Introduced:  Under Cover of Night
Lucarus Malloni the Armorer
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Viamontian
Title Armorer
Location 39.1N, 75.4W in Bluespire
Level 17
Strength 130
Endurance 150
Coordination 80
Quickness 100
Focus 70
Self 70
Health 195
Stamina 260
Mana 130

Notes Edit

Currency Edit


Inventory Edit

Armor Edit

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Trade Notes Edit

Lore & Dialog Edit

Opening (Viamontians)

Lucarus Malloni the Armorer tells you, "Welcome. I'd have been terribly disappointed if you'd brought your business to that Bloodless across the way."

Buying From (Viamontians)

Lucarus Malloni the Armorer tells you, "It makes me sick to think of how this shop was wasted on its previous occupant. I understand he rots in a cell these days."

Selling To (Viamontians)

Lucarus Malloni the Armorer tells you, "You see this, Dorlan? One more piece that's in my inventory and not yours!"

Closing (Viamontians)

Lucarus Malloni the Armorer tells you, "If you make it back to Sanamar, tell them that business is booming."

Opening (non-Viamontians)

Lucarus Malloni the Armorer tells you, "How fascinating, even a Bloodless can acknowledge the superior quality of my work."

Buying From (non-Viamontians)

Lucarus Malloni the Armorer tells you, "Take it and leave, before the guards drag you off as they did the poor fool who used to reside here!"

Selling To (non-Viamontians)

Lucarus Malloni the Armorer tells you, "Yes. Fine. Are we done?"

Closing (non-Viamontians)

Lucarus Malloni the Armorer tells you, "Go and run, run crying to your false Queen."