Shadow Stalker Title Token

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Introduced:  Under Cover of Night Related Quests:  The Temple of Xik Minru
Shadow Stalker Title Token
  • Value: 0
  • Burden: 10
  • Properties: Attuned, Bonded
  • This item cannot be sold.
  • Bring this token to Shadow Hunter Sarkin Killcrane in Wai Jhou to have your title changed to Shadow Stalker.


You give Sarkin Killcrane Book of Xik Minru.
Sarkin Killcrane tells you, "Well, what do we have here?"
Sarkin skims over the contents of the translation.
Sarkin Killcrane tells you, "Where did you happen across this fascinating literature? ... some new islands you say? Most intriguing."
Sarkin Killcrane tells you, "The Order of the Raven Hand have been searching for the same creature mentioned in this book. I find it somewhat disturbing that so many references to this being have popped up so rapidly."
Sarkin Killcrane tells you, "Something is in motion here. Moving faster than I would like. Very worrisome indeed."
Sarkin Killcrane tells you, "You have my thanks, and are warranted a reward as well for this finding."
You've earned 32,483,140 experience.
Sarkin Killcrane gives you Shadow Stalker Title Token.
Sarkin Killcrane tells you, "If you would like to have the title Shadow Stalker bestowed upon you, simple return that token to me and I will happily make it so."
Sarkin Killcrane tells you, "By the by, please thank Fanzen San for this translation. You should read it. It is both frightening and interesting."
Sarkin Killcrane gives you Book of Xik Minru.

You give Sarkin Killcrane Shadow Stalker Title Token.
Sarkin Killcrane tells you, "Ready for your new title?"
Sarkin Killcrane grants you the title Shadow Stalker.
Sarkin Killcrane tells you, "Now go! Go and hunt the darkness where ever it may hide!"