Ancient Empyrean Trinket

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Introduced:  Remembering the Past
Ancient Empyrean Trinket
  • Value: 10,000
  • Burden: 10
  • Turn this item in to an Agent of the Arcanum for a housing writ. Turn this item in to High-Stakes Gamemaster for a chance at some experience.
  • A pyreal ball. Thin etchings on its surface glow in soothing patterns.



You give Agent of the Arcanum Ancient Empyrean Trinket.

Agent of the Arcanum tells you, "Well, you've found an Ancient Empyrean artifact I see. These don't turn up all that often. You should be rewarded for this find. Here you go!"

Agent of the Arcanum gives you Writ of Refuge.
Uziz Agent

You give Agent of the Arcanum Ancient Empyrean Trinket.

Agent of the Arcanum tells you, "You have acquired an Ancient Empyrean artifact I see. These don't turn up all that often. You should be rewarded for this find."

Agent of the Arcanum gives you Writ of Refuge.

Dropped By

List of creatures


Test #1: Turn in 100 trinkets @ level 111:

  • 24 hits @ 300,000 = 7,200,000 (24%)
  • 24 hits @ 690,000 = 16,560,000 (24%)
  • 20 hits @ 1,380,000 = 27,600,000 (20%)
  • 9 hits @ 2,400,000 = 21,600,000 (9%)
  • 13 hits @ 3,442,000 = 44,746,000 (13%)
  • 10 hits @ 6,890,000 = 68,900,000 (10%)

Statistically, handing in 100 trinkets should result in 2 levels worth of experience. The rewards are percentage-based, so this holds true at any level (currently unknown, but is at least level 170).