AC Wictionary - Easter Eggs and Real World References - Fan Sites - Level VII Spell Names - Noteworthy Players - Retired Content - Seasonal Content - Settlement Names - Unreleased Content

This page lists content that was unimplemented, unfinished, unreleased, or in some other way unavailable to players on the retail servers. This page has been split into several sections, covering various eras of Asheron's Call:

  • Beta Era - earliest development to October 1999
  • Asheron's Call Era - November 1999 to September 2001
  • Dark Majesty Era - October 2001 to June 2005
  • Throne of Destiny Erea - July 2005 to July 2008
  • Ancient Powers Era - August 2008 to May 2015

Beta Era

Koji's Tachi

Koji's Tachi was listed as an item in the Asheron's Call Dark Majesty: Sybex Official Strategies and Secrets.[1] This item was not released in AC:DM, and at the time the strategy guide was released it was not known why the item was listed.

Much later, in the Stormwaltz 2016 Q&A, in Question 31: Ben Ten Stormwaltz stated that during the end of beta event, developer Eri Izawa (who created the character Ben Ten) wandered the world as +Ben Ten carrying an edited tachi she named Koji's Sword.[2]

Later still, it was discovered in PhatAC server files that Koji's Tachi did exist.


On Turbine's Beta page Sketches, there was an image with the file name rennajcity.gif, which in the image was labeled Rennaj City:[3]

The Rennaj were also referenced in an early screenshot from the Turbine Beta Site:[4]

This screenshot features a mountain view somewhere in Dereth. It is from the perspective of a character named Marlee, a level 1 Female Sho Seer. The screenshot features a conversation between Marlee and another character named Torstrim:

You say, "It sure is quiet up here. Barren, too."
Torstrim says, "Aye, it is that."
You say, "But it's nice."
Torstrim says, "There was a place much like this, naer the village I lived in when I was a lad. My grandfather, Uthweald, would take me up into the mountains and tell me about the old days. He fought in the Battle of Red Stones, you know."
You say, "He did?"
Torstrim says, "At Duke Angathnar's side, no less. He slew ten Rennaj that day."
You say, "I remember reading about that battle."
Torstrim says, "Grandfather said it was glorious. I travel here sometimes, to be alone, and to remember him."
[in chat, not sent] I think I understand.

The Rennaj were later referenced in a developer chat, when a player asked:

Originally you guys had planned 4 heritage groups, for one of these heritage groups you have some concept art of a city (Rennaj City) Although the 4th heritage was drop... Could you guys look into perhaps in the distance future (okay, well maybe not years from now! but sometime...) considering bringing Rennaj City to life? :) It's a wonderful concept and I'm sure many of the fans would love to see a floating city :) Preferably a hidden secret floating city![5]

To which the developers responded:

letoile@turbine> More than four, in fact.
letoile@turbine> I'm not sure we could easily do the floating city in the current engine. Buildings themselves take a long time. In order to do this properly, we'd have to make the city a bunch of multiple floating buildings that all fit together. Jason, you want to add something to my fumbling here?
jason@Turbine> a large one would be hard, but small ones would just be a time suck.. perhaps one day, but I don't know when we'd have the time to work it in..[5]

This developer chat, which occurred in June of 2000, may have been the inspiration for the Floating City Quest, which was added in October of 2000.

In the Stormwaltz 2016 Q&A, in Question 28: Viamontians and Rennaj Stormwaltz stated that he did not recall any details of the Rennaj. But the concept art gave him the feeling of Yalaini design, looking like "a blend of Neydisa Castle up top with the floating Sentinel Spire below."[6]


Screenshots from the Turbine Beta Site show Aluvian buildings in what appears to be the Tou-Tou area:[4]

At Release, some Tou-Tou shopkeeprs mentioned this Aluvian settlement, with the armorer stating that he heard Tou-Tou was where a failed Aluvian community once stood,[7] and the healer stating that long ago a group tried to build there before them (the Sho), but they seem to have failed.[8]

In the Mirror, Mirror event, a Town Crier rumor for the Path of the Jojii Adherent quest also referenced this Aluvian settlement, describing Tou-Tou as "the Sho city that's rumored to have been an Aluvian settlement"[9]

Unreleased Skills

A screenshot from the Turbine Beta Site shows the skill panel for a character that contains the skill Linguistics.[4]


An early map of Dereth, labeled "Beta Map of Dereth" on Maggie the Jackcat's site, has a marker labeled "Viamont" located west of Aluvia and north of Gharu'n.

Witch Cave

This was the first quest designed by Stormwaltz, based around the first dungeon he created, called Witch Cave.

