February 2013 - Announcements Page
- Patch Date: 20th Feb, 2013
- Patch Size: 936k (Client: 4,644k)
- Hotfix: Patch 9k, (26 February) - Refer here for more details.
- Hotfix #2: Patch 9k Client: 4,644k, (4 March) - Refer here for more details.
- New
Summoning skill introduced allowing players to call forth short-lived minions to aid them in their battles across Dereth. (after level 50, chose a mastery at Arwic statues)
Tier 8 Loot
- Loot Tier 8 introduced.
- Legendary cantrips now available.
- Armor in Tier 8 can drop with Critical Damage Rating or Critical Damage Resist Rating. Each piece can generate with a rating as high as 2. All pieces stack together.
- Clothing/Cloaks in Tier 8 can drop with Damage Rating or Damage Resist Rating. Each piece can generate with a rating as high as 3. All pieces stack together.
- Jewelry/Trinkets in Tier 8 can drop with Max Health Boost rating or Healing Rating. Each piece can go up to 3. All pieces stack together.
- Higher wield req (10 points above the previous max wields) with higher damages.
- Society Armor Chests have been switched over to tier 8 and have had luck applied (Quartermaster chests are unchanged).
- Tier 8 armor/clothing/jewelry has a level 180 wield requirement.
- New Chorizite Chests with timers are hidden in certain dungeons. These chests can only be opened using Lockpick.
- Epic Hermetic Link added
- Legendary Armor/Weapon/Magic chests are found inside certain dungeons. Those same quests reward Legendary Keys used to open the chests. These keys have a 24 hr lifespan.
- Aged Legendary Keys can be found as Shattered Legendary Key on creatures or earned through certain kill tasks. They open chests located in Arwic.
- These keys have no lifespan, however the Shattered Legendary Key version has a 24 hr lifespan that is removed when the key is successfully re-assembled.
- Creatures in the following hunting areas now drop loot from the new tier.
Creature Rebalance
Creature levels and corresponding loot tiers adjusted
- 15 and under - Tier 1
- 20-30 - Tier 2
- 40-50 - Tier 3
- 60-80 - Tier 4
- 100-115 -Tier 5
- 135-160 - Tier 6
- 185+ - Tier 7
The following creatures have received re balanced attributes and skills
- Armoredillos
- Auroch
- Banderlings
- Carenzi
- Chittick
- Drudges
- Eaters
- Fiun
- Gurog
- Idols
- Mosswarts
- Olthoi
- Phyntos Wasps
- Reedsharks
- Shallows Shark
- Ruschk
- Skeletons
- Tuskers
- Undead
- Mu-miyah
- Elementals
- Grievvers
- Marguls
- Shadows
- Golems
- Moars
Other Changes
- Updated Castable Level 8 Item Self spells to equal their loot-only versions|
- Aura of Incantation of Blood Drinker now adds +24 damage instead of +22
- Aura of Incantation of Spirit Drinker now adds 8% instead of +7%
- Aura of Incantation of Defender now adds 20% meleed mod
- Epic cantrips increased in power
- Epic Attribute & Mastery cantrips increased to +25 instead of +20.
- Epic Wards from ?? to ??
- Epic Rejuvenation type cantrips to 45% from 40%
New Quests
Updated Quests
- Quests with rewards updated to Loot Tier 8.
- Rescuing Mouf P - 2 use Legendary Key added
- Hoshino Fortress Infiltration - 4 Legendary Keys added
- Ninja Academy
- Tanada Intercept and Slaughter - 2 Legendary Keys added
- Nanjou Stockade - Legendary Key added
- Releasing the Light - 2 Legendary Keys added
- First Sister - Legendary Key and Morning Seed updated
- Second Sister - Legendary Key and Harvest Seed updated
- Third Sister - Legendary Key added and Twilight Seed upgraded
- Defeat Hoshino Kei - 5 Use Legendary Key added and Empowered Robe of Utter Darkness was upgraded.
