Glyph of Creature Enchantment

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Introduced:  Ancient Powers Related Quests:  Spell Research
Glyph of Creature Enchantment
  • Value: 30,000
  • Burden: 25

Scrolls that use Glyph of Creature Enchantment Quill Scarab Ink Glyph Effect
Inscription of Creature Enchantment Ineptitude Other -45 Creature Enchantment
Inscription of Creature Enchantment Mastery Self +45 Creature Enchantment
Inscription of Nullify Creature Magic Other Dispels 3-6 level 8 or lower spells.
Inscription of Nullify Creature Magic Self Dispels 3-6 level 8 or lower spells.


  • Used to create level VIII spell scrolls, see Spell Research for details.