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Aun Tanua's War Taiaha Quest
Level: ??
Type: Solo
Starts At: ??
Repeat: ??

Quest Overview


Optional: Talk to Micon Stuvis the Barkeep in Redspire and purchase the rumor Bachus Flufens.

Tumerok Cavern

  1. Speak to Bachus Flufens above the Redspire Bar, she will tell you about rumors of a Tumerok artifact and direct you to the Tumerok Cavern at 40.2N 84.7W. She will also give you a copy of her journal.
  2. Run west along the coast to the cavern. You will be portalled in to a room with 3 exits, one of which is the surface portal, take the west exit and head down the stairs.
  3. At the split go left down some more stairs leading to another split.
  4. From here take either the left or right passage and head north until you reach some more stairs down.
  5. At the split go either left or right to some metal doors.
  6. You will come in to a large open section with a Hea Warrior at the end near a wooden Tumerok Vault.
  7. Dispatch the Warrior and take his vault key.
  8. Open the vault with the key and loot the Tumerok Spear.
  9. Recall to Redspire and hand Bachus the spear.
  10. She will examine it and suggest you retrieve the 2nd part of the spear from a nearby Tumerok Cave at 41.7N, 82.5W.

Tumerok Cave

  1. Run over and enter the cave, you will portal into a room with 3 doors, take the south door.
  2. Hug the right wall until you reach a room shaped like an L. From this room take the north door.
  3. Take the stairs down and head right at the split.
  4. Hug the left wall through a door and into a small room.
  5. Take the east door out of this room and follow the the passage keeping to the left - ignore the next door.
  6. Go through the door to your east into a small room and leave through the door to the north.
  7. You should be near an exit portal, take the door opposite it to the east.
  8. Follow the passage down the stairs into a similiar area to that of the last dungeon.
  9. At the end of this area is a Hea Shaman defeat him and take his vault key.
  10. Use the key on the vault and take the Wooden Tumerok Figurine.
  11. Combine the Wooden Figurine with the Tumerok Spear to form Aun Tanua's War Taiaha.
  12. Recall to Redspire. If you do not want your newly formed weapon you can return it to Bachus Flufens for a 10,000 experience points, a peerless healing kit and 2 copper peas.


Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps
Tumerok Cavern 40.2N 84.7W -- 0292
Tumerok Cave 41.7N, 82.5W -- 0286


Quest Items

Bachus Flufen's Journal Vault Key (Tumerok Cavern) Vault Key (Tumerok Cave) Tumerok Spear Tumerok Vault (Tumerok Cavern) Tumerok Vault (Tumerok Cave) Wooden Tumerok Figurine


Aun Tanua's War Taiaha Peerless Healing Kit Copper Pea


Lore & Dialog

Micon Stuvis the Barkeep tells you, "Say what you will about the invaders, but they do have fascinating tales to tell."

Micon Stuvis the Barkeep tells you, "It's ironic... I advised Bachus to move here for her safety, and then this happened."

Bachus Flufens tells you, "Woe is me! As if it were not bad enough that I was driven out of my farm to the west by the Hea, now Varicci has taken over my town! Fortunately Micon and I are safe, but I must say that it has made it very difficult to continue my work."

Bachus Flufens tells you, "Have you heard of my work? I am researching rumors of a Tumerok artifact, of which the few hints I have discovered are quite unbelievable. They must hold that relic in high esteem indeed. A most fanciful folk, I must say! I heard that it is a legendary spear that they dismantled and enshrined in two separate caverns on the island. It once belonged to a warrior from an opposite faction, I believe. He tried to persuade them back to traditional ways, but they would have none of it. Somehow they dispatched him but retained his spear...which is supposed to have some sort of magical, "living" properties to it. I'm not quite sure what to believe."

Bachus Flufens tells you, "Perhaps the answer could be found in the caverns to the northwest along the shore. Try the area around 40.2N 84.7W --at least that's where I saw the Tumeroks heading last. Beware, friend--it's quite likely to be well guarded. I'd go myself, but I must catch up on my journal today. If you would like to read it, here are a few pages that I wrote the other day."

Bachus Flufens gives you Bachus Flufen's Journal.

You give Bachus Flufens Tumerok Spear.

Bachus Flufens examines the spear intensely.

Bachus Flufens tells you, "Ah, so there was something to their story after all...what an interesting find! But look here...don't these slots along this side suggest that it is missing a part? I wonder if it lies over in the caves directly to the northeast? For the past season I've been able to watch many Tumerok comings and goings here from my front porch. If you were to bring me back the object in its entirety, I'm sure I could reward you."

Bachus Flufens gives you Tumerok Spear.

The figurine and the spear fit together perfectly.

You give Bachus Flufens Aun Tanua's War Taiaha.

Bachus gingerly lifts the weapon from your grasp and weighs it in her hands.

Bachus Flufens tells you, "A Tumerok War Taiaha! One of the first examples of Tumerok war craft I have ever seen. I must send this on to Aliester--he will be delighted to further his research on Tumerok culture. I thank you!"

You've earned 10,000 experience.

Bachus Flufens gives you Peerless Healing Kit.

Bachus Flufens gives you 2 Copper Peas.

Bachus tells you, "So you're back, [Character Name]. It's good to see that you haven't been dragged off like some of the folks who live here on the island. Things have been so trying of late, I haven't had the chance to do any work. Come back in a week and I may have some work for you."

Retired Text
Lark Grifanna the Barkeep tells you, "Take care as you travel in this area. Bachus tells me that the Tumeroks seem to be engaged in some strange feud, and it'd probably be best if you didn't get yourself tangled up in it."

Lark Grifanna the Barkeep tells you, "These are interesting times indeed...if only Brachus were here to embroider a pretty tale for us! Too bad she's off on another wild goose chase again -- tracking down a spear, she says. She might be down by the western shore... that's where her house is, in any case."

Micon Stuvis the Barkeep tells you, "With all the adventurers coming through Redspire, I've certainly heard a lot of interesting tales."
Micon Stuvis the Barkeep tells you, "Come back whenever you have the time, traveler. I'm always up for a bit of gossip. Why, even the other day Bachus Flufens, came by and told me quite the tall tale about some Tumerok Warrior and his 'living' spear... I know I should have cut her off sooner, but you know... she probably doesn't have too many amusements over there on the western shore..."

Bachus Flufens tells you, "A visitor! I do not often get many visitors to my modest homestead. Did Micon or Lark tell you that I've been spending time with the Tumeroks? A most fanciful folk, I must say! Why, just the other day one of the Hea told me about a legendary spear they dismantled and enshrined in two separate parts of the island. It once belonged to a warrior from an opposite faction, I believe. He tried to persuade them back to traditional ways, but they would have none of it. Somehow they dispatched him but retained his spear... which is supposed to have some sort of magical, 'living' properties to it. I'm not quite sure what to believe."

Bachus Flufens tells you, "Perhaps the answer could be found in the caverns to the northwest along the shore. Try the area around 44 North, 87 West -- at least that's where I saw my new Tumerok aquaintances heading last. Beware, friend -- it sounds as if they held this artifact in high esteem, and it's quite likely to be well guarded. I'd go myself, but I must catch up on my journal today."
