Introduced during the Tricks and Treats event in October 2005.
Was originally located only in Glenden Wood, however, during the Dance of the Dead event, a Pumpkin Buffer can also be found in Sanamar, Holtburg, Shoushi, and Yaraq.
Some rewards include Candy Corn, Gummy Ghouls, Gummy Golems, Chocolate Gromnies, Licorice Rats, Rock Candy Knaths, Caramel Kukuurs, Floating Candles and a Festival Shirt.
Originally, the Pumpkin Buffer casted level II spells. Nowadays, he buffs randomly beneficial level 7 spells.
Lore & Dialogue
Pumpkin Buffer is shattered by your assault!
The Pumpkin Buffer bursts open spraying treats.
Items dropped
(Note, some of the candy got an expiring date, 30 days since the pumpkin buffers started to re-appear)
Special Candy
Candy Corn - + 100 Run for 1 minute
Caramel Kukuur - + 100 Melee - *expires*
Chocolate Gromnie - Dispells negative level 7s *expires*
Gummy Ghoul - +200% healing for 1 minute
Gummy Golem - +100 Magic Def - *expires*
Licorice Rat - +100 Jump - *expires*
- File:Marshmallw Bat Icon.png Marshmallow Bat - Restores 40 Health
- File:Marshmallw Ghost Icon.png Marshmallow Ghost - Restores 40 Mana
- File:Marshmallw Pumpkin Icon.png Marshmallow Pumpkin - Restores 40 Stamina
Rock Candy Knath - +100 Missile *expires*
Bar of Dark Chocolate
Bar of Milk Chocolate
Dark Chocolate Candy Bar
Milk Chocolate Candy Bar
Peppermint Chocolate Bar
And there is the rare drop of the Festival Shirt with 3 Crafting Majors: AL 50, Major Alchemical Prowess, Major Cooking Prowess, Major Fletching Prowess (inscribed: "Festival Season 07" -- Crafter's Guild (though this shirt was found in 2008).
Inscriptions on the Festival Shirt
"My other shirt is chainmail" --- Londigul Ellic the Armorer
"I'm not wearing a costume! This is just a t-shirt you fool." --- Ulgrim
"This shirt has absorbed stout from every bar in Dereth. Enjoy!" --- Ulgrim
"WWUD" --- Ulgrim the Unpleasant
"Heightened levels of joy on your annual celebration of torpidity" --- Virind Leopold
"If you are reading this, I should have carried more death items" --- Ardry
"Please, wear this shirt. It's horrible arcane script in a dead language will surely not harm you or anyone around you. "Rybbo Vadejym Caycuh!" --- Grael
"I looted Nuhmidira's Basement"
"By the pricking of my thumb, something wicked this way comes"
"This shirt tastes orange" (a black shirt)
"Varicci stinks!"
"Undead Sailors are better than Nanjou Shou-jen"
"Spooky, Creepy and full of candy"