pristine White Mattekar Hide to Lord Kresovus
|You allow Lord Kresovus to examine your Pristine White Mattekar Hide.
|Lord Kresovus grips the hide of his old pet and drops his head in silence.
|Lord Kresovus tells you, "I raised him from a little Mattie. He was my best friend."
|Lord Kresovus tells you, "I will miss you Balor."
|Kresovus loosens his grip on the hide.
|Lord Kresovus tells you, "Balor would want to be of use. He was always so brave..."
|Lord Kresovus tells you, "Take it and go. I wish to be alone with my thoughts."

Note that there is no exp reward for subsequent runs. You do however get to upgrade another item from the [[Arm, Mind, Heart (quest)|Arm, Mind, and Heart]] Quest.
;Handing the Pristine White Mattekar Hide to Yi Yo-Jin
|You allow Yi Yo-Jin to examine your Pristine White Mattekar Hide.
|You hand over 1 of your Pristine White Mattekar Hides.
|Yo-Jin holds the hide up reverently and looks a bit scared.
|Yi Yo-Jin tells you, "Well, I have Kresovus' permission to craft this hide now, but I'm still not sure I want to. You must be pretty important for Kresovus to allow this."
|Yo-Jin hesitates and then begins his work, deftly cutting Balor's hide in the pattern for a robe.
|Yi Yo-Jin gives you Balor's Robe.
|Yi Yo-Jin tells you, "Here you are. I don't mind saying that this is some of my best work. Be careful with this, I'm not sure Kresovus would be so giving if you let it come to harm. Oh, and be tactful, don't wear this around Kresovus."

== Items ==
;Attempting to have the hide crafted without showing it to Lord Kresovus first
|You allow Yi Yo-Jin to examine your Pristine White Mattekar Hide.
|Yi Yo-Jin rubs the fur between his fingers and peers closely at it.
|Yi Yo-Jin tells you, "This is a rather unusual Mattekar hide.  Hmm, the last time I saw fur like this was when I visited Linvak Tu..."
|Yi Yo-Jin tells you, "No, No, No!  I am not going to be responsible for making a robe out of this hide."
|Yi Yo-Jin tells you, "What are you doing, trying to get me killed?"

* [[Image:Royal Summons Icon.png]] [[Royal Summons]]
;Oswent the Pale (Quest Repeat)
* [[Altar]]
|Oswent the Pale tells you, "You fought valiantly against the Falatacot that imprisoned Asheron on Bur, didn't you?  I have seen council reports on your bravery. I commend you for your past service, and I would ask for your assistance once more in a very sensitive matter of utmost importance to the realm. Some of us have reason to believe that Lord Kresovus, the leader of our Lugian allies, is... not what he seems."
* [[Image:Pristine White Mattekar Hide Icon.png]] [[Pristine White Mattekar Hide]]
|Oswent the Pale tells you, "Please venture to the Lugian stronghold of Linvak Tukal and discreetly investigate Lord Kresovus' quarters. It could be that there is some evidence there of what has happened to him."
* [[Boulder]]
* [[Image:Corpse of Phlynt Icon.png]] [[Corpse of Phlynt]]
* [[Image:Phial of Chorizite Icon.png]] [[Phial of Chorizite]]
* [[Hidden Note]]
* [[Image:Pillar of the Mind Icon.png]] [[Pillar of the Mind]]
* [[Red Stone]]
* [[Yellow Stone]]
* [[White Stone]]
* [[Bag of Stones]]
* [[Bucket (North)]]
* [[Bucket (South)]]
* [[Image:Sigil of Linvak Tukal Icon.png]] [[Sigil of Linvak Tukal]]
* [[Balor's Robe]]
* [[Image:Powdered Chorizite Pea Icon.png]] [[Powdered Chorizite Pea]]

