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{{RightToC}}For information on the topic of continuity in fiction, continuity errors, and retroactive continuity (retcon), see [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuity_(fiction) wikipedia - Continuity (fiction)]
{{RightToC}}For information on the topic of continuity in fiction, continuity errors, and retroactive continuity (retcon), see [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuity_(fiction) wikipedia - Continuity (fiction)]

== Basic back-story of AC ==
The following pages attempt to document various errors in continuity, and if possible, draw a reasonable conclusion on what can be considered "canon".
The basic back story of AC involves the events of the [[Olthoi]] invasion of [[Auberean]], [[Asheron Realaidain|Asheron]]'s involvement, [[The Sundering]], and the conditions which summoned [[Isparian]]s to [[Dereth]]. This story has been told many times, and there is often inconsistency with these tales.
<br><br>According to a [[Stormwaltz Quotes|Stormwaltz quote]], in the original lore outline documents the Yalaini development of portalspace amounted to three lines: Asheron uses portal magic to trap BZ, Asheron creates a stable portal, Asheron brings in the bugs.<ref name=SQOnHarluneAndStoryline>2002/03 [[Stormwaltz Quotes]] - [http://ac.warcry.com/db/text/301 On Harlune and the Storyline]</ref> The original version was that Asheron was surprised and overwhelmed by the Olthoi and was unable to close the portal to their world before thousands of Olthoi had already entered Auberean.<ref name=SQOnHarluneAndStoryline/> This version of the story is retold with minor variations in the [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75iwpsH5MPA original intro video], the [[Asheron's Call Manual|original manual]], the [[Asheron's Call Historical Archive|Historical Archive]], the [[Asheron's Call: Sybex Official Strategies and Secrets|Sybex strategy guide]], and the [[Asheron's Call Dark Majesty Manual|AC:DM manual]].
<br><br>During the [[A Time of Chaos]] story arc the story was changed significantly. Players gained access to [[Knorr]], where the Yalaini launched their exploration missions to other worlds. Inside, many texts written by Asheron were discovered. With these texts and others, the story of the Olthoi invasion was changed. It was not a magical experiment gone awry or accident on Asheron's part that caused the invasion - and his discovery of portal magic is only partially to blame, in that it enabled the exploration of other worlds. Instead, it was [[Gaerlan]] who inadvertently left a portal link to the Olthoi homeworld open. And it was Emperor [[Kellin II]] who demanded that more Olthoi specimen be brought to Knorr, including the Olthoi Queen. With the Queen on Auberean, the lesser Olthoi began to obey her will again, and this is what caused Knorr to fall, and eventually, all of Auberean. The [[Asheron's Call Throne of Destiny Manual|AC:ToD manual]] reflected this story change with its (incredibly brief) lore summary, which placed the blame of the Olthoi invasion on Gaerlan.
<br><br>Later, [[The Knorr Quiddity Seed]] quest was added. This quest involves entering dream realms and defending Asheron's memories from Aerbax. It is an in-game retelling of the first scene of the original intro video, with Asheron and his disciples. However, this retelling has many errors. First, it takes place at the Knorr Lyceum. However, the events in the video are said to take place somewhere on Dereth, as it was the final stronghold of the Yalaini people, where Knorr would be the heart of the Olthoi's territory. Second, in the video, the building crumbles to pieces, yet it is in perfect condition when we visit it in the present day. While an interesting quest, it either entirely changes the history, or (more likely) is not accurate at all.
<br><br><b>Olthoi Invasion</b>- The Olthoi arc retcon is considered the correct lore. Asheron was not directly responsible for the Olthoi invasion, it was Gaerlan and the Emperor.
<br><br><b>Sundering</b> - The truth about The Sundering remains a mystery. In all accounts, it did cause a disturbance in the fabric of Portal Space. But whether or not the Sundering caused portals to begin to appear on other worlds is up for debate.
<br><br>The current Yalain Age is Moriqui Eipoth (ME), and was declared by Asheron after he sent his people away. According to information in the [[AC:DM CD Lore/Ages of the Empyrean|Ages of the Empyrean]] lore document included on the AC:DM CD, the date that Isparians first arrived on Dereth was ME 564<ref name=AgesOfTheEmpyrean>2001/11 [[Dark Majesty]] - [[AC:DM CD Lore/Ages of the Empyrean|Ages of the Empyrean]]</ref>. So the notion that The Sundering instantly caused portals to appear on Ispar is not correct, it took 564 years.
<br><br>According to the [[AC:DM CD Lore]], the Virindi arrived on Dereth before any other race, and they fought Asheron over something and lost.<ref name=AgesOfTheEmpyrean/><ref name=AgesOfTheEmpyrean>2001/11 [[Dark Majesty]] - [[AC:DM_CD_Lore/Bestiary/Derethian_Bestiary#Virindi|Bestiary: Virindi]]</ref> The fact that the Virindi are explicitly stated to be the first to arrive could imply a wide range of things. Perhaps they intentionally or unintentionally disrupted portal space. Or perhaps, when they fought Asheron the battle weakened the wizard and some protection he placed on the currents of portal space fell. Whatever the case, it seems unlikely that the Sundering is the true cause, but the truth may never be revealed.