In an interview, Stormwaltz gave a few details about the quest:

Unknown - Link

Q: Is there a quest you made for AC that didn't get put in?

A: Several, in fact. My very first quest was to based around my very first dungeon, called the Witch Cave. It rapidly ballooned until it involved half of Dereth, and got lost in the press of immediate needs. One day I'll get it in. Some of the characters involved are actually already in the game, as part of other quests, but the dungeon itself is still hibernating on my hard drive.

Chris "Stormwaltz" L'Etoile

In the Stormwaltz quote On Harlune and the Storyline, he mentions it again, however, he now seems to be thankful it did not make it in:

March 23, 2002 - Link Unknown

When I created Harlune, I had no plan in mind beyond "he was a powerful life mage." But I created him early in beta, when I just tossed stuff out without considering the broader ramifications. I hadn't fully familiarized myself with the world yet. In retrospect, it's a good thing Witch Cave never made it in.

Chris "Stormwaltz" L'Etoile

Later, in the Stormwaltz 2016 Q&A, in Question 27: Witch Cave Stormwaltz stated:

September, 2016 - [No Link]

Q: In an interview, you mentioned the first dungeon and quest you designed for AC1, Witch Cave. You said it would have spanned half of Dereth, and involved some characters that already existed in the game. Could you provide more details on the Witch Cave quest?

A: Witch Cave was learning while doing, getting used to tools and processes... and not necessarily by doing it right. I started it the first week I was at Turbine.

The good news is, you don't really need me to tell you about it. I was surprised to find that at some point after I left, someone dug up the bones of the quest and put it in game: it's the Temple of Xik Minru.

Chris "Stormwaltz" L'Etoile

Asheron's Call Era

Eastern Island

In the original version of the game, there was a large island to the east of Dereth, beyond Asheron's Island. In the original AC Explorer database, there are two points of interest listed on the island:

  • 55.6N, 90.9E - A castle. It is described as having vines on the sides, with energy shooting out of the center. A Dark Wisp was located here.
  • 52.5N, 85.9E - A lifestone. It is said that Sclavi, including the Essa variety, were nearby.

It is unknown how explorers managed to reach the island, but it may have been possible to be portal stormed here. Later on, the island was modified and then removed entirely and replaced with Aphus Lassel.

08-13-2004 - Link

The island was clipped around two years ago. Clipped meaning that we ran some tests on the island by carving large valleys through the landmass... Then we decided to add Aphus Lassel and erased a fair majority of the island, replacing it with the land of Tuskers.

So ultimately it was removed. And no, Asheron's Island was not part of that enormous island. Asheron's Island has always been in the same spot just off the coast of Eastham, so far as I can remember.


Frozen Wasteland Island

From Taste of Twilight: Stormwaltz Comments on the Aerlinthe Quest:

July 29, 2000 - Link Unknown

I'd also like to take a moment to note that the “frozen wasteland” island was not supposed to be open for play for some time yet, and it is only reachable through a bug. It is still in a very early stage of construction, as evidenced by the extreme performance hit in the ice gardens - the degrade art for those beautiful ice upwellings has not been completed, so everyone on the screen is rendering at full detail, no matter how far from it you are.

There are no plans to open the ice island anytime in the near future, although its construction began at the same time Aerlinthe's was. The landscapes of the new islands were designed by artists Pete “Obsidian Span” McDonald, Sean “Shadow Spire” Turbitt, and Bil “End of Beta Comet” Mauritsen.
- ChrisL (Stormwaltz}

Chris "Stormwaltz" L'Etoile

Tumerok War Spear

During The Changing of the Ways event, a new interaction was added to the Exploration Society Letters quest. After turning in a stamped letter, players would receive the Exploration Society Token. The NPCs would direct you to bring this token to Bach Lien, in the Explorer Society Outpost on the road between Rithwic and Dryreach. Unfortunately, no such NPC or outpost existed. Turbine confirmed this was a bug:

Date Unknown - Link Unknown

The search for Bach Lien is a bug. We apologize for the inconvenience that is has caused any of you. Perhaps some time in the future the complete iteration of her tale will reach the loremasters of Dereth but for now she will remain a mystery.

Allan Maki
Community Representative
Turbine Entertainment Software

This was later reiterated in the Flesh and Blood State of the Code:

January 25, 2002 - Link

Q: I have heard some reference to a mysterious Bach Lien. However, I can find no such person anywhere in the game. Does she really exist?

A: Although she is mentioned as an extension to the Exploration Society Letters quests, the search for Bach Lien is a bug, as she does not appear in the game. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Perhaps some time in the future the complete iteration of her tale will reach the loremasters of Dereth but for now she remains a mystery.

