Introduced: | Taste of Twilight | Related Quests: | Shadow Armor Quest, Major Stinging Stone Quest |
- Value: 3,240
- Burden: 2,200
- Covers Abdomen, Upper Legs, Lower Legs
- Armor Level: 135
- Slashing: Above Average (175)
- Piercing: Average (135)
- Bludgeoning: Average (135)
- Fire: Above Average (162)
- Cold: Above Average (162)
- Acid: Unparalleled (270)
- Electric: Below Average (68)
- Nether: Average (135)
- Properties: Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded
- This item cannot be sold.
Notes Edit
- Obtained by using a Major Stinging Stone on a set of post-patch Lesser Koujia Shadow Leggings.