'''Trial of the Heart items''' (These are all attuned/bonded, and may share the same name as other items):
;Giving Sigil of Linvak Tukal to Lord Kresovus (Quest Repeat)
* [[Image:Pyreal Bar Icon.png]] [[Pyreal Bar]]
|Lord Kresovus tells you, "Welcome back Guardian. The other Guardians report trouble in the lower levels. It would appear that Shadow Kresovus has returned. Do your duty and destroy this mockery in my name.
* [[Image:Chalice of Morkindmity Icon.png]] [[Chalice of Morkindmity]]
* [[Image:Crown of the First King Icon.png]] [[Crown of the First King]]
* [[Sack of Granite]]
* [[Image:Ulkra's Sword Icon.png]] [[Ulkra's Sword]]
* [[Crest of Kings]]
* [[Sack of Steel]]
* [[Bolt of Velvet]]
* [[Staff of Clarity]]
* [[Helm of the Crag]]
* [[Sack of Iron]]
* [[Hammer of the Ages]]
* [[Chorizite Pea]]
* [[Treasure]]
* [[Sack of Green Garnet]]
* [[Image:Robes of Grey Dawn Icon.png]] [[Robes of Grey Dawn]]
* [[Image:Cutters Cup Icon.png]] [[Cutters Cup]]
* [[Scepter of Might]]
* [[Bastion of Tukal]]
* [[Sack of Fire Opal]]
* [[Gauntlets of Power]]
* [[Sack of Black Opal]]
* [[Sack of Brass]]
* [[Spear of Purity]]
* [[Image:Painting of the Building of Linvak Tukal Icon.png]] [[Painting of the Building of Linvak Tukal]]

== Lore ==
|You give Lord Kresovus Sigil of Linvak Tukal.
|Lord Kresovus shakes his head in wonder, "He keeps returning. When will that imposter learn that Guardian's like yourself will never allow him back?"
|Lord Kresovus gives you Powdered Chorizite Pea.
|Lord Kresovus tells you, "Take this Chorizite Pea. I have also given permission to Auritis to upgrade any of the armor or weapons of the Arm, Mind and Heart that you may have. Speak with him to find out more."
|You've earned 7,500 Luminance.

;Giving an Arm, Mind and Heart item to Aurutis for the enhanced version
|You allow Aurutis to examine your Bastion of Tukal.
|You hand over 1 of your Bastion of Tukals.
|Aurutis gives you Bastion of Tukal.
|Aurutis tells you, "Here you are Guardian. Thank you for your part in defeating that vile imposter of Lord Kresovus."

== Update History ==
{{Update History|
[[Children of the Prodigal Lord]]
* Quest introduced.

[[The Quest for Freedom]]
* Repeat timer changed from 13 days to 20 hours.

Latest revision as of 02:08, 21 March 2025

Aerbax's Prodigal Quests

Banderling - Drudge - Harbinger - Human - Lugian - Monouga - Mosswart - Olthoi - Shadow - Tumerok - Tusker

Walkthrough & Notes     Dungeons & Maps     Rewards     Images     Dialog     Update History
Aerbax's Prodigal Lugian
Level: 150
Rec. Level: 200+ (solo)
Type: Small Fellowship/Solo
Starts With: Oswent the Pale
Starts At: 25.7N, 49.2E in Cragstone
Repeat: 20 Hours
Quest Chain: 1. Saving Asheron
2. Bur Recall Quest
3. Aerbax's Prodigal Lugian

Overview Edit

  • In order to start this quest you must have completed the Bur Recall Quest also given by Oswent the Pale. If you have not done the Bur Recall quest recently you may need to repeat it.

Walkthrough & Notes Edit

Part 1: Chambers Beneath Linvak Tukal and Entering the Trials Edit

  1. Oswent the Pale will give you Royal Summons.
  2. Head to Linvak Tukal. You can find a portal to there in Town Network (Annex). While you are there you can speak to Kifandal the Imbuer and buy some Linvak Tukal Portal Gems. When you are ready head up to Lord Kresovus and present him with the Royal Summons.
  3. Now use Kresovus' Lockbox and you will be portaled into a dungeon similar in layout to the dungeon from the Bur Recall quest. In the first room is Lord Kresovus.
  4. Kill the guards and take down the door and then portal in to the next area. In this next room, you will find an Altar with a Pristine White Mattekar Hide (piece of Balor's hide) on top of it - it is guarded by various Virindi and Shadow creatures. Take the hide and then use the altar to open the nearby door. Work your way through the halls, fighting the Abyssal Shadow Lugians to enter the portal to the first trial.

Part 2: Trial of the Arm Edit

  1. You will again enter a hallway leading to a large room. In the center of the room is a large Boulder. It is attackable, and when destroyed a hallway is revealed underneath it. Right below the boulder in the hallway is the Corpse of Phlynt, the lugian Oswent sent to spy on Shadow Kresovus. Open his corpse and loot the Phial of Chorizite and the Hidden Note. Then continue down the hallway. You will find a large room with Shadow Kresovus and some of his minions.
    • Note: The Phial of Chorizite is also dropped by Shadow Kresovus in the room with the energy cage.
  2. When you defeat this Shadow Kresovus enter the portal in the hallway behind him to enter the next trial.

