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Olthoi Chasm Quest
Level: 20
Type: Solo
Starts With: Xavier, Royal Guard
Starts At: 0.7N, 44.7E near Lytelthorpe
Repeat: 20 Hours


The Olthoi Chasm quest is a series of increasingly difficult dungeons each with a note at the end. The goal of the quest is to retrieve a series of notes at the end of each dungeon and turn them in to Xavier, Royal Guard located on the surface by the entrance portal to the first dungeon.

Walkthrough & Notes

  1. The progressive dungeons are all different but have similar set ups. First you encounter Undead and Skeletons, and then in the later portion of the dungeons you encounter Olthoi. You can just run through the dungeons to the end and grab the notes if you wish.
  2. The entrance to the second dungeon is at the end of the first dungeon, and so on - be sure and pick up the note before you enter each portal.
  3. There is no surface portal in this dungeon. Once you have all 5 Untranslated Notes, you have to recall and run all the way back to hand in the notes to the Royal Guard for the rewards.
  4. Each dungeon is progressively harder. A level 20 character may be able to make it through the first dungeon, but may not survive the second. The final dungeon is extremely hard and you should be Level 200+ or have a large group of 150+.
  5. There is an Exploration Marker just outside the dungeon portal, if you are so inclined.

Part 1: Olthoi Chasm (Level 20+)

  1. From the portal drop go down either the west or east ramp down and continue going down until a reach a large sloping room where there are several ramps on the floor. Take the ramp to the west or east (depending on which ramp you used from the drop) going down.
  2. Off the passage you are in now will be a large pit that you have to jump down into. Exit the large room continue going down.
  3. You'll come to another large sloping room with more ramps in the floor. Go down to the ramp to the Northwest and you should come to a green olthoi door at the end of the hall. Go through the door and continue straight down till you see the portal to the next area. Pick up the Untranslated Note at the bottom on front of the portal.

Part 2: Shallow Olthoi Chasm (