- Foundry of Izexi Quest
- Slave Master Quest
- Castle of Lord Mhoire - 2 use Legendary Key added that replaces the 5 Use Mhoire Castle Treasury Key (those keys still drop on Mhoire and in dungeon loot), Sealed Treasury Vaults moved one room over and the three former vault rooms now house 8 chests (Armor right path, Magic middle path, Weapons left path, see map for locations).
- Oubliette of Mhoire Castle Quest
- Mhoire Infiltration - 3 use Legendary Key added
- Geraine's Hosts
- Lost Ruins Quest - 1 Legendary Key added
- Tou Tou kill Tasks now also give two Legendary Tokens (20 = a Legendary Key)
- Neftet kill Tasks now also give two Legendary Tokens (20 = a Legendary Key)
- Hoshino kill Tasks now also give two Legendary Token (20 = a Legendary Key)
- Monthly Explorer Society Quests
- 27 days: The Temple of Liazk Itzi
- 13 days: Arcane Pedestal Quest
- 6 days: Brewmaster Quest
New NPCs
New Locations
New Items
Legendary Empowered Robe of Utter Darkness
Contract for Buried Alive
Contract for Defeat Hoshino Kei
Contract for Protecting Picketed Pets
Contract for Ritual Disruption
Contract for Ritual Investigation
Chorizite Chest
Legendary Chest
Legendary Armor Chest
Legendary Magic Chest
Legendary Weapon Chest
Legendary Key
Aged Legendary Key
Shattered Legendary Key
Burning Sands Keyring
Naturalist (Object)
Necromancer (Object)
Primalist (Object)
Summoning Gem of Enlightenment
Summoning Gem of Forgetfulness
Mud Golem Essence (15)
Sandstone Golem Essence (30)
Copper Golem Essence (50)
Oak Golem Essence (80)
Gold Golem Essence (100)
Coral Golem Essence (125)
Iron Golem Essence (150)
Acid Grievver Essence (50)
Acid Grievver Essence (80)
Acid Grievver Essence (100)
Acid Grievver Essence (125)
Acid Grievver Essence (150)
Acid Grievver Essence (180)
Caustic Grievver Essence (200)
Fire Grievver Essence (50)
Fire Grievver Essence (80)
Fire Grievver Essence (100)
Fire Grievver Essence (125)
Fire Grievver Essence (150)
Fire Grievver Essence (180)
Scorched Grievver Essence (200)
Frost Grievver Essence (50)
Frost Grievver Essence (80)
Frost Grievver Essence (100)
Frost Grievver Essence (125)
Frost Grievver Essence (150)
Frost Grievver Essence (180)
Arctic Grievver Essence (200)
Glacial Grievver Essence (200)
Arctic Grievver Essence (200)
Lightning Grievver Essence (50)
Lightning Grievver Essence (80)
Lightning Grievver Essence (100)
Lightning Grievver Essence (125)
Lightning Grievver Essence (150)
Lightning Grievver Essence (180)
Excited Grievver Essence (200)
Acid Moar Essence (50)
Acid Moar Essence (80)
Acid Moar Essence (100)
Acid Moar Essence (125)
Acid Moar Essence (150)
Acid Moar Essence (180)
Blistering Moar Essence (200)
Fire Moar Essence (50)
Fire Moar Essence (80)
Fire Moar Essence (100)
Fire Moar Essence (125)
Fire Moar Essence (150)
Fire Moar Essence (180)
Volcanic Moar Essence (200)
Frost Moar Essence (50)
Frost Moar Essence (80)
Frost Moar Essence (100)
Frost Moar Essence (125)
Frost Moar Essence (150)
Frost Moar Essence (180)
Freezing Moar Essence (200)
Lightning Moar Essence (50)
Lightning Moar Essence (80)
Lightning Moar Essence (100)
Lightning Moar Essence (125)
Lightning Moar Essence (150)
Lightning Moar Essence (180)
Electrified Moar Essence (200)