Part 3: Trial of the Mind Edit

  1. Once again you are portaled into the same style chambers. Head down to the open room for your next task. In the center of the room is the Pillar of the Mind. Read it's description closely, as you will need this information to solve the puzzle. When you are ready, use the pillar to begin your first attempt. You have 5 minutes to attempt the puzzle, and 3 attempts total. If you fail, using the portal will teleport you to the beginning of the Trial of the Arm, but you can run through that dungeon to get back to this puzzle.
  2. When you use the pillar, the following objects/items will spawn near the pillar:
    1. Three Bag of Stones
    2. A scale with two Buckets
    3. Four Red Stones (weighing 3 stones each)
    4. Three Yellow Stone (weighing 2 stones each)
    5. Three White Stone (weighing 1 stones each)
  3. You must use the stones provided to make each bag contain one color and "maintain its current weight in stones". You then must use the remaining stones to balance the scales correctly.
  4. Where by "current" they mean the initial weight. The bags already contain some stones, and you can use the bag to see what stones are currently in it. Initially the bags contain the following stones:
West Middle East
Red - 1 1
Yellow 1 1 2
White 1 1 2
Initial Weight 3 6 9
5. Give each bag one color of stones until it only contains stones of that color (the other colored stones will pop out and be put in your inventory), and the weight of the stones will be the same as the initial weight.
  1. Give 2 white stones to the western bag.
  2. Give 2 yellow stones to the middle bag.
  3. Give 2 red stones to the eastern bag.
6. You should have 4 red, 3 yellow, and 2 white stones left. The description of the north bucket says "Progressive numbers, equal weight", and the one on the south bucket says "This bucket must contain an equal number of any stones within it."
7. So the scale must balance, the south bucket must contain even numbers of each color, and the north bucket will have 1, 2, and 3 stones of each color.
  1. Give 3 white stones, 2 yellow stones and 1 red stone to the scale's northern bucket.
  2. Give 2 yellow stones and 2 red stones to the scale's southern bucket.
8. Use the Pillar again to complete the puzzle.
9. When you have solved the puzzle, enter the door and head down the hall to the next portal.
10. Another Shadow Kresovus will appear, this time with Virindi minions. Destroy him and you will be allowed to enter the portal to the next trial.

Part 4: Trial of the Heart Edit

  1. In this next dungeon you will find the Pillar of the Heart.
  2. You must answer its question before you may advance. It asks you to pick the thing which Lugians value most.
  3. Enter a nearby hallway lined with rooms.
  4. Each room contains several items which a lugian may value. When you think you have found the correct item, use it and return to the pillar:
  5. The correct answer will open the large door in front of the pillar. Head down the hallway and you will find Shadow Kresovus and the real Kresovus trapped in an energy cage! Defeat this Shadow, then hand the Phial of Chorizite to the real Kresovus to remove the energy cage. Then talk to him this will set him free. # Now enter the final portal and defeat Shadow Kresovus at last.
  6. This Shadow Kresovus has some powerful war spells, including a wave spells, heavy rings, and a health draining vortex. He will also summon Virindi, shadow, and shadow Lugian minions to defend him. When you defeat him loot the Sigil of Linvak Tukal. Then return to Linvak Tukal and present Lord Kresovus with the Sigil to receive your rewards. There are also additional rewards available, see below for details.


  • When repeating the quest, you must speak to Oswent again.
  • You will not have to repeat the trials. Using the chest sends you directly to the final room.
  • You're only able to get Balor's Robe once.
  • You can upgrade one item from the Arm, Mind, Heart quest every time you complete the quest.

Dungeons & Maps Edit

Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps
Chambers Beneath Linvak Tukal 77.6S 28.0E -- --
Trials of the Arm, Mind and Heart N/A -- --
Trial of the Arm N/A -- --
Trial of the Mind N/A -- --
Trial of the Heart N/A -- --
Trials Graduation N/A -- --

Rewards Edit

Give Sigil of Linvak Tukal to Lord Kresovus
Experience: 162,415,717 (50% up to level
Luminance: 15,000
Titles: Guardian of Linvak Tukal

Chance for the following item:

Complete quest and give Pristine White Mattekar Hide to Yi Yo-Jin
Give Sigil of Linvak Tukal to Lord Kresovus (Quest Repeat)
Luminance: 7,500

Chance for the following item:

Complete quest and give an Arm, Mind, Heart Quest item to Aurutis

An enhanced version of the item:

Images Edit

Click image for full size version.

Dialog Edit

Opening Dialog

Oswent the Pale tells you, "You've investigated the matter of the Lord Kresovus impostor to my satisfaction."

Oswent the Pale tells you, "I have another mission for you that may prove far more dangerous, but your people need you."

