Storage Box

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Storage Box
  • Value: 0
  • Burden: 1,500
  • Properties: Attuned, Bonded
  • Bring this to the Gold Gear Primus for a reward.
  • This item cannot be sold.
  • A large storage box, filled with a random assortment of gears, wires, and tubes.
Storage Box

Notes Edit

You allow Atamarr to examine your Storage Box.
Atamarr tells you, "Ahh, that's what I hoped for."
You hand over 1 of your Storage Boxs.
Atamarr sifts through the box quickly, pulling out several innocuous looking parts, and assembles them together into something reminiscent of a key. He then plugs the key into his torso.
Atamarr tells you, "It will take some time to decode this information, but I thank you for retrieving it for me. Allow me to reward you. I am told it is customary here, and the good Master Crafter has provided me with the means to do so."
Atamarr gives you Mana Forge Key.
You've earned 20,000,000 experience.