Acid Phyntos Wasp Essence (50)
Acid Phyntos Wasp Essence (80)
Acid Phyntos Wasp Essence (100)
Acid Phyntos Wasp Essence (125)
Acid Phyntos Wasp Essence (150)
Acid Phyntos Wasp Essence (180)
Acid Phyntos Swarm Essence (200)
Fire Phyntos Wasp Essence (50)
Fire Phyntos Wasp Essence (80)
Fire Phyntos Wasp Essence (100)
Fire Phyntos Wasp Essence (125)
Fire Phyntos Wasp Essence (150)
Fire Phyntos Wasp Essence (180)
Fire Phyntos Swarm Essence (200)
Frost Phyntos Wasp Essence (50)
Frost Phyntos Wasp Essence (80)
Frost Phyntos Wasp Essence (100)
Frost Phyntos Wasp Essence (125)
Frost Phyntos Wasp Essence (150)
Frost Phyntos Wasp Essence (180)
Frost Phyntos Swarm Essence (200)
Lightning Phyntos Wasp Essence (50)
Lightning Phyntos Wasp Essence (80)
Lightning Phyntos Wasp Essence (100)
Lightning Phyntos Wasp Essence (125)
Lightning Phyntos Wasp Essence (150)
Lightning Phyntos Wasp Essence (180)
Lightning Phyntos Swarm Essence (200)
Acid Skeleton Minion Essence (50)
Acid Skeleton Minion Essence (80)
Acid Skeleton Minion Essence (100)
Acid Skeleton Bushi Essence (125)
Acid Skeleton Bushi Essence (150)
Acid Skeleton Bushi Essence (180)
Acid Skeleton Samurai Essence (200)
Fire Skeleton Minion Essence (50)
Fire Skeleton Minion Essence (80)
Fire Skeleton Minion Essence (100)
Fire Skeleton Bushi Essence (125)
Fire Skeleton Bushi Essence (150)
Fire Skeleton Bushi Essence (180)
Fire Skeleton Samurai Essence (200)
Frost Skeleton Minion Essence (50)
Frost Skeleton Minion Essence (80)
Frost Skeleton Minion Essence (100)
Frost Skeleton Bushi Essence (125)
Frost Skeleton Bushi Essence (150)
Frost Skeleton Bushi Essence (180)
Frost Skeleton Samurai Essence (200)
Lightning Skeleton Minion Essence (50)
Lightning Skeleton Minion Essence (80)
Lightning Skeleton Minion Essence (100)
Lightning Skeleton Bushi Essence (125)
Lightning Skeleton Bushi Essence (150)
Lightning Skeleton Bushi Essence (180)
Lightning Skeleton Samurai Essence (200)
Acid Spectre Essence (50)
Acid Spectre Essence (80)
Acid Spectre Essence (100)
Acid Spectre Essence (125)
Acid Spectre Essence (150)
Acid Spectre Essence (180)
Acid Maiden Essence (200)
Fire Spectre Essence (50)
Fire Spectre Essence (80)
Fire Spectre Essence (100)
Fire Spectre Essence (125)
Fire Spectre Essence (150)
Fire Spectre Essence (180)
Fire Maiden Essence (200)
Frost Spectre Essence (50)
Frost Spectre Essence (80)
Frost Spectre Essence (100)
Frost Spectre Essence (125)
Frost Spectre Essence (150)
Frost Spectre Essence (180)
Frost Maiden Essence (200)
Lightning Spectre Essence (50)
Lightning Spectre Essence (80)
Lightning Spectre Essence (100)
Lightning Spectre Essence (125)
Lightning Spectre Essence (150)
Lightning Spectre Essence (180)
Lightning Maiden Essence (200)
Acid Zombie Essence (50)
Acid Zombie Essence (80)
Acid Zombie Essence (100)
Acid Zombie Essence (125)
Acid Zombie Essence (150)
Acid Zombie Essence (180)
Blistered Zombie Essence (200)
Fire Zombie Essence (50)
Fire Zombie Essence (80)
Fire Zombie Essence (100)
Fire Zombie Essence (125)
Fire Zombie Essence (150)
Fire Zombie Essence (180)
Charred Zombie Essence (200)
Frost Zombie Essence (50)
Frost Zombie Essence (80)
Frost Zombie Essence (100)
Frost Zombie Essence (125)
Frost Zombie Essence (150)