Oswent the Pale tells you, "Deliver this Royal Summons to Kresovus. He will have to accompany you if he wishes to keep his cover. When you and the imposter are away from Linvak and alone you must dispose of him."

Oswent the Pale gives you Royal Summons.

Oswent the Pale tells you, "Have you delivered the Royal Summons to the Lord Kresovus imposter?"

Oswent the Pale tells you, "Be sure that you have him alone before you attack. We wouldn't want the Lugians of Linvak Tukal believing we were trying to assassinate their Leader. I believe once the imposter is dead we can prove to the Lugians their Leader has been missing since the attacks on Linvak Tukal began."
Giving the Royal Summons to Lord Kresovus

You give Lord Kresovus Royal Summons.

Kresovus reads the summons. You suspect you see a small smirk flit across his face.

Lord Kresovus tells you, "I cannot speak of this here. There is a spy in my court and I fear for my life. You must meet with me in secret below. Use the chest here to access the chambers beneath Linvak Tukal. I will meet you there.

You place your hand on the chest, and it rumbles open, revealing the purple light of portalspace...
Imposter Lord Kresovus

Lord Kresovus says, "I can't believe they thought you would be able to remove me from Linvak Tukal! Was it Oswent? He only found out about my meeting place here because I needed a distraction in order to fulfill an agreement my master made with the undead. A certain animal was painstakingly modified for them."

Lord Kresovus says, "Your interference is at an end. Just like the spy they sent to watch me you will never be found."

Lord Kresovus says, "I won't even bother dealing with you myself."

Kresovus waves his hand and a number of Lugian Guards file into the room.

Lord Kresovus says, "Kill him."

Kresovus portals further into the dungeon.
Using the Altar beneath the Mattekar hide

You notice some deep gouges in the stone. Virindi implements are scattered about matted with blood and white fur.
Shadow Kresovus (Trial of the Arm)

Shadow Kresovus tells you, "So you've found the Lugian Trial Rooms have you? Funny thing, that spy they sent me didn't last too long down here. Perhaps you think you can do better? Let's see how you handle these."

Shadow Kresovus tells you, "Feeble human! You cannot fight the dark."

Shadow Kresovus says, "You have won this small victory, but I am hardly defeated. Continue at your own risk human."
Shadow Kresovus (Trial of the Mind)

Shadow Kresovus tells you, "You're proving to be more resourceful than I expected... I will make you pay for the trouble you have caused me."
Shadow Kresovus (Trial of the Heart)

Your blow knocks a small crystal from Shadow Kresovus' pocket. It falls to the floor and shatters in a bright flash. The energy cage surrounding Lord Kresovus seems to wane.

Shadow Kresovus says, "Why won't you just die?!"

Shadow Kresovus growls in frustration and leaps through the portal to the next room.

Lord Kresovus says, "Free me!"
Giving Phial of Chorizite to the Energy Cage

You give Energy Cage Phial of Chorizite.

The energy cage surrounding Lord Kresovus bursts apart in a magical discharge.

Kresovus heaves a sigh of relief and gives you an appraising look.

Lord Kresovus tells you, "Thank you. I must ask that you defeat my imposter alone. I am not strong enough to fight him now. Please follow him and insure he troubles us no more."

Lord Kresovus tells you, "Good luck my friend."

Kresovus makes a sweeping gesture recalling to his lifestone.
Shadow Kresovus (Trials Graduation)

Shadow Kresovus grins, his black teeth grinding, "Congratulations on completing the Trials of the Arm, Mind and Heart human. Perhaps you would make a better Lugian than I, but we shall never find out. For now it is time that you die."
Defeating Shadow Kresovus (Trials Graduation)

Shadow Kresovus says, "I can't believe it. You defeated me? Me!"

Shadow Kresovus says, "You've ruined everything! Oh, but you'll see. The Master will not be happy. You and your kind will be payed back in full."
Giving Sigil of Linvak Tukal to Lord Kresovus

You give Lord Kresovus Sigil of Linvak Tukal.

Lord Kresovus heaves a great sigh. "Thank you for freeing me <Player Name>. I owe you a great deal."

Lord Kresovus gives you Powdered Chorizite Pea.

Lord Kresovus tells you, "Take this Chorizite Pea. I have also given permission to Auritis to upgrade any of the armor or weapons of the Arm, Mind and Heart that you may have. Speak with him to find out more."

Kresovus chuckles lightly to himself.

Lord Kresovus tells you, "Long have I trained the best of my people in the three paths we Lugians brought with us from the old world. You have not only seen the Trials of the Arm, Mind and Heart, but you must have bested each of them to save me from the cowled ones and the shadowy imposter."

