Lunnum's Pyre

Revision as of 05:54, 13 March 2014 by >Arkalor's Bot (Text replace - "{{Quest Summary Temp" to "{{Quest Summary")
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Lunnum's Pyre
Level: Any
Rec. Level: 100+
Type: Solo
Starts With: Fiun Gaya
Starts At: 89.1N, 47.6W
Route: Eastwatch
Repeat: 20 Hours
Contracts: Contract for Lunnum's Pyre
Quest Chain: 1. Lunnum's Pyre
2. Lunnum's Disappearance
3. Lunnum's Return


Walkthrough & Notes

  1. Speak to Fiun Gaya and he will give you Story of Lunnum's Pyre.
  2. Loot a Fiun Hatchet from the Chest behind him.
  3. Run to the Great Frost Tree at 92.1N 42.2W, and use the Hatchet on the tree to obtain an Ice Log.
    • Tip: Sometimes the tree is hard to target, stand back a ways when trying to use the hatchet on the tree.
  4. Enter Abayar's Laboratory at 92.1N 46.3W.
  5. From the drop, hug the left wall, run down to the Ice Cave portion at the bottom of the dungeon.
  6. Use your Ice Log on the Pool of Glacial Water to obtain a Purified Ice Log.
  7. Portal Recall, use the surface portal, and run to the Ruschk Fire at 90.1N 51.6W.
  8. Use your Purified Ice Log on the fire to create a Smoldering Ice Log.
  9. Return to Fiun Gaya and hand him your Smoldering Ice Log to receive your rewards.

Dungeons & Maps

Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps
Abayar's Laboratory 92.1N, 46.3W -- 018E




Opening Dialog

Fiun Gaya tells you, "It is for me to welcome you to this place of sadness. I am Fiun Gaya, Keeper of the Light."
Fiun Gaya tells you, "With Lunnum missing my heart is an empty black, still my duty must be fulfilled. My duty, my purpose, is to be sure that the light of Lunnum's Pyre remains bright and pure."
Fiun Gaya tells you, "To my sorrow, the ravages of time have consumed this old one."
Fiun Gaya tells you, "No longer can I make the journey to re-stoke the fire eternal. Respectfully, I ask for your help."
Fiun Gaya tells you, "A Fiun Hatchet, you will need. Retrieve one from this chest."
Fiun Gaya gives you Story of Lunnum's Pyre.
Fiun Gaya tells you, "If you would hear of a dark deed then ask me you must."
Fiun Gaya tells you, "Another favor I might ask. Should a Snow Lily be found, perhaps you may bring it to me?"
Fiun Gaya tells you, "Good journey, friend."

Handing in Smoldering Ice Log

You allow Fiun Gaya to examine your Smoldering Ice Log.
You hand over 1 of your Smoldering Ice Logs.
Fiun Gaya tells you, "This will do. I thank you."
Fiun Gaya tells you, "Please accept this gift for your service."
You've earned 30,000,000 experience.
Fiun Gaya gives you Luminous Robe.

Update History

Friend and Foe

  • Quest introduced.

Reforging the Past

  • XP reward increased from 2,400,000 (25%? up to level ??) to 15,000,000 (fixed).

Learning From Experience

  • XP reward increased from 15,000,000 to 30,000,000.

The Quest for Freedom

  • Repeat timer changed from 6 days to 20 hours.