== General ==
* [[Continuity/Beta and Early Development|Beta and Early Development]]
* [[Continuity/In-Game Calendar|In-Game Calendar]] (complete, needs cleanup/restructure)

== Time ==
== Basic Backstory ==
The developers of AC created a unique [[Time|time system]]. However, the in-game calendar is incorrect. The original concept was that 12 in game months would pass in a single real world month. This may be in part because the developers wanted short Derethian days, so players who can only play in the evening aren't always playing in a dark game world, for example. Thus, each month of real world time is a full year in the incorrect in-game calender.
* [[Continuity/Basic Backstory|Basic Backstory]] (this will be split up into multiple articles)
<br><br>However, in lore terms one year in the real world and one year in Dereth are equal. For example, there are only four seasons per real world year instead of per real world month. Isparians age at the same rate as humans on earth. And most importantly, whenever the PY is referenced in lore, it is writen in the correct year (For example 1999 = PY 10, 2009 = PY 20). The calendar panel has not been corrected since it is a minor issue, and fixing it would likely interfere with the day/night system. For the correct Portal Years and Roulean months as they correspond to the patches and real world dates, see [[Patches]].
* [[Continuity/Asheron and the Olthoi Invasion|Asheron and the Olthoi Invasion]] (WIP)
* [[Continuity/The Sundering and Portals to Dereth|The Sundering and Portals to Dereth]] (WIP)
* [[Continuity/Olthoi Rebellion|Olthoi Rebellion]] (WIP)
* [[Continuity/Lifestones|Lifestones]] (WIP)

== Ispar & Auberean ==
== Auberean Timeline and Events ==
Though never brought up in the game, there are obvious and odd differences (and similarities) between the human homeworld of [[Ispar]] and [[Auberean]], where [[Dereth]] is located.
=== Distant Past ===
<br><br>The first is the time system. As stated above, Ispar's time is exactly like Earth. One year is the same length on both worlds, and each year has the same number of months and days on Ispar as they do on Earth. On Auberean however, there are many more days in a year. The years are still the same length and there are still four seasons, but each month on Auberean contains as many day/night cycles as a full year on Earth.
* [[Continuity/Ages of the Empyrean Versus The History of Auberean|Ages of the Empyrean Versus The History of Auberean]] (complete, needs cleanup/restructure)
<br><br>The next is gravity. Either Isparians have super human abilities, or the gravity on Auberean is a lot lower than on Ispar. Given that Isparians on Dereth can jump several yards into the air, and also take relatively little damage when falling from great heights, one would assume the gravity is much lower. However, there are no obvious signs of low gravity when it comes to walking and running.
* [[Continuity/Sendings of Darkness|Sendings of Darkness]] (complete, needs cleanup/restructure)
<br><br>Obviously, these oddities exist simply because of development and gameplay reasons, but they are oddities none the less.

== Harlune and the Timeline ==
=== Recent Past ===
The basic story for Harlune is that when he was visiting Ispar with other Empyreans as explorers/researchers, he saw what was going on in Aluvia with Alfrega, and decided to stay behind during the next trip to Ispar.<ref>2003/05 [[Discoveries]] - [[Letter to Asheron]]</ref> He did so, and helped free Aluvia from Viamontian rule.<ref name=TheReignOfAlfrega>1999/11 [[Release]] - [[The Reign of Alfrega]]</ref> Harlune was not swept away into portal space with the rest of the Yalaini when Asheron cast the Sundering spell because he was still on Ispar. When portals to Dereth from Ispar began to appear, he returned and went to live in the mite maze. There are five important events:
* [[Continuity/Aluvian Settlement on Dereth|Aluvian Settlement on Dereth]] (WIP)
# The invasion of Aluvia
* [[Continuity/Ancient Lugian Fortress|Ancient Lugian Fortress]] (complete, needs cleanup/restructure)
#: This is said to occur on 804 RC.<ref name=TheReignOfAlfrega/>
* [[Continuity/Bandit and Neydisa Castles|Bandit and Neydisa Castles]] (WIP)
# The first mention of Harlune on Ispar during the reign of Alfrega.
* [[Continuity/Gharu'ndim Settlement on Dereth|Gharu'ndim Settlement on Dereth]] (WIP)
#: This happens during leafcull of 860 RC.<ref name=TheReignOfAlfrega/>
* [[Continuity/Sho Settlement on Dereth|Sho Settlement on Dereth]] (WIP)
# The Olthoi arrival on Auberean.
* [[Continuity/Siege of Holtburg and Founding of Rithwic|Siege of Holtburg and Founding of Rithwic]] (complete, needs cleanup/restructure)
#: This happens on HE 459.<ref name=AgesOfTheEmpyrean/>
* [[Continuity/Tumerok History on Dereth|Tumerok History on Dereth]] (WIP)
# Asheron Casting the Sundering.
* [[Continuity/Undead|Undead]] (complete, needs cleanup/restructure)
#: This happens at HE 647. <ref name=AgesOfTheEmpyrean/>
# The beginning of AC, when mass amounts of Isparians came to Dereth.
#: This is the beginning of the Portal Year calendar, 0 PY.<ref name=AgesOfTheEmpyrean/>