This quest may have been the inspiration for the Tumerok Banners Quest or the Aun Tanua's War Taiaha Quest.

Fourth Sending of Darkness Live Events

In an interview with Warcry, Stormwaltz mentioned some ideas that were scrapped from the first story arc. From Asherons Call: 4 Years of AC and Counting, Part 2 - L'etoile, Part 2:

01-02-2004 - Link

Q: Things change in a game like Asheron's Call, change every month infact. What were some things that you wanted to impliment but just didn't have the time,tech or whatever else to get in the game?

A: So many things I'm sure I can't remember. Everything you do under a deadline undergoes a heavy-handed process of winnowing. You start with a grandiose vision and then cut it down to something that's feasible. A major event that I alluded to before was Isin Dule's contribution to the regional invasions of Black Ferah and Ler Rhan. He was supposed to be the climax, but that entire phase of the event was cut because it was taking too long to test all the generators (this was our first major use of triggered spawns). That worked out for the better of the story in the end, with Dule turning his coat.

Another abandoned thread was having Dave Namerow create and level a character named Saresh to build a monarchy that would throw its allegiance to Bael'Zharon upon his release. The fiction was that "Saresh" was the Shadow General Ferah in disguise. This was a too much work to maintain on all servers, and we never had a solid idea of how it could be leveraged into the main storyline.

Chris "Stormwaltz" L'Etoile

Dark Majesty Era

AC:DM Unreleased Armor

The Asheron's Call Dark Majesty: Sybex Official Strategies and Secrets contained the stats for numerous pieces of armor which never appeared in the final release of Dark Majesty. This includes:

coverage Armor Notes
Head Alatar's Helm Never introduced.
Head Fiery Helm Never introduced.
Head Heaume of the Inscrutable Mind Never introduced.
Chest Acid Yoroi Breastplate Never introduced.
Chest Asheron's Jumpsuit Possibly an NPC/admin item.
Chest Empyrean Jumpsuit Possibly an NPC/admin item.
Chest Featherlight Plate Breastplate Never introduced.
Chest Sentinel Jumpsuit An NPC/admin item.
Chest, Upper Arms, Lower Arms Alatar's Platemail Hauberk Never Introduced.
Chest, Upper Arms, Lower Arms Weaver's Coat Never Introduced.
Chest, Abdomen, Upper Arms, Lower Arms Kimono Top Never Introduced. This was also listed in Asheron's Call: Sybex Official Strategies and Secrets.
Lower Arms Fire Bracers Never introduced.
Hands Soft Leather Gloves Never introduced.
Abdomen Featherlight Plate Girth Never introduced.
Abdomen, Upper Legs Towel Never introduced. Clean, Dry Towel is listed separately.
Abdomen, Upper Legs, Lower Legs Weaver's Leggings Never introduced.
Lower Legs Featherlight Plate Greaves Never introduced.
Lower Legs, Feet Insulated Boots Never introduced.
Shield Cold Shield Never introduced.
Shield Fire Shield Never introduced. Fiery Shield is listed separately.

AC:DM Unreleased Creatures

The Asheron's Call Dark Majesty: Sybex Official Strategies and Secrets contained the stats for numerous creatures which never appeared in the final release of Dark Majesty. This includes:

