Related topics: Yalain, Languages, Dericostian Language, Falatacot Language

The Yalaini written language is composed of an aphlabet.[1]

The translator for most Yalaini writings is Bretself the Translator in the Cragstone library. Kuyiza bint Zayi the Translator in the Zaikhal library will translate early Yalaini writings from the Millennium War.


Yalaini Translation Notes
Acumen Manim A school at the Knorr Lyceum.
Aegis Medi A school at the Knorr Lyceum.
Ae sa ai liat sauli baerai zharon.[2] The inscription on the Crescent Moons.
Ai liat sauli paerai ai daekau.[3] The inscription onf the Scepter of Thunderous Might.
Ai, Metresa?[4] Yes, Mistress?[4] An Utterance by Smith Ejan.
Alb'arel[5] Pale Companion[5] The larger, pale moon.
Arel[5] A nautical term that refers to a vessel that escorts another one.[5]
Arelis Eipoth[6] Golden Age[6]
Artificae A school at the Knorr Lyceum.
Au light, star, thought, self[7]
Au virinaa! Au... baeaa?[4] I breathe not! I... am not... slain?[4] An Utterance by Smith Ejan.
Aulia[8] High Lady Queen[8]
Aulin[8] High Lord King[8]
Ayai[9] Burning[9]
Ayai Heauviri[9] the Soulburn Plague[9]
Bael Slayer[10]
Bael'Zharon Slayer of Hope[10]
Caerlin Lord of the Deep Waters[9] A Yalaini Imperial name. Pronounced: CARE-lynn[11]
Cellaurai / Cellauri Consecrated by Starlight[9] A Yalaini Imperial name. Pronounced: kel-OR-ai[11]
Conjurae A school at the Knorr Lyceum.
Dericoi Eipoth[6] Age of Dericost[6]
Entropica A school at the Knorr Lyceum.
Eipothi[6] Epochs or Ages[6]
Etah si au hisenaa![4] Why can I not recall![4] An Utterance by Smith Ejan.
Geomancy (this is likely a translation) Geomancy A school at the Knorr Lyceum.
Hanaurel...[4] Written thoughts - letter...[4] An Utterance by Smith Ejan.
Hanaureli Rezau[12] Letters of the Red Self[12] The Book of Blood.
Heauviri[9] high-thought-wind, possibly the Yalaini equivalent of soul[9]
Heiromancy (this is likely a translation) Heiromancy / War Magic A school at the Knorr Lyceum.
Hyrethis Eipoth[6] Third Age of Lore[6]
Ignae Fatae Illusion[13][14] A school at the Knorr Lyceum.
Ipharsia[8] High Lady[8]
Ipharsin[8] High Lord[8]
Ireth Lassel Litteral translation unknown, Dereth[15]
jauniril[9] Unknown, seems to be a verb.[9]
Kall ama te fen? Reann au..?[4] Who was it for? Where do I..?[4] An Utterance by Smith Ejan.
Kellin Righteous Lord[9] A Yalaini Imperial name.
Laerauinth Living Stones of the Ground[16] The Yalaini name for Knathtead.
Lyceum School of Magic[17]
Maitrell[18] Mother[19]
Marae Lassel Sheltering Isle[20][21]
Moriqui Eipoth[6] Age of Shifting[6]
Occultus A school at the Knorr Lyceum.
Organis A school at the Knorr Lyceum.
Planar Abstraction (this is likely a translation) Planar Abstraction / Portal Magic A school at the Knorr Lyceum.
Rez'arel The smaller red moon.
Rhethis Eipoth[6] irst Age of Lore[6]
Seral Ipharsis Great Crown Besnowed[22] Mount Esper
Suvani hasode, Metresa, tamaa Dar Hallae.[4] Yes. The Shadows remain below, Mistress, at the Old Ring.[4] An Utterance by Smith Ejan.
Tempae Invectae A school at the Knorr Lyceum.
Torethis Eipoth[6] Second Age of Lore[6]
Vacari Eipoth[6] Age of Contentment[6]
Virin'di[23][24] The Virindi.
Werethas The Direlands[25][26]
Zharon Hope[10]
Zorn... zorn...[4] All gone, all gone...[4] An Utterance by Smith Ejan.


Yalaini Translation Notes
-aa suffix meaning "not" Based on Ejan's utterances:
  • Au virinaa! Au... baeaa? / I breathe not! I... am not... slain?
  • Etah si au hisenaa! / Why can I not recall!
Ai Yes Based on Ejan's utterance:
  • Ai, Metresa? / Yes, Mistress?
Alb Pale Based on:
  • Alb'arel means pale companion.
  • Arel is the part meaning companion.
Au I Based on Ejan's utterances:
  • Au virinaa! Au... baeaa? / I breathe not! I... am not... slain?
  • Etah si au hisenaa! / Why can I not recall!
  • Kall ama te fen? Reann au..? / Who was it for? Where do I..?