From the Ages of the Empyrean, we are told that 0 PY = 1276 RC = ME 579.<ref name=AgesOfTheEmpyrean/> ME 579 would be equal to HE 1226, if the Third Age of Lore had continued on. Converting the dates into comparable forms, we get the following:
=== Current ===
* [[Continuity/Rytheran and the Graveyard|Rytheran and the Graveyard]] (complete, needs cleanup/restructure)
* [[Continuity/Tanada House of Earth|Tanada House of Earth]] (complete, needs cleanup/restructure)
* [[Continuity/Halaetan Islands|Halaetan Islands]] (WIP)

# The invasion of Aluvia
== Ispar Timeline and Events ==
#: 804 RC
* [[Continuity/Timeline of Ispar|Timeline of Ispar]] - continuity regarding how the timeline of Ispar evolved. (complete, needs cleanup/restructure)
#: -472 PY
* [[Continuity/Roulean Calendar and Portal Years|Roulean Calendar and Portal Years]] - continuity regarding the conversion between the Roulean calendar of Ispar and the Portal Year calendar of Dereth. (complete, needs cleanup/restructure)
#: HE 854
* [[Continuity/Aluvian History|Aluvian History]] - continuity specifically as it relates to the Aluvian people. (complete, needs cleanup/restructure)
# The first mention of Harlune on Ispar during the reign of Alfrega.
* [[Continuity/Gharu'ndim History|Gharu'ndim History]] - continuity specifically as it relates to the Gharu'ndim people. (complete, needs cleanup/restructure)
#: 860 RC
* [[Continuity/Sho History|Sho History]] - continuity specifically as it relates to the Sho people. (WIP)
#: -416 PY
* [[Continuity/Viamontian History|Viamontian History]] - continuity specifically as it relates to the Viamontian people. (complete, needs cleanup/restructure)
#: HE 910
# The Olthoi arrival on Auberean.
#: 509 RC
#: -767 PY
#: HE 459
# Asheron Casting the Sundering.
#: 697 RC
#: -579 PY
#: HE 647
# The beginning of AC, when mass amounts of Isparians came to Dereth.
#: 1276 RC
#: 0 PY
#: HE 1226

Using only official dates and conversions, the basic back-story of Harlune is not possible. He would have been present on Auberean for the invasion of the Olthoi, at which point all exploration missions would presumably have been canceled. He would also have been present on Auberean for the Sundering, which would have placed him in stasis in Portal Space with the rest of his people.
== People ==
<br><br>There is no evidence of or reason for a conspiracy or cover-up, so it is unlikely the dates were intentionally created to contradict Harlune's history. The most likely explanation is that at the time when Harlune and the Reign of Alfrega were created, in beta<ref>2002/03 [[Stormwaltz Quotes]] - [http://ac.warcry.com/db/text/299 On Aluvia and Viamont]</ref><ref>2002/03 [[Stormwaltz Quotes]] - [http://ac.warcry.com/db/text/301 On Harlune and the Storyline]</ref>, the timeline was not yet set in stone, and there was likely no conversion for Roulean Calendar Years and Portal Years.
* [[Continuity/Elysa, Thorsten, and Borelean|Elysa, Thorsten, and Borelean]] (WIP)
<br><br>While there is little that could be done to correct this situation other than outright changing the dates (which would then interfere with numerous other dates and events in the timeline), Harlune's back-story could probably safely be considered canonical, even if the dates do not work out.
* [[Continuity/Harlune|Harlune]] (WIP)
* [[Continuity/Kellin I and Caerlin I|Kellin I and Caerlin I]] (complete, needs cleanup/restructure)
* [[Continuity/Lilitha|Lilitha]] (WIP)
* [[Continuity/Lord Cambarth and Mount Lethe|Lord Cambarth and Mount Lethe]] (WIP)

