File:Fiun Gaya home.jpg
Fiun Gaya at home.

Quest Summary
Quest type Solo
XP Reward ~25%
XP Cap 2,400,000xp
Item Reward Luminous Robe
Title Reward None
Starting location Fiun Gaya (89.1N 47.6W near Eastwatch)
Timer ??
Level Restrictions none
Level Suggestions 100+
Introduced in Reprisals

Walk Through


This quest will flag you to do the Thief of Lunnum, and subsequently, Search for Lunnum (Undead Slayer) quests.

Preferred weapons: fire & elec

Quick Walk Through

Starting Point

Talk to Fiun Gaya. He will ask you to help him to keep the fire of Lunnum's Pyre going, for which he needs specially treated wood.

Ice Log

Go to the Great Frost Tree at 92.1N 42.2W. It is surrounded by a few Brass Gromnies and Copper Gromnies. Use your hatchet on it (might take a bit to target it well) to get your Ice Log.
Your hands grow numb with cold as you hack at the tree with your hatchet. With each strike the tree vibrates and a low ringing sound can be heard as if the tree were moaning. After only a few hacks, the ringing sound changes to a high pitched squeal that threatens to deafen you. And then just as suddenly as it began, all is quiet. At your feet lays a small Ice Log and the shattered remains of your hatchet.

Purified Ice Log

Run to Abayar's Laboratory at 92.1N 46.3W (at the bottom of the strange tower-like structure).
Portal in, go straight (east), and keep going generally east, until you go down a ramp, through a door, into a larger room.
Hug the left wall till you come to a door going N. Go N, down a ramp into another larger room.
Keep going N, down another ramp, and there is the Pool of Glacial Water.
Use your Log on it to get a Purified Ice Log.
The Glacial Water begins to bubble violently as you drop the Ice Log into the water. The surface of the Ice Log seems to melt and coalesce in a rhythmic pattern. With each pulse the log becomes clearer and purer, until it becomes nearly translucent.
Portal recall to the start of the dungeon

Smoldering Ice Log

Go out and run to the Ruschk Fire at 90.1N 51.6W. Around a blue totem-like figure, three of these fires are located, together with some Ruschk Sadists and Ruschk Kartaks. Kill the spawn, and use you Purified Ice Log on one of the Fires to receive a Smoldering Ice Log

The Ruschk Fire roars to life as the Purified Ice Log is placed within its flames, but instead of being consumed, the log seems to absorb the Ruschk Fire. You pull the Smoldering Ice Log from the fire just as the flames begin to die out.

Return to Fiun Gaya and hand him the Log for your Reward, the Luminous Robe and to get flagged for Thief of Lunnum.


Lore & Dialog

Fiun Gaya tells you, "It is for me to welcome you to this place of sadness. I am Fiun Gaya, Keeper of the Light."
Fiun Gaya tells you, "With Lunnum missing my heart is an empty black, still my duty must be fulfilled. My duty, my purpose, is to be sure that the light of Lunnum's Pyre remains bright and pure."
Fiun Gaya tells you, "To my sorrow, the ravages of time have consumed this old one."
Fiun Gaya tells you, "No longer can I make the journey to re-stoke the fire eternal. Respectfully, I ask for your help."
Fiun Gaya tells you, "A Fiun Hatchet, you will need. Retrieve one from this chest."
Fiun Gaya gives you Story of Lunnum's Pyre.
Fiun Gaya tells you, "If you would hear of a dark deed then ask me you must."
Fiun Gaya tells you, "Another favor I might ask. Should a Snow Lily be found, perhaps you may bring it to me?"
Fiun Gaya tells you, "Good journey, friend."

Fiun Gaya tells you, "Please, bring me the purified flame to stoke the pyre."

You give Fiun Gaya Smoldering Ice Log.
Fiun Gaya tells you, "This will do. I thank you."
Fiun Gaya tells you, "Please accept this gift for your service."
You've earned 2,400,000 experience.
Fiun Gaya gives you Luminous Robe.

NOTE: Not a static 2.4m experience reward. It's a 25% or so experience reward that caps at 2.4m... =\