Frost Zombie Essence (180)
Frigid Zombie Essence (200)
Lightning Zombie Essence (50)
Lightning Zombie Essence (80)
Lightning Zombie Essence (100)
Lightning Zombie Essence (125)
Lightning Zombie Essence (150)
Lightning Zombie Essence (180)
Shocked Zombie Essence (200)
Acid Elemental Essence (50)
Acid Elemental Essence (80)
Acid Elemental Essence (100)
Acid Child Essence (125)
Acid Child Essence (150)
Acid Child Essence (180)
Caustic Knight Essence (200)
Fire Elemental Essence (50)
Fire Elemental Essence (80)
Fire Elemental Essence (100)
Fire Child Essence (125)
Fire Child Essence (150)
Fire Child Essence (180)
Incendiary Knight Essence (200)
Scorched Knight Essence (200)
Frost Elemental Essence (50)
Frost Elemental Essence (80)
Frost Elemental Essence (100)
Frost Child Essence (125)
Frost Child Essence (150)
Frost Child Essence (180)
Glacial Knight Essence (200)
Lightning Elemental Essence (50)
Lightning Elemental Essence (80)
Lightning Elemental Essence (100)
Lightning Child Essence (125)
Lightning Child Essence (150)
Lightning Child Essence (180)
Galvanic Knight Essence (200)
Acid K'nath Essence (50)
Acid K'nath Essence (80)
Acid K'nath Essence (100)
Acid K'nath Essence (125)
Acid K'nath Essence (150)
Acid K'nath Essence (180)
K'nath Y'nda Essence (200)
Fire K'nath Essence (50)
Fire K'nath Essence (80)
Fire K'nath Essence (100)
Fire K'nath Essence (125)
Fire K'nath Essence (150)
Fire K'nath Essence (180)
K'nath B'orret Essence (200)
Frost K'nath Essence (50)
Frost K'nath Essence (80)
Frost K'nath Essence (100)
Frost K'nath Essence (125)
Frost K'nath Essence (150)
Frost K'nath Essence (180)
K'nath R'ajed Essence (200)
Lightning K'nath Essence (50)
Lightning K'nath Essence (80)
Lightning K'nath Essence (100)
Lightning K'nath Essence (125)
Lightning K'nath Essence (150)
Lightning K'nath Essence (180)
K'nath T'soct Essence (200)
Acid Wisp Essence (50)
Acid Wisp Essence (80)
Acid Wisp Essence (100)
Acid Wisp Essence (125)
Acid Wisp Essence (150)
Acid Wisp Essence (180)
Corrosion Wisp Essence (200)
Fire Wisp Essence (50)
Fire Wisp Essence (80)
Fire Wisp Essence (100)
Fire Wisp Essence (125)
Fire Wisp Essence (150)
Fire Wisp Essence (180)
Incendiary Wisp Essence (200)
Frost Wisp Essence (50)
Frost Wisp Essence (80)
Frost Wisp Essence (100)
Frost Wisp Essence (125)
Frost Wisp Essence (150)
Frost Wisp Essence (180)
Blizzard Wisp Essence (200)
Lightning Wisp Essence (50)
Lightning Wisp Essence (80)
Lightning Wisp Essence (100)
Lightning Wisp Essence (125)
Lightning Wisp Essence (150)
Lightning Wisp Essence (180)
Voltaic Wisp Essence (200)
Token of the Aura of the World
File:Scroll of Summoning Mastery Self Icon.png Scroll of Summoning Mastery SelfFile:Scroll of Summoning Mastery Self II Icon.png Scroll of Summoning Mastery Self IIFile:Scroll of Summoning Mastery Self III Icon.png Scroll of Summoning Mastery Self IIIFile:Scroll of Summoning Mastery Self IV Icon.png Scroll of Summoning Mastery Self IVFile:Scroll of Summoning Mastery Self V Icon.png Scroll of Summoning Mastery Self V Scroll of Summoning Mastery Self VI
