Taste of Twilight
August 2000 - Announcements Page
Game Changes Edit
- PK Arenas introduced.
- Lockpicks and potions have received updated icons.
- More wonders of the Empyrean are revealed as new lifestones appear in several places.
- The ambient sound upgrade project continues. Towns now sound more populous. Plus, geese!
New Quests Edit
Updated Quests Edit
- Shadow Armor Quest - Armor can be upgraded with Major Atlan Stones for improved AL and elemental protection.
New NPCs Edit
- Archmage (Female Sho) new locations.
- Archmage (Male Gharu'ndim) new locations.
- Archmage (Male Sho) new locations.
- Blacksmith (Female Aluvian)
- Healer (Lithaenean)
- Healer (Northern Point)
- Jolly Snowman
- Peddler (Baishi Ridge)
- Peddler (Peril's Edge)
- Peddler (Xinh)
- Weaponsmith (Southern Landbridge)
New Locations Edit
- Acolyte Towers - 88.4S, 10.6W, middle of the Southern Landbridge
- Arena (NPK) - 18.5S, 3.7E, northeast of Yaraq
- Arena (PK) - 17.9S, 3.9E, northeast of Yaraq
- New Lifestones & POI:
- 93.9N, 7.7E - Northern Point Bunkers
- 86.0N, 27.7W - Roaming Bowyer and Lifestone
- 79.2N, 15.6W - Vendor's House
- 55.9N, 52.3W - Beach House
- 54.4N, 38.3W - Vendor Camp
- 29.4N, 52.0W - Peddler's Hut
- 46.0N, 8.0W - Archmage Lifestone
- 71.9N, 38.0E - Bandit Castle Outpost
- 8.8S, 75.2E - Dryreach South Lifestone
- 61.5S, 52.8E - Peddler and Lifestone
- 73.4S, 36.1W - Peddler and Lifestone
- 82.1S, 63.7E - Archmage and Peddler
- 86.5S, 5.4E - Southern Landbridge Tent
- 45.6N, 11.6W - Igloo
- 65.4S, 44.1E - Igloo
- 73.6N, 16.4W - Igloo
- 73.2S, 26.8E - Igloo
Updated Locations Edit
- 73.8N, 13.7W - Igloo - Now contains a Snowman NPC
- 57.9S, 40.0E - Sho Buildings - Now has a Lifestone and Peddler.
- Mountain Retreat - A Collector is now found inside the retreat.
New Items Edit
Greater Amuli Leggings of Frost
Greater Amuli Coat of Frost
Greater Amuli Leggings of Flame
Greater Amuli Coat of Flame
Greater Amuli Leggings of Lightning
Greater Amuli Coat of Lightning
Greater Amuli Leggings of Acid
Greater Amuli Coat of Acid
Greater Celdon Leggings of Frost
Greater Celdon Girth of Frost
Greater Celdon Breastplate of Frost
Greater Celdon Sleeves of Frost
Greater Celdon Leggings of Flame
Greater Celdon Girth of Flame
Greater Celdon Breastplate of Flame
Greater Celdon Sleeves of Flame
Greater Celdon Leggings of Lightning
Greater Celdon Girth of Lightning
Greater Celdon Breastplate of Lightning
Greater Celdon Sleeves of Lightning
Greater Celdon Leggings of Acid
Greater Celdon Girth of Acid
Greater Celdon Breastplate of Acid
Greater Celdon Sleeves of Acid
Greater Koujia Leggings of Frost
Greater Koujia Breastplate of Frost
Greater Koujia Sleeves of Frost
Greater Koujia Leggings of Flame
Greater Koujia Breastplate of Flame
Greater Koujia Sleeves of Flame
Greater Koujia Leggings of Lightning
Greater Koujia Breastplate of Lightning
Greater Koujia Sleeves of Lightning
Greater Koujia Leggings of Acid
Greater Koujia Breastplate of Acid
Greater Koujia Sleeves of Acid
Amuli Leggings of Frost
Amuli Coat of Frost
Amuli Leggings of Flame
Amuli Coat of Flame
Amuli Leggings of Lightning
Amuli Coat of Lightning
Amuli Leggings of Acid
Amuli Coat of Acid
Celdon Leggings of Frost
Celdon Girth of Frost
Celdon Breastplate of Frost
Celdon Sleeves of Frost
Celdon Leggings of Flame
Celdon Girth of Flame
Celdon Breastplate of Flame
Celdon Sleeves of Flame
Celdon Leggings of Lightning
Celdon Girth of Lightning
Celdon Breastplate of Lightning
Celdon Sleeves of Lightning
Celdon Leggings of Acid
Celdon Girth of Acid
Celdon Breastplate of Acid
Celdon Sleeves of Acid
Koujia Leggings of Frost
Koujia Breastplate of Frost
Koujia Sleeves of Frost
Koujia Leggings of Flame
Koujia Breastplate of Flame
Koujia Sleeves of Flame
Koujia Leggings of Lightning
Koujia Breastplate of Lightning
Koujia Sleeves of Lightning
Koujia Leggings of Acid
Koujia Breastplate of Acid
Koujia Sleeves of Acid
Lesser Amuli Leggings of Frost
Lesser Amuli Coat of Frost
Lesser Amuli Leggings of Flame
Lesser Amuli Coat of Flame
Lesser Amuli Leggings of Lightning
Lesser Amuli Coat of Lightning
Lesser Amuli Leggings of Acid
Lesser Amuli Coat of Acid
Lesser Celdon Leggings of Frost
Lesser Celdon Girth of Frost
Lesser Celdon Breastplate of Frost
Lesser Celdon Sleeves of Frost
Lesser Celdon Leggings of Flame
Lesser Celdon Girth of Flame
Lesser Celdon Breastplate of Flame
Lesser Celdon Sleeves of Flame
Lesser Celdon Leggings of Lightning
Lesser Celdon Girth of Lightning
Lesser Celdon Breastplate of Lightning
Lesser Celdon Sleeves of Lightning
Lesser Celdon Leggings of Acid
Lesser Celdon Girth of Acid
Lesser Celdon Breastplate of Acid
Lesser Celdon Sleeves of Acid
Lesser Koujia Leggings of Frost
Lesser Koujia Breastplate of Frost
Lesser Koujia Sleeves of Frost
Lesser Koujia Leggings of Flame
Lesser Koujia Breastplate of Flame
Lesser Koujia Sleeves of Flame
Lesser Koujia Leggings of Lightning
Lesser Koujia Breastplate of Lightning
Lesser Koujia Sleeves of Lightning
Lesser Koujia Leggings of Acid
Lesser Koujia Breastplate of Acid
Lesser Koujia Sleeves of Acid
Heavy Grinder
Metal Press
Ground Meat
Ground Rabbit
Rabbit Sausage
Spicy Sausage
Drudge Gut Sausage
Spiced Applesauce
Magic Iceball
Crushed Ice
Frozen Cream
Green Tea
Frozen Green Tea
Bitter Milk
Brown Beans
Roasted Beans
Cocoa Mixture
Cocoa Powder
Chocolate Cake Batter
Chocolate Cake
Chocolate Milk
Chocolate Liquor
Milky Cocoa Mixture
Dark Chocolate Candy Bar
Bar of Milk Chocolate
Bar of Dark Chocolate
Chocolate Ice Cream
Mocha Base
Rich Mocha
Iced Mocha
Rich Iced Mocha
Hearty Applesauce
Healing Applesauce
Hearty Healing Applesauce
Hearty Mana Applesauce
Mana Applesauce
Hearty Spiced Applesauce
Healing Spiced Applesauce
Hearty Healing Spiced Applesauce
Hearty Mana Spiced Applesauce
Mana Spiced Applesauce
Ice Cream
Hearty Ice Cream
Healing Ice Cream
Hearty Healing Ice Cream
Hearty Mana Ice Cream
Mana Ice Cream
Green Tea Ice Cream
Hearty Green Tea Ice Cream
Healing Green Tea Ice Cream
Hearty Healing Green Tea Ice Cream
Hearty Mana Green Tea Ice Cream
Mana Green Tea Ice Cream
Hearty Holtburger
Healing Holtburger
Hearty Healing Holtburger
Hearty Mana Holtburger
Mana Holtburger
Yucky Key
Cell Key
Small Rusted Key
Scratched Key
Treasure Chest Key
The Baron's Key
Small Chest
Treasure Chest
Warning for General Arena!
Warning for PK Arena!
Chocolate Cookbook
Dusty Scrap of Paper
Decayed Scrap of Paper
Tattered Scrap of Paper
Complete Dispatch
Translated Dispatch
Aliester's Corollary
Shadow Note Translation (Amorphous Lump)
Shadow Note Translation (Fleshy Lump)
Dark Revenant Note Translation
Sandy Note
Mu-Miyah Note Translation
Umbris Note Translation
New Creatures Edit
New Dialog Edit
- Town Crier Free Rumors
- Town Crier tells you, "Have you felt the earth shaking recently? It was volcanic activity that made the ground shake!"
- Town Crier tells you, "Have you looked up at the night sky lately? I just noticed how pretty it was... I wished on a shooting star!"
- Town Crier tells you, "I need to get a Major Sparking Stone so I can make myself some stylish purple armor."
- Town Crier tells you, "My cousin found a really nice pair of boots the other day! Much nicer that what he's used to finding, anyway."
- Town Crier tells you, "News! Adventurers recently found a way to an abandoned fiery island. The loremasters call it Aerlinthe Island."
- Town Crier tells you, "News! The inventive cooks of Dereth have developed some new recipes! Some of them sound really tasty!"
- Town Crier tells you, "Watch Out! I hear the northern forests and mountains are more dangerous these days!"
- Town Crier Pyreal Rumorsx
- Town Crier tells you, "Monsters have changed their migration patterns again. I guess the earthquakes, the eruptions and the rise of more powerful beasts in the Direlands has really confused some of the island's fauna."
- Town Crier tells you, "News! Cooks of Dereth have improved their recipes again! Food is much more nourishing than it used to be."
- Town Crier tells you, "News! The honored master smiths are still unable to craft armor as strong as it used to be, but there is still hope! Aliester the Loquacious has published a corollary to his treatise on fused gems! Pick one up at the libraries in Hebien-To, Cragstone, or Zaikhal."
- Town Crier tells you, "Those who have sworn to Bael'Zharon and kill their fellow humans are gathering in specially designed dungeons to do battle. I wonder who put those arenas there?"
- Town Crier tells you, "Yesterday I found a Velvet Fez of Cooking Mastery! I will become the Sausage King of Dereth!"
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you,"Oswald was sighted in Hebian-To yesterday!"
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you,"The strongest bowstrings are made from hoary mattekar guts. Makes bloody big bows, though, so you have to use their horns too."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you,"Asheron killed Elysa Strathelar! I have compromising translated notes that prove it."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you,"Those Lugian boards with nails in are pretty big. But I've seen bigger..."
Related Articles Edit
- Teaser
- Rollout Article
- Release Notes
- State of the Code
- Stormwaltz Comments on the Aerlinthe Quest
- Cooking Contest
- Cooking Contest Results
- Writing Contest
- Writing Contest Results
Media Edit