== Undead ==
== Terminology ==
In early days, the back story of the existence of undead was very different from what it is now. While today undead are almost always members of the ancient Empyrean cultures of the Dericost and Falatacot, that was not always the case. The [[Zone_Bestiary#Undead|Zone Bestiary Undead Entry]] originally described them much differently. Undead were said to be the reanimated corpses of fallen Isparians, possessed by evil spirits said to be linked to [[Bael'Zharon]].
* [[Continuity/Dericost versus Dericostian|Dericost versus Dericostian]] (WIP)
<br><br>During the [[The Fourth Sending of Darkness|first story arc]] this was retconned to the current Dericost origin of Undead. However, there are many early dungeons and points of interest that still suggest the undead have an Isparian/Shadow source. For example, the [[Ancient Warrior's Tower|lore]] of the [[Fycheck Ruins]] near Shoushi state that the undead there are fallen Sho warriors who fled from battle. Another example is the somewhat common pairing of Shadow and Undead in early dungeons.
* [[Continuity/Empyrean as a Term|Empyrean as a Term]] (complete, needs cleanup/restructure)
* [[Continuity/Garondish versus Gharu'ndim|Garondish versus Gharu'ndim]] (complete, needs cleanup/restructure)
== Tanada House of Earth ==
* [[Continuity/Gearknight versus Gear Knight|Gearknight versus Gear Knight]] (WIP)
The [[Tanada House of Fire (Quest)|Tanada House of Fire]] quest involves recovering special scrolls that belonged to the houses of Air, Earth, and Water. [[Tanada Sajo]] explains that "because Aerbax succeeded in corrupting the Masters of Air, Earth, and Water, he was able to steal the scroll of each House." However, the lore of the [[Tanada House of Earth (Quest)|Tanada House of Earth]] quest implies that the House of Earth is unaffected by the recent corruption of the House of Air.
* [[Continuity/Habrean versus Haebraen versus Haebran versus Haebrean versus Haebrous|Habrean versus Haebraen versus Haebran versus Haebrean versus Haebrous]] (complete, needs cleanup/restructure)
* [[Continuity/Milantan versus Milantane versus Milantean versus Milantos|Milantan versus Milantane versus Milantean versus Milantos]] (complete, needs cleanup/restructure)
== References ==
* [[Continuity/Viamont versus Viamonter versus Viamontian|Viamont versus Viamonter versus Viamontian]] (complete, needs cleanup/restructure)
* [[Continuity/Virindi versus Virin'di|Virindi versus Virin'di]] (WIP)
* [[Continuity/Yalain versus Yalaini|Yalain versus Yalaini]] (WIP)
* [[Continuity/Names of Places and Races|Names of Places and Races]] (old)


Latest revision as of 00:04, 19 January 2020

For information on the topic of continuity in fiction, continuity errors, and retroactive continuity (retcon), see wikipedia - Continuity (fiction)

The following pages attempt to document various errors in continuity, and if possible, draw a reasonable conclusion on what can be considered "canon".

General Edit

Basic Backstory Edit

Auberean Timeline and Events Edit

Distant Past Edit

Recent Past Edit

Current Edit

Ispar Timeline and Events Edit

  • Timeline of Ispar - continuity regarding how the timeline of Ispar evolved. (complete, needs cleanup/restructure)
  • Roulean Calendar and Portal Years - continuity regarding the conversion between the Roulean calendar of Ispar and the Portal Year calendar of Dereth. (complete, needs cleanup/restructure)
  • Aluvian History - continuity specifically as it relates to the Aluvian people. (complete, needs cleanup/restructure)
  • Gharu'ndim History - continuity specifically as it relates to the Gharu'ndim people. (complete, needs cleanup/restructure)
  • Sho History - continuity specifically as it relates to the Sho people. (WIP)
  • Viamontian History - continuity specifically as it relates to the Viamontian people. (complete, needs cleanup/restructure)

People Edit

Terminology Edit

Characters Major Characters, Minor Characters, Isparian Characters, Empyrean Characters, Creature Characters, Deity Characters

Isparian: Aluvian, Gharu'ndim, Kael Arran, Milantean, Roulean, Sho, Silveran, Souia-Vey, Viamontian. Empyrean: Dericostian, Falatacot, Haebrean, High Desert Nomad, Yalaini. Other: Banderling, Burun, Drudge, Gearknight, Lugian, Mosswart, Shadow, Tumerok, Virindi

Worlds Auberean, Bur, Gearknight Homeworld, Ezheret-Hazahtu, Ispar, Olthoi Homeworld, Tuu
Historical Records Texts, Internet Lore Articles, Event Announcements, Utterances, AC:DM CD Lore, A Brief History for Travelers, The History of Auberean, Stormwaltz Quotes
Historical Summaries Prehistoric Auberean, Arelis Eipoth, Dericoi Eipoth, Vacari Eipoth, Rhethis Eipoth, Torethis Eipoth, Hyrethis Eipoth, Moriqui Eipoth, Portal Year Era
Miscellaneous Lore Lore Database, Continuity, Factions, Historical Sites