Scroll of Summoning Mastery Self VIIFile:Scroll of Summoning Mastery Other Icon.png Scroll of Summoning Mastery OtherFile:Scroll of Summoning Mastery Other II Icon.png Scroll of Summoning Mastery Other IIFile:Scroll of Summoning Mastery Other III Icon.png Scroll of Summoning Mastery Other IIIFile:Scroll of Summoning Mastery Other IV Icon.png Scroll of Summoning Mastery Other IVFile:Scroll of Summoning Mastery Other V Icon.png Scroll of Summoning Mastery Other VFile:Scroll of Summoning Mastery Other VI Icon.png Scroll of Summoning Mastery Other VI
Scroll of Summoning Mastery Other VIIFile:Scroll of Summoning Mastery Ineptitude Other Icon.png Scroll of Summoning Mastery Ineptitude OtherFile:Scroll of Summoning Mastery Ineptitude Other II Icon.png Scroll of Summoning Mastery Ineptitude Other IIFile:Scroll of Summoning Mastery Ineptitude Other III Icon.png Scroll of Summoning Mastery Ineptitude Other IIIFile:Scroll of Summoning Mastery Ineptitude Other IV Icon.png Scroll of Summoning Mastery Ineptitude Other IVFile:Scroll of Summoning Mastery Ineptitude Other V Icon.png Scroll of Summoning Mastery Ineptitude Other VFile:Scroll of Summoning Mastery Ineptitude Other VI Icon.png Scroll of Summoning Mastery Ineptitude Other VIFile:Scroll of Summoning Mastery Ineptitude Other VII Icon.png Scroll of Summoning Mastery Ineptitude Other VII
Inscription of Summoning Ineptitude Other
Inscription of Summoning Mastery Self
Legendary Seed of Mornings
Legendary Seed of Harvests
Legendary Seed of Twilight
New Spells
New Creatures
New Dialog
Town Crier
Free Rumors
- Town Crier tells you, "I just saw the strangest thing. Someone ran by with a golem following after them, but it wasn't trying to harm them at all."
- Town Crier tells you, "I've heard rumors of items with stronger magics upon them. I guess it's time for me to brush up on my weapon skills."
- Town Crier tells you, "I've heard reports that an A'nekshay near Neftet is seeking aid with something inside the canyons."
- Town Crier tells you, "I've heard rumors of protective items that increase one's ratings. What will they think of next?"
- Town Crier tells you, "I've heard reports that one of the Gear Knights at the encampment near the spectral Hoshino Kei's fortress is seeking aid with something."
- Town Crier tells you, "I've heard reports of a collector somewhere in southern Osteth seeking aid in some acquisitions."
Pyreal Rumors
- Town Crier tells you, "News! The Arcanum has mastered the ancient arts of Summoning, and is teaching the skills to those who wish to learn."
- Town Crier tells you, "Summoning Essences can be purchased in Holtburg, Shoushi, Yaraq or Sanamar, or can be found in the wilds."
- Town Crier tells you, "News! Equipment has been found in the most dangerous areas of Dereth that increases the ratings of the wearer!"
- Town Crier tells you, "News! Many creatures in the most dangerous areas of Dereth have been found to be carrying items with magical power exceeding everything seen to date!"
- Town Crier tells you, "One of the Gear Knight officers at the encampment outside of the spectral Hoshino Kei's fortress is seeking adventurers to aid in the location of a missing soldier."
- Town Crier tells you, "There's an A'nekshay at the Neftet Encampment seeking adventurers to help him investigate strange magical disturbances within the Valley of Neftet's underground catacombs."