Lord Kresovus tells you, "Had a human ever asked to take the trials I would have denied them such a presumptious request, but you have proven your Strength, Clarity and Purity beyond doubt."

You've earned 162,415,717 experience.

Lord Kresovus clears his throat, "All who may hear my words. I am proud to bestow the honor and duty of 'Guardian of Linvak Tukal' on <Player Name>. Their honor and dignity continue to prove the wisdom of our friendship and loyalty to the Humans.

Lord Kresovus tells you, "Thank you for freeing me human. My people and I owe you more than can ever be repaid."

Lord Kresovus tells you, "The Guardians report they have been unsucessful [sic] in removing the darkness from the last of the chambers below. I suspect we have not seen the last of this Shadow Kresovus."

Return in 13d to fight Shadow Kresovus again.
Showing Pristine White Mattekar Hide to Lord Kresovus

You allow Lord Kresovus to examine your Pristine White Mattekar Hide.

Lord Kresovus grips the hide of his old pet and drops his head in silence.

Lord Kresovus tells you, "I raised him from a little Mattie. He was my best friend."

Lord Kresovus tells you, "I will miss you Balor."

Kresovus loosens his grip on the hide.

Lord Kresovus tells you, "Balor would want to be of use. He was always so brave..."

Lord Kresovus tells you, "Take it and go. I wish to be alone with my thoughts."
Handing the Pristine White Mattekar Hide to Yi Yo-Jin

You allow Yi Yo-Jin to examine your Pristine White Mattekar Hide.

You hand over 1 of your Pristine White Mattekar Hides.

Yo-Jin holds the hide up reverently and looks a bit scared.

Yi Yo-Jin tells you, "Well, I have Kresovus' permission to craft this hide now, but I'm still not sure I want to. You must be pretty important for Kresovus to allow this."

Yo-Jin hesitates and then begins his work, deftly cutting Balor's hide in the pattern for a robe.

Yi Yo-Jin gives you Balor's Robe.

Yi Yo-Jin tells you, "Here you are. I don't mind saying that this is some of my best work. Be careful with this, I'm not sure Kresovus would be so giving if you let it come to harm. Oh, and be tactful, don't wear this around Kresovus."
Attempting to have the hide crafted without showing it to Lord Kresovus first

You allow Yi Yo-Jin to examine your Pristine White Mattekar Hide.

Yi Yo-Jin rubs the fur between his fingers and peers closely at it.

Yi Yo-Jin tells you, "This is a rather unusual Mattekar hide. Hmm, the last time I saw fur like this was when I visited Linvak Tu..."

Yi Yo-Jin tells you, "No, No, No! I am not going to be responsible for making a robe out of this hide."

Yi Yo-Jin tells you, "What are you doing, trying to get me killed?"
Oswent the Pale (Quest Repeat)

Oswent the Pale tells you, "You fought valiantly against the Falatacot that imprisoned Asheron on Bur, didn't you? I have seen council reports on your bravery. I commend you for your past service, and I would ask for your assistance once more in a very sensitive matter of utmost importance to the realm. Some of us have reason to believe that Lord Kresovus, the leader of our Lugian allies, is... not what he seems."

Oswent the Pale tells you, "Please venture to the Lugian stronghold of Linvak Tukal and discreetly investigate Lord Kresovus' quarters. It could be that there is some evidence there of what has happened to him."
Giving Sigil of Linvak Tukal to Lord Kresovus (Quest Repeat)

Lord Kresovus tells you, "Welcome back Guardian. The other Guardians report trouble in the lower levels. It would appear that Shadow Kresovus has returned. Do your duty and destroy this mockery in my name.

You give Lord Kresovus Sigil of Linvak Tukal.

Lord Kresovus shakes his head in wonder, "He keeps returning. When will that imposter learn that Guardian's like yourself will never allow him back?"

Lord Kresovus gives you Powdered Chorizite Pea.

Lord Kresovus tells you, "Take this Chorizite Pea. I have also given permission to Auritis to upgrade any of the armor or weapons of the Arm, Mind and Heart that you may have. Speak with him to find out more."

You've earned 7,500 Luminance.
Giving an Arm, Mind and Heart item to Aurutis for the enhanced version

You allow Aurutis to examine your Bastion of Tukal.

You hand over 1 of your Bastion of Tukals.

Aurutis gives you Bastion of Tukal.

Aurutis tells you, "Here you are Guardian. Thank you for your part in defeating that vile imposter of Lord Kresovus."

Update History Edit

Children of the Prodigal Lord

  • Quest introduced.

The Quest for Freedom

  • Repeat timer changed from 13 days to 20 hours.