Type Creature Level Notes
Armoredillo Hoary Armoredillo 15 Introduced in The Slumbering Giant.
Armoredillo Plate Armoredillo 15 Introduced in The Slumbering Giant.
Armoredillo Titanium Armoredillo 15 Introduced in That Which Is Ours.
Chittick Horned Chittick 16 Introduced in The Iron Coast.
Chittick Sharp Chittick 12 Never introduced.
Chittick Stinging Chittick 20 Introduced in The Iron Coast.
Deru Full Deru 20 Never introduced.
Deru Green Deru 13 Never introduced.
Deru Old Deru 20 Never introduced.
Deru Tall Deru 17 Never introduced.
Golem Gold Golem 173 / 200 There are two entries for this creature. Introduced in That Which Is Ours.
Golem Platinum Golem 232 / 300 There are two entries for this creature. Introduced in Verdict.
Golem Mega Magma Golem 597 Never introduced. This may be the Behemoth of Tenkarrdun.
Moarsman Ashen Moarsman 20 Introduced in That Which Is Ours.
Moarsman Desolation Moarsman 20 Introduced in That Which Is Ours.
Moarsman Lava Moarsman 20 Never introduced.
Monouga Colossal Monouga 107 Never introduced. This is not the Tremendous Monouga, which is listed separately.
Mu-Miyah Emperor Geraine I 42 Never introduced.
Mu-Miyah Guardian Mu-miyah 42 Introduced in That Which Is Ours.
Mu-Miyah High Mu-miyah 42 Introduced in That Which Is Ours.
Mu-Miyah Imperial Mu-miyah 42 Introduced in That Which Is Ours.
Mu-Miyah Royal Mu-miyah 42 Introduced in A Perfect Paradox.
Olthoi Olthoi Crawler 24 Never introduced.
Olthoi Olthoi Grub 18 Introduced in Heart of Woe.
Olthoi Olthoi Worm 14 Never introduced.
Shreth Gauloth Shreth 14 Introduced in Heart of Woe.
Shreth Rendeath Shreth 14 Introduced in Heart of Woe.
Slithis Slith Unknown Never introduced.
Tumerok Tumerok Honor Guard 18 Never introduced.
Tusker Albino Tusker 27 Never introduced.
Ursuin Dire Ursuin Cub Unknown Never introduced.
Ursuin Epser Ursuin Cub Unknown Never introduced.
Ursuin Field Ursuin Cub Unknown Introduced in A New Threat.
Ursuin Glacier Ursuin Unknown Never introduced.
Ursuin Glacier Ursuin Cub Unknown Never introduced.
Ursuin Linvak Ursuin Cub Unknown Introduced in A New Threat.
Ursuin Tiofor Ursuin Cub Unknown Introduced in A New Threat.
Virindi Virindi Controller Unknown. Never introduced. Listed as dropping an Orange as a trophy. Potentially a typo, and is supposed to be an orange virindi gem?

AC:DM Unreleased Major Quest

In an interview with Warcry, Stormwaltz shared the overall design for a major quest that didn't make the cut for Dark Majesty. From Asherons Call: 4 Years of AC and Counting, Part 2 - L'etoile, Part 2:

01-02-2004 - Link

Q: Things change in a game like Asheron's Call, change every month infact. What were some things that you wanted to impliment but just didn't have the time,tech or whatever else to get in the game?

A: One major thing I personally regret being unable to do was a large quest axed in the process of making Marae Lassel for ACDM. Before I'd even started implementing it, it became clear that I would not have time to make the dungeons and content for it and Long Live the Queen. I had wanted the broken machines in the dams to be repairable, which would cause waterfalls to spawn in front of them - the same sort of weenie object particle emitter trickery I used in the caldera of Mount Tenkarrdun.

The gameplay would need Boolean event logic, which there was no time to do while housing was under development. If all three dams were repaired at once (if A and B and C are true, then...), a huge, immobile whirlpool mob would have spawned at the junction of the three rivers. It would have been kind of like a huge Slithis made of Water Golem particles. Killing that mob would have opened a temporary horizontal portal on the surface of the water that led to His Eternal Splendor's redoubt. Yes, I'll say it outright; Geraine IV was the evil under Marae Lassel.

At that point I was very impressed by the sheer cojones of the Sleeper's Tomb quest in the EQ's Velious expansion. I was going to blatantly rip it off by having the questers bludgeon their way through a series of increasingly difficult guards, all of whom warned, "You know not what you do. Let the Master of Killiakta sleep!" Once they had awakened Geraine, he would have been the focus of a story arc in which the undead warred against each other, Winds faction versus Lords faction, culminating in Geraine, Aerfalle, Rytheran, and their more powerful followers sailing away to the west to Dericost.

Chris "Stormwaltz" L'Etoile

Remnants of this quest still exist. The most notable are The Great Machines found in the damns on Marae Lassel, which were to play a key role in this quest. Some of the Tall Tree utterances make reference to this quest. The Ossuary found in the East Fork Dam Hive may also be related. Finally, the Asheron's Call Dark Majesty: Sybex Official Strategies and Secrets contained the stats for numerous creatures which never appeared in the final release of Dark Majesty, among these creatures was Emperor Geraine I (possibly a typo as in the official lore he is Geraine IV). The Undead Story arc would later appear, slightly modified, in Asheron's Call 2.

