Under Cover of Night

September 2005 - Announcements Page
Game Changes Edit
- Elemental wands can now be tinkered with Green Garnet Salvage to increase their damage multiplier.
User Interface Updates Edit
- Global chat channels introduced.
- Players can now open multiple floating chat windows.
New Quests Edit
- Gateway to the Deep
- Enrico's Betrayal
- Of Trust and Betrayal
- The Temple of Xik Minru
- Remoran Sea Raptor Kill Task
- Voracious Eater Kill Task
- Viamontian Man-at-Arms Kill Task
- Shallows Gorger Kill Task
- Mucky Moarsman Kill Task
- Benek Niffis Kill Task
- Hea Windreave Kill Task
New Events Edit
New NPCs Edit
Marae Lassel shopkeepers imprisoned and replaced by Viamontians.
Vissidal Island
- Causeway Sentinel
- Kill Task NPCs|
- Algar Oreksun - 77.8N, 67.1E
- Colista Fluress - 77.8N 67.1E
- Dayla Bint Kazm - 77.8N 67.1E
- Peng-Ya - 77.8N 67.1E
- Merwart Village
- Rebel Hideout
- Arcanum Refurbishers - Restore housing items that have lost their art since the ToD expansion. See Refurbisher's Tally for a list of accepted items.
Updated NPCs Edit
- Archmage Luchessa du Lamiere in Sanamar now sells Redspire and Sanamar portal gems.
- Marae Lassel NPCs now imprisoned in the Viamontian Torture Chamber
New Locations Edit
- Vissidal
- 29.2N, 57.9E - Branwyn's House
- Abandoned Mines Mirror
- Gateway of Shemza
- Gateway of Lurza
- Gateway of Dmesne
- Devastated Falatacot Temple
- Corrupted Falatacot Temple
- Vissidal Island Portal
- Watcher of the Deep
- Breached Hive
- Sanamar portal
- Rebel Hideout
- Unstable Portal
Updated Locations Edit
- Now with Viamontian Knights and Field Supplies chests|
- Egg Orchard - Dungeon has been duplicated for a total of 3 mirrors.
- Path of the Blind - Dungeon has been duplicated for a total of 3 mirrors.
New Items Edit
Signet Crown
Teardrop Crown
Galvanic Wreath
Galvanic Arms
Galvanic Vest
Galvanic Belt
Galvanic Leggings
Galvanic Grips
Galvanic Kickers
Royal Chest (Small Hive)
Royal Chest (Breached Hive)
Royal Chest (Lair of the Eviscerators)
Field Supplies
Xik Minru's Reserve
Verdigris Pigmentation Apparatus
Malfunctioning Pigmentation Apparatus
Ochre Pigmentation Apparatus
Aquamarine Pigmentation Apparatus
Ultramarine Pigmentation Apparatus
Atramentous Pigmentation Apparatus
Cerulean Pigmentation Apparatus
Heliotropic Pigmentation Apparatus
Argentate Pigmentation Apparatus
Icarnadine Pigmentation Apparatus
Servant of The Deep Token
Bane of the Remoran Token
Moarsman Defiler Token
Shallows Shark Nemesis Token
Shellfish Hater Token
Man-At-Arms Thrasher Token
Voracious Hunter Token
Windreave Stalker Token
Shadow Stalker Title Token
Man-At-Arms Thrasher Plaque
Voracious Hunter Plaque
Windreave Stalker Plaque
Rose of Celdon
Rose Quartz Wedding Ring
Redspire Portal Gem
Sanamar Portal Gem
Vissidal Island Portal Gem
Watcher Token
Radiant Shard
Dazzling Shard
Brilliant Shard (Vissidal)
Watery Token
Grazer Bug
Geowulf's Wedding Ring
Offering to Xik Minru
Spirit Drinker Scroll
Spirit Drinker Scroll II
Spirit Drinker Scroll III
Spirit Drinker Scroll IV
Spirit Drinker Scroll V
Spirit Drinker Scroll VI
Scroll of Infected Spirit Caress
Scroll of Spirit Loather
Scroll of Spirit Loather II
Scroll of Spirit Loather III
Scroll of Spirit Loather IV
Scroll of Spirit Loather V
Scroll of Spirit Loather VI
Scroll of Spirit Pacification
Branwyn's Tears
To My Dear Uncle
Book of Xik Minru
A Warning
Augmentation (Text)
Geowulf's Journal (Logs 1-2)
Geowulf's Journal (Logs 3-4)
Geowulf's Journal (Logs 5-7)
Instructions (Viamontian Temple)
Gold Shallows Shredder Fin
Gold Moarsman Tooth
Gold Niffis Tentacle
Gold Remoran Eggs
Bloodmouth Maw
Updated Items Edit
- Aviator's Cap - Now Dyeable
- Guide to Chat - Updated with information on the new Global Chat Channels.
- Green Garnet Salvage - Now useable for Magic Item Tinkering.
New Spells Edit
New Titles Edit
New Creatures Edit
New Dialog Edit
- Town Crier
Viamontian Town Criers
- Town Crier tells you, "Word is there is a settlement of "civilized" Mosswart things on the newly risen island. Uncouth little beings, they are. I wonder who taught them to speak and reason?"
