Line 122: Line 122:
|align=center| 675 Million
|align=center| 675 Million
|align=center| 21 days
|align=center| 21 days
| [[Summoning of T'thuun]]
|align=center| 1+
|align=center| 50%
|align=center| 500 Million
|align=center| 29 days

Revision as of 23:36, 17 June 2009

Template:Quest Pages Links

High Experience Quests

These quests give experience rewards that are a percentage of your next level and have no upper cap (or a very high cap, at least 50 million xp).

Name Min Lvl % XP Max XP Timer
Apostate Nexus Quest 150+ 30% 297 Million 14 days
Bobo's Medicine 80+ 6.67% 226 Million 12 days
Burun Liberator 150+ ??% 98 Million 14 days
Colosseum 1+ 2% to 70% 328 Million 1 hour
Deathtail 1+ 50% 100 Million 3 days
Disturbance in the Ley Lines 150+ 15% 150 Million 13 days
Enhancing Mucor 150+ ??% 98 Million 14 days
Eye of T'thuun Quest 150+ 20% 131 Million 14 days
Guardian of the Deru Trees of Marae Lassel 150+ 50% 329 Million 27 days
Harlune's Diplomacy 180+ 30% 1017 Million 13 days
Hermit's Death Wish 150+ ?? 99 Million 14 days
Lalalas in My Head 150+ 30% 710 Million 13 days
Lord Rytheran's Journal 150+ 12.5% 125 Million 13 days
Monouga Laboratory 80+ 30%/15% 1008 Million 13 days
Ritual of the Blight Varies Varies 179,151,093xp 6 days
Sepulcher of Nightmares 90+ 20% 675 Million 21 days
Summoning of T'thuun 1+ 50% 500 Million 29 days

Sharable Rewards

These quests have experience rewards which can be shared within a fellowship and/or item rewards that can be given to other characters and turned in for experience. Starred (*) items require Salvaged Ivory to be given.

Name Type Min Lvl (to receive exp) % XP Max XP Timer
Acid Axe Quest Givable Item 1 N/A 25,000 1 Month
Aerbax's Prodigal Drudge Givable Item 1 10% per item 66,000,000 per item
Level 182
7 Days
Aerbax's Prodigal Mosswart Givable Item 1 ??% 3,441,334
Level ??
Aerbax's Prodigal Tusker * Givable Item ?? 20% 200,000,000
Level 200
13 Days
Banished Weapons Givable Item 1 1% 500,000
Level 100
Blightfinger Quest * Givable Item 1 ??% 3,441,334 or 6,891,063 13 Days
Bur Mushroom Collection Givable Item ?? Varies Varies N/A
Colosseum Bosses * Givable Item 1 Varies Varies 23 Hours
Eater Jaws Sharable XP 50 N/A 42,750,000 21 Days
Fallen Weapons Givable Item 1 1% 3,500,000
Level ??
Focusing Stone Quest * Givable Item 1 ??% 1,845,177 20 Days
Olthoi Pincers Sharable XP 50 N/A 7,840,000 21 Days
Sawato Bandit Quest Givable Item 1 2.5% per item 3,500,000 per item
Level 121
30 Days
Shield of Isin Dule Quest Givable Item 1 ?? ?? 13 Days
Snow Lilies Givable Item ?? ?? 20,000,000
or 800,000 per item
7 Days
Sword of Bellenesse Givable Item 1 ??% 2,500,000 27 Days
Tanada House of Earth Quest * Givable Item 1 ??% 2,064,801 13 Days
Tanada House of Storms Quest Givable Item 1 ??% 2,064,801 13 Days
Tanada House of Water Quest Givable Item 1 ??% Note: 27,564,250 Medallion: 6,891,063* 13 Days
Tanada Temple of Black Water Quest Givable Item 1 5% 6,891,063
Level: 120
13 Days
Tibri's Fire Spear Quest Givable Item 1 N/A 50,000 ??
Undead Mechanic Sharable XP 50+ N/A ?? ??