Introduced:  Release
White Jewel
  • Value: 250
  • Burden: 10


You give Stone Collector White Jewel.

Stone Collector tells you, "Very nicely cut! I'll take this."

You've earned 11,250 experience.

Stone Collector gives you Trade Note (10,000).

Stone Collector tells you, "A pleasure doing business."

You give Aun Mareura the Collector White Jewel.

Aun Mareura the Collector tells you, "You mean there are more Virindi than those just on our island? Tonk save us! However, my first priority is to purge Palenqual's shores of the floating demons, who are known for their yellow jewels."

Aun Mareura the Collector gives you White Jewel.

  • Used to purchase many Villas.
  • Does not stack.

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