- Town Crier tells you, "I've heard rumor of an Umbraen collector in Kara that is seeking skilled adventurers for a hunt in the Graveyard of Despair."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant
Free Rumors
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Finally, I just might be able to teach one of those golems to keep my tankard full of stout."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Why would I need to do that? Oh I don't know..."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Maybe because my usual sources have been pretty lacking lately."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Did you get that? I don't think you did because I don't see a stout going from your hand to mine."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "People are running around everywhere to create new suits of armor."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Armor comes and goes, but a good robe never goes out of style."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I used to have these Chorizite Chests that I stored my treasure in."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "The other night I was wandering through some dungeons and may have had just a little too much to drink."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "All I know is, now my Chorizite Chests are gone and I'm out of stout."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "One of those things is very unacceptable."
Stout Rumors
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I don't know if I'd trust those Oracles."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Slowly they release ways to augment one's abilities for the price of luminance."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "What are they doing with that luminance? Is it what makes their eyes glow?"
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Or is it a step to them regaining power over all of these lands?"
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I know I'd be safe, but what about you?"
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "So I've seen people running around with new loot."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I've had a full set of Mystical gear for years now."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh you think Legendarys are good? You have no idea..."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Necromancers, Primalists, Naturalists; what is this world coming to?"
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Warriors can no longer fight for themselves?"
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I'd rather summon Pancake Golems."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Nothing goes better with a good stout than a stack of pancakes."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "That's a hint since clearly you aren't good at figuring those out."
Ansar El-Kerdany
- Ansar El-Kerdany tells you, "Greetings, Adventurer! We are looking for adventurers willing to explore the Temple of Liazk Itzi"
- Ansar El-Kerdany tells you, "Watch your step in that dangerous place, and I shall reward you upon your return."
- Ansar El-Kerdany tells you, ""
Esmond Fielding
- Esmond Fielding tells you, "Greetings, Adventurer! The Explorer Society has decided it would help direct attention to citizens in need of help."
- Esmond Fielding tells you, "This month we have decided that you may find the magic of an Arcane Pedestal intriguing."
- Esmond Fielding tells you, "Discover the secrets to constructing one of these devices and I shall reward you."
- Esmond Fielding tells you, "You managed to assemble the Arcane Pedestal. You are a clever one. Enjoy this reward."
Niccolo De Luca
- Niccolo De Luca tells you, "Greetings, Adventurer! The Explorer Society has decided it would help direct attention to citizens in need of help"
- Niccolo De Luca tells you, "This month we have decided that... alright I'll be honest. Ulgrim begged us to direct people to Rand this month."
- Niccolo De Luca tells you, "It seems he really wants more Brewmasters in this world. Convince Rand to let you see his Brewmaster's Bible and I'll reward you."
- Niccolo De Luca tells you, "I can smell by your breath that you've been studying brewing in some form at least. Here is your reward and if you see Ulgrim let him know that we're even now."
Rand, Game Hunter
- Rand, Game Hunter tells you, "As a game hunter I've tagged a variety of creatures to test your skills. Kill these creatures to test your skills and prove your abilities and I'll make it worth your while."
- Rand, Game Hunter tells you, "This month I've tagged Tusker Rampagers as the moderate difficulty prey."
- Rand, Game Hunter tells you, "This month I've tagged Crystalline Wisps as the medium difficulty prey."
- Rand, Game Hunter tells you, "This month I've tagged Drudges in the Valley of Death and Withered Atoll as the high difficulty prey."
- Rand, Game Hunter tells you, "This month I've tagged Dark Isle Shadows as one of the most difficult prey."
- Rand, Game Hunter tells you, "This month I've tagged Lugians in Path of the Blind as the other prey of highest difficulty."
Related Articles
1 - Choice Is Yours.
2 - Chorizites The New Black.
3 - Petty Cash.
4 - Do Not Disturb.
5 - Ratings and Spells.