- Town Crier tells you, "There is talk of a newly discovered land, risen from the bottom of the ocean. Who knows what secrets have been dredged up from the deep?"
- Town Crier tells you, "As soon as we find out where they're hiding, our soldiers are going to crush those Carenzi Rebels."
- Town Crier tells you, "Some over-confident Bloodless sought to ply her trade within the walls of our fair city, but the Royal Guards would have none of it and turned her away from the gates."
- Town Crier tells you, "We fell on their forces like a plague. The Bloodless cities of Marae Lassel are ours!"
- Town Crier tells you, "Victory is ours! All hail King Varicci!"
- Town Crier tells you, "Those fools who call themselves the Carenzi believe they are safe from the justice of the King. Well I have some advice for them
- "Always watch your back.""
- Town Crier tells you, "The Arcanum thinks that we, the proud and noble, would accept their offering of refurbishment. Their agent thought she could waltz right in here and start repairing things she says are broken. We need no help from the Bloodless to repair trinkets and baubles! Leave such trifles to the Thrungum!"
- Town Crier tells you, "Scouts report that the creatures of the new island are especially dangerous. Be careful if you head out in that direction. That is, if you are strong enough to make it there."
- Town Crier tells you, "Hear ye, hear ye! Pathetic Bloodless coupling falls into shambles! Bloodless Flourist suspected of murdering her wretched husband! Well... that is my account of it anyway."
- Town Crier tells you, "Those young rebels must have some measure of courage, standing up to our King's armies the way they are."
- Town Crier tells you, "We have heard that the newly risen island is called Vissidal Island, which is the name given to it by its ancient inhabitants, before it sank beneath the waves."
- Town Crier tells you, "The Lugians of Geth Tukora have been unusually active of late. I hear they've expanded their ruined quarters. If they keep this up, we'll have to drop the Eaters on them once again."
- Town Crier tells you, "Those who delight in pugilism might be interested to know that adventurers have returned from Vissidal Island with a powerful, if oddly constructed, new hand weapon."
Mainland Town Criers
- Town Crier tells you, "Reports are sketchy, but apparently Viamontian Knights have been seen in the hills around Stonehold. Now that they've taken Marae, I imagine Stonehold is next on their list."
- Town Crier tells you, "Explorers have reported that a new island has risen from the deeps of the ocean! Wooo, the mystery!"
- Town Crier tells you, "They came without warning. The cities of Redspire, Greenspire, and Bluespire were lost within an hour of the assault. The Queen is huddled with her council. I do hope she comes up with some sort of plan."
- Town Crier tells you, "I have to admit, I am a bit relieved knowing that we Town Criers are no longer the only ones in the business of accepting worthless junk!"
- Town Crier tells you, "I have often wondered, do all of the Duke's relatives share his philosophies? Are they all rebels, or do some of them still follow their king?"
- Town Crier tells you, "Reports say the new island is called Vissidal Island, a name bestowed on it by the Empyrean race who lived there before."
- Town Crier tells you, "I hear tale the new island's not for everyone. Apparently it is filled with strange and powerful creatures, and it's quite difficult to gain access to the portal that leads there."
- Town Crier tells you, "My cousin went to the new island and he came back with an odd-looking hand weapon..."
- Town Crier tells you, "I hope the Carenzi Rebels can hold out a little longer! My cousin sent them some food..."
- Town Crier tells you, "Have you heard about Branwyn and Geowulf? It seems as though they had a fight. Geowulf stormed out their home and hasn't been seen since! I met them once at a social at the Haliana settlement. They seemed so happy."
- Town Crier tells you, "Fantastic news for those who have had some of their favorite pieces of housing decor ruined by the unseemly weather of this world! The Arcanum has sent skilled refurbishers to the towns of Shoushi, Yaraq and Holtburg. I hear one of them tried to offer her services to the Viamontians of Sanamar, but was turned away at the gate."
- Town Crier tells you, "If you have an attuned item you no longer need, feel free to donate it to a Town Crier."
- Town Crier tells you, "I've heard there are some youngsters who have taken to the hills on Marae and are fighting the Viamontian invaders! My heart goes out to those poor young souls."
- Town Crier tells you, "Poor Branwyn. Ever since her husband's disappearance she hasn't left that lonely cottage of hers."
- Town Crier tells you, "Oh no. You cannot be serious. Those Mosswarts on the new island cannot possibly worship HIM."
- Town Crier tells you, "I have heard there is a group of intelligent Mosswarts living on the newly risen island. I have to wonder how they got to be so much smarter than their mainland cousins."
- Town Crier tells you, "Have you heard the stories of the beast they call the Leviathan? Large as a house they say. Most dreadful."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant
No new messages this month.
Related Articles Edit
- Teaser
- Rollout Article
- Release Notes
- Letter to the Players
- Live ops schedule
- Viamontians Raid Dereth!
- Golem Madness and Sewer Troubles!
- Galvanic Surge!
- March of the Penguins and Ask and You Shall Receive!
- Dereth Trivia and Mr. P
- PK Fun and Titles Galore!
- Who is Mr. P?
Media Edit
Maggie the Jackcat
Maggie the Jackcat
Asheron's Call Mystics
Asheron's Call Mystics
Warcry's Crossroads of Dereth
Warcry's Crossroads of Dereth