AC:DM Unreleased Weapons

The Asheron's Call Dark Majesty: Sybex Official Strategies and Secrets contained the stats for numerous weapons which never appeared in the final release of Dark Majesty. This includes:

Type Weapon Damage Notes
Axe Alatar's Battle Axe 6 - 14, Slashing Never introduced.
Axe Fast Axe 5 - 10, Slashing Possibly a creature weapon.
Axe Ko 7 - 13, Slashing Never introduced.
Axe Staff 5 - 10, Slashing Perhaps a typo?
Axe Wari's Silifi 5 - 13, Slashing Possibly a creature weapon for the Undead Defender, before it was replaced by Wari al Sha'im?
Mace Kotiae 30 - 60, Bludgeoning Never introduced
Spear Tumerok War Taiaha 2 - 8, Piercing This is different from the Tumerok Spear and Aun Tanua's War Taiaha. Possibly a creature weapon.
Sword Defender's Sword 5 - 9, Slashing/Piercing 20% melee defense modifier. Never introduced.
Sword EmoteTest Sword 5 - 13, Slashing/Piercing An admin weapon.
Sword Fast Shamshir 2 - 9, Slashing/Piercing Possibly a creature weapon.
Sword Koji's Tachi 25 - 50, Slashing/Piercing Never introduced.
Thrown Weapon Slithis Spine 11 - 16, Piercing Most likely a creature weapon.
Thrown Weapon Slithis Splinter 7 - 10, Piercing Most likely a creature weapon.
Thrown Weapon Spitball 8 - 10, Acid Possibly a creature weapon.
Thrown Weapon Stone 1 - 2, Bludgeoning Possibly a creature weapon.
Bow Dericostian Longbow x 2.5 Possibly a creature weapon.
Bow Elysa's Longbow x 2.8 Possibly an NPC/admin weapon.
Crossbow Pariah's Heavy Crossbow x 1.25 Never introduced.
Unknown Sling x 1.0 Never introduced. There is a note that reads, "A slingstone's damage depends on the stone you're flinging." This may have been an abandoned type of thrown weapon.
Ammunition (bow) Arrow of Frore 11 - 14, Cold Never introduced. Possibly a creature weapon.
Ammunition (bow) Causting Arrow 5 - 9, Acid Never introduced. Possibly a creature weapon.
Ammunition (bow) Practice Arrow 5 - 6, Piercing Never introduced.
Ammunition (crossbow) Ice Quarrel 5 - 8, Cold Never introduced. Possibly a creature weapon.
Ammunition (crossbow) Practice Quarrel 7 - 8, Piercing Never introduced.
Ammunition (crystal crossbow) Hollow Point Armor Piercing Arrow 25 - 27, Piercing Never introduced. Possibly an admin weapon.
Ammunition (crystal crossbow) Hollow Point Explosive Arrow 34 - 37, Slashing Never introduced. Possibly an admin weapon.

Obsidian Plains Mansion

Before mansions were activated and purchasable, a mansion existed briefly on the Obsidian Plains at 71.2S, 56.1W. It was removed during the The Gathering Storm event with the following note in the Dev Notes:

"The Mansion placed in the Dires has been removed. At present all housing will be placed in Osteth."

Settlement Portal Gems

In the Across the Vast Divide Letter to the Players Follow-Up, Turbine announced the following plans:

Letter to the Players Follow-Up - Link

Settlement Portals
For some time, the Settlement Portal Hubs have been found outside almost all of the towns and cities of Dereth. These Hubs provided fast transportation all across Dereth, but many players have complained that... well, they just look ugly.

In April, we are planning to introduce the first phase of a two-phase process to remove the Settlement Portals. The first phase is the creation of portal summoning gems for all of the Settlements that are currently linked to the Hubs. Each Settlement will have a vendor who will sell that Settlement's gem.

The second phase, currently planned for May, is the removal of the Settlement Portal Hubs entirely.

The goal of these changes is to remove the ugliness of the Hubs, as well as encourage exploration and travel through Dereth's wilderness. If there are several Settlements that you visit regularly, you have the opportunity to purchase gems for these Settlements in the month of April, before the Hubs are removed. If you wish to visit your friend's home, you can ask you friend to purchase that Settlement's gem for you. We would not be surprised to see gems for particularly popular Settlement destinations being traded in the Marketplace!

The following month, in the A New Threat Letter to the Players, Turbine followed up:

Letter to the Players - Link

Settlement Portals
After discussing several proposed changes, we have decided not to make any change to the Settlement Portals in May. We will still consider changes for the future, but will ask for your feedback before any implementation.

Throne of Destiny Era

ToD: Sanamar

During the development of Throne of Destiny, the town of Sanamar originally had a different layout. This can be seen in the Asheron's Call Throne of Destiny Manual.

ToD: Statue of Eleonora du Bellenesse

The Statue of Eleonora du Bellenesse in Silyun was originally going to be a text item, line the Statue of King Varicci II.

Ancient Powers Era

Society Hall

Society halls were planned to be added to Cragstone, Hebian-To, and Zaikhal.
