Adventurer's Haven

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Custom Content
This page is for custom content on Sundering.

"Adventurer’s Haven is the central hub for Sundering. Although there have been a few attacks on those located inside by the Virindi Oracle, it is still a preferred location for those on dereth to buy, sell, and Lifestone. "

  • Haven is a focal point for players with many quality of life improvements found in and around Haven.


Points of Interest


NPC Name Location Type Details
Nawaf (Haven) South Room Barber 1 Trade Note (250,000) to change a characters appearance
Monroe (Haven) South Wall Stipend Officer Provides your stipend every 4 days
Marid (Haven) South Wall Stipend Vendor Exchange stipends for various rewards
Ianto (Haven) South Wall Master Tailor Sells Armor/Weapon Layering Tools, Tailoring Kits, Reduction Tools and Over-Robe/Guise Reduction Kits
Prada the Dye Maker South Wall Tailor’s Assistant Sells dye pots
Roaming Bowyer (Haven) Center Room Bowyer Sells Invitation to Master Fletchers and basic missile skill supplies
Shopkeeper Yoshi Deshi (Haven) Center Room Shopkeeper Vendor for packs and various goods
Ravenna the Collector Center Room Trophy Collector Exchanges various trophies for rewards
Agent of the Arcanum (Haven) Center Room Collector Collector and Housing NPC
Haven Crier East Wall Herald Provides information for a price
Lyra Shardfinder East Wall Lifestone Shard Collector Accepts Admin generated token to flag a toon to become a Lifestone Shard Collect, gives a daily Lifestone Shard task (Sword=Kill Task/Tome=Quest)
Taku Tengri Right North Side Key Artificer Exchanges various Legendary Keys for Mana-Infused Key Fragments, Can turn full Burning Sands Keyrings into a 25-use Key for a price
Malachi Blackcloak North Wall Shadow Syndicate Sells Salted Meats, Keyrings, Diamond Scarabs, Healing Kits and other useful items for a premium
Arcanum Broker (Haven) North Wall Mana Forge Vendor Buys items at a premium
Mei Ling Spellshaper North Wall Master Mage The elite vendor for all your mage’s needs
Morgan Hawkins North Room Spell Component Trader Vendor for level 8 components
Astrala Mindbender North Room Spell Instructor Speak with her and hand her back the Talisman of Knowledge to learn all level 1-6s spells
Malia the Titlemaster North Wall Titlemaster Provides rewards for every 25 titles earned
Valorian North Wall Yalani Artifact Collector Lifestone Shard Vendor with speciality items

Art & Images

File:Adventurer’s Haven.png