This would be in addition to the translations of light, star, thought, self listed above.

Bae- Root word for "Slay" Based on Ejan's utterance:
  • Au virinaa! Au... baeaa? / I breathe not! I... am not... slain?

Based on the Stormwalz quote Two Yalain Words:

  • Bael = Slayer
  • Bael'Zharon = Hope Slayer
Dericoi Dericost or Dericostian Based on the Dericoi Eipoth, the Age of Dericost.
Eipoth Epoch or Age Based on the Ages of the Empyrean:
  • Arelis Eipoth / Golden Age
  • Dericoi Eipoth / Age of Dericost
  • Vacari Eipoth / Age' of Contentment
  • Rhethis Eipoth / First Age of Lore
  • Torethis Eipoth / Second Age of Lore
  • Hyrethis Eipoth / Third Age of Lore
  • Moriqui Eipoth / Age of Shifting

Based on Eipothi:

  • Eipothi / Epochs or Ages
Rez Red Based on:
  • Hanaureli Rezau / Letters of the Red Self, knowing that Au means self, and that Hanaurel means letter.
Rez'arel Red Companion Based on:
  • Our assumption that Rez means red.
  • Alb'arel means pale companion.
  • Arel is the part meaning companion.
Viri Wind Based on:
  • Heauviri / high-thought-wind
Virin Breathe, likely related to wind. Based on Ejan's utterance:
  • Au virinaa! Au... baeaa? / I breathe not! I... am not... slain?
Virin'di Wind Walker Based on assumption that virin is related to wind, and based on other Empyreans calling virindi Wind Walkers.[27]


  1. 2000/03 Stormwaltz Quotes - On Empyrean Linguistics
  2. 2003/09 Groundswell - Crescent Moons
  3. 2003/09 Groundswell - Scepter of Thunderous Might
  4. 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 2000/07 To Raise a Banner of Flame - Smith Ejan
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 2002/05 Developer Q&A - Whats That On The Moon?
  6. 6.00 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 2001/11 Dark Majesty - Ages of the Empyrean
  7. 2000/11 Should the Stars Fall - Campaign Journal
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 2010/11 From Darkness, Light - Empyrean Rank Titles (Retired)
  9. 9.00 9.01 9.02 9.03 9.04 9.05 9.06 9.07 9.08 9.09 9.10 2000/07 To Raise a Banner of Flame - Aerlinthe Record
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 2000/05 Stormwaltz Quotes - Two Yalain Words
  11. 11.0 11.1 2001/10 Dark Majesty - AC:DM CD Lore - Pronunciation
  12. 12.0 12.1 2002/01 Flesh and Blood - Teaser
  13. 2003/05 Discoveries - Letter to Asheron
  14. 2003/05 Discoveries - We, the Defenders of the Helm
  15. An early PC Gamer issue giving a preview article on Asheron's Call.
  16. 2000/10 Hollow Victory - Standing Orders
  17. 2001/11 Dark Majesty - Bestiary: Undead
  18. 2001/11 Dark Majesty - Shard of the Herald Visions
  19. 2001/11 Dark Majesty - Communion
  20. 2001/10 Dark Majesty - Dark Majesty--Harvestgain, PY 12 (Mid-October, 2001)
  21. 2001/10 Dark Majesty - Microsoft Games Archive/Dark Majesty/Expansion Pack FAQ
  22. 2000/07 To Raise a Banner of Flame - Smith's Note
  23. 2000/12 The Child of Daralet - Asheron's Missive
  24. 2000/12 The Child of Daralet - Asheron's Second Missive
  25. 2000/02 Shadows of the Past - Decree
  26. 2001/02 Lonely In The World - Hieromancer's Armor
  27. 2001/04 A Reign of Stone - Scrawled Note (Aerbax Laboratory - Translated)

Characters Major Characters, Minor Characters, Isparian Characters, Empyrean Characters, Creature Characters, Deity Characters

Isparian: Aluvian, Gharu'ndim, Kael Arran, Milantean, Roulean, Sho, Silveran, Souia-Vey, Viamontian. Empyrean: Dericostian, Falatacot, Haebrean, High Desert Nomad, Yalaini. Other: Banderling, Burun, Drudge, Gearknight, Lugian, Mosswart, Shadow, Tumerok, Virindi

Worlds Auberean, Bur, Gearknight Homeworld, Ezheret-Hazahtu, Ispar, Olthoi Homeworld, Tuu
Historical Records Texts, Internet Lore Articles, Event Announcements, Utterances, AC:DM CD Lore, A Brief History for Travelers, The History of Auberean, Stormwaltz Quotes
Historical Summaries Prehistoric Auberean, Arelis Eipoth, Dericoi Eipoth, Vacari Eipoth, Rhethis Eipoth, Torethis Eipoth, Hyrethis Eipoth, Moriqui Eipoth, Portal Year Era
Miscellaneous Lore Lore Database, Continuity, Factions, Historical Sites