For information on the topic of continuity in fiction, continuity errors, and retroactive continuity (retcon), see wikipedia - Continuity (fiction)
The following pages attempt to document various errors in continuity, and if possible, draw a reasonable conclusion on what can be considered "canon".
Timeline and Events Continuity
Empyrean History
- Ages of the Empyrean Versus The History of Auberean
- Harlune
- Kellin I and Caerlin I
- Sendings of Darkness
Isparian History on Dereth
- Aluvian Settlement on Dereth
- Gharu'ndim Settlement on Dereth
- Lifestones
- Lilitha
- Lord Cambarth and Mount Lethe
- Olthoi Rebellion
- Sho Settlement on Dereth
- Siege of Holtburg and Founding of Rithwic
Other Events
Ispar Continuity
- Timeline of Ispar - continuity regarding how the timeline of Ispar evolved.
- Roulean Calendar and Portal Years - continuity regarding the conversion between the Roulean calendar of Ispar and the Portal Year calendar of Dereth.
- Aluvian History - continuity specifically as it relates to the Aluvian people.
- Gharu'ndim History - continuity specifically as it relates to the Gharu'ndim people.
- Sho History - continuity specifically as it relates to the Sho people.
- Viamontian History - continuity specifically as it relates to the Viamontian people.
- Dericost versus Dericostian
- Empyrean as a Term
- Garondish versus Gharu'ndim
- Gearknight versus Gear Knight
- Habrean versus Haebraen versus Haebran versus Haebrean versus Haebrous
- Milantan versus Milantane versus Milantean versus Milantos
- Viamont versus Viamonter versus Viamontian
- Virindi versus Virin'di
- Yalain versus Yalaini
- Names of Places and Races (old)