Mountain Sewer Quest

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Mountain Sewer Quest
Level: 15
Type: Solo
Starts At: Mountain Sewer at 60.9S, 82.0E
Route: Mayoi
Repeat: 20 Hours


Walkthrough & Notes

  1. Make your way through the dungeon. After a section with rats and zefirs, you will head down a ramp with a gate at the bottom. Once through the gate, take the hall to the right. This will lead to the area containing the Inscribed Purple Gem and Ancient Arbalest.
  2. Bring the Gem to Bretself the Translator located at 26.0N 47.0E in the Cragstone Library west of Cragstone to receive your rewards. If you're level 1-79, you will also receive Letter to Bretself the Translator.

Dungeons & Maps

Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps
Mountain Sewer 60.9S, 82.0E -- 0191


Search the Mountain Sewer
Give Inscribed Purple Gem to Bretself the Translator (level 1-79)
Experience: 2,300,000 (100% up to level 40)
Give Inscribed Purple Gem to Bretself the Translator (level 80+)
Experience: 2,750,000 (??% up to level ??)
Facility Hub Bonus (Level 30+): Show Ancient Arbalest to the Warden
Experience: 1,000,000 (Fixed)


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Handing in Inscribed Purple Gem (Level 1-79)

You give Bretself the Translator Inscribed Purple Gem.

Bretself the Translator gives you Trade Note (10,000).

You've earned 2,300,000 experience.

Bretself the Translator tells you, "I am surprised I have been seeing these in circulation. Can you keep a secret?"

Bretself the Translator tells you, "At one point a few years ago, I was honored to receive a letter from Asheron himself, through Scholar Antius Blackmoor. I was flattered to have received it, but what he asked me was unusual."

Bretself the Translator tells you, "He wished that I would watch out for anyone bearing these gems. If the person seemed powerful enough that they might know how to use them, I am to plead ignorance. I do not think you are, however."

Bretself the Translator gives you Letter to Bretself the Translator.

Bretself the Translator tells you, "Therefore, I shall tell you - they are from a hidden cache that Asheron stored in the mountains, for use in portal creation. I am not certain precisely where he intended to open a portal to, but the gems were to be a power source. The inscription reads, simply, "Property of Asheron Realaidain," nothing more."

Bretself the Translator tells you, "I shall share with you the letter I received. Perhaps it will tell you more about the gem and its uses. I'll also give you this trade note as payment for the gem - I am supposed to retain them, but I can at least offer you fair market value for them."
Handing in Inscribed Purple Gem (Level 80+)

You give Bretself the Translator Inscribed Purple Gem.

You've earned 2,750,000 experience.

Bretself the Translator tells you, "This is a very pretty Empyrean bauble. The writing is largely inconsequential. I'll take care of diposing it for you, and give you what a collector might pay for it."

Bretself the Translator gives you Trade Note (10,000).

Update History

Cold Tracks

  • Quest introduced.

Reforging the Past

Learning From Experience

  • XP reward increased from 353,080 (40% up to level 30) to 2,300,000 (100% up to level 40).

The Quest for Freedom

  • Repeat timer changed from 13 days to 20 hours.