Brown Beans
Introduced: | Taste of Twilight |
- Value: 20
- Burden: 20
- This item is used in cooking.
- A heap of brown beans, smelling somewhat fermented.
Notes Edit
- Stack Size: ??
Recipes Used In Edit
- Bar of Dark Chocolate
- Bar of Milk Chocolate
- Chocolate Cake
- Chocolate Ice Cream
- Chocolate Milk
- Mocha
- Rich Mocha
- Iced Mocha
- Rich Iced Mocha
- Dark Chocolate Candy Bar
- Milk Chocolate Candy Bar
- Peppermint Chocolate Bar
- Peppermint Chocolate Cookie
- Chocolate Cookie
- Cocoa Mixture
- Chocolate Cookie Dough
- Roasted Beans
- Chocolate Liquor
- Cocoa Powder
- Milky Cocoa Mixture
- Peppermint Chocolate Cookie Dough
- Hot Chocolate with Marshmallows
- Hot Chocolate
- Peppermint Hot Chocolate
- Bitter Milk
- Mocha Base
- Chocolate Covered Nanners
- Nanners Covered in Chocolate
- Nanner Split
- Chocolate Olthoi Cake
- Chocolate Olthoi Cake Batter
- Chocolate Cake Batter
Dropped By Edit
- Drudge Ravener
- Drudge Stalker
- Drudge Bloodletter
- Drudge Lurker
- Drudge Prowler
- Drudge Sneaker
- Drudge Robber
- Banderling Striker
- Tumerok Lieutenant
- Tumerok Standard Bearer
- Tumerok Major
- Mosswart Soul Trapper
- Drudge Slinker
- Mosswart Mire-Witch
- Tumerok High Priest
- Tumerok Priest
- Tumerok Corporal
- Mosswart Idolator
- Banderling Enforcer
- Banderling Thrasher
- Barker Mosswart
- Mosswart Zealot
- Drudge Slave
- Banderling Paragon
- Mosswart Clinger
- Drudge Servant
- High Tumerok
- Mosswart Fanatic
- Banderling Hierophant
- Mosswart Muck Stalker
- Mosswart Townsfolk
- Banderling Bandit
- Mosswart Swamp Lord
- Banderling Berserker
- Olthoi Gardener
- Banderling Guard
- Mudlurk Mosswart
- Mosswart Shaman
- Banderling Rogue
- Blighted Pallid Moarsman
- Banderling Scout
- Creeper Mosswart
- Mosswart Cringer
- Young Banderling
- Banderling Raider
- Young Mosswart
- Tumerok Officer
- Mosswart Feeder
- Tumerok Scout
- Muculent Moarsman
- Fetid Moarsman
- Banderling Raver
- Swamp King
- Withered Banderling Paragon
- Banderling Captain
- Pallid Moarsman
- Banderling Breeder
- Hea Runner
- Sallow Moarsman
- Mosswart Chief
- Mosswart Mucker
- Southern Black Claw Raider
- Baktak the Human Slayer
- Northern Black Claw Raider
- Withered Banderling Hierophant
- Drudge Hoarder