Refurbisher's Tally
Introduced: | Under Cover of Night |
The Zaikhal Arcanum has discovered that the climate of Dereth has had an adverse effect on several popular housing decorations. We of the Arcanum feel much effort and love can be put into the decoration of your home, and anything that potentially degrades it appearance can be disconcerting. We are happy to offer all who desire it a free refurbishment service for a select number of items that have been most negatively affected by the weather and magics of this world. Please see the list starting on page two for all items eligible for refurbishment.
Pack Cow
Pack Drudge
Pack Golem
Pack Grievver
Pack Idol
Pack Lugian
Pack Mosswart
Pack Scarecrow
Pack Ursuin
Pack Virindi
Velveteen Olthoi
Plush Tusker
Golden Gromnie
Decorative, Commemorative, and Oxidized Statues (Drudge)
Decorative, Commemorative, and Oxidized Statues (Gromnie)
Decorative, Commemorative, and Oxidized Statues (Skeleton)
Decorative, Commemorative, and Oxidized Statues (Tumerok)
Decorative, Commemorative, and Oxidized Statues (Virindi)
Notes Edit
- Obtained by speaking to an Arcanum Refurbisher:
- Arcanum Refurbisher tells you, "Greetings, I am an agent of the Zaikhal Arcanum specializing in the refurbishment of broken and abused items."
- Arcanum Refurbisher tells you, "Over the years, we find that the elements of this land are often unkind to a number of our prize possessions. The wind and rains erode statues, dampness causes the colors of our prized pack animals to change oddly, and even the magics of the world itself play havok with some of the more.. disturbing... of our decorations."
- Arcanum Refurbisher tells you, "This parchment contains a list of items that we of the Arcanum know to be most severely affected by the climate of this world. Should you find that you are in possession of one of these damaged items, please bring it to me and I'll see what I can do about getting it fixed up for you."
- Arcanum Refurbisher tells you, "While I have the utmost confidence in my ability to repair such things, I have been unable to capture the knack of retaining any personalizations. This means that my repairs will obliterate any inscriptions you, or someone you know, may have etched into the item."
- Arcanum Refurbisher tells you, "If you have any sentimental attachment to those inscriptions, I would recommend that you refrain from using the service I offer."
- Arcanum Refurbisher gives you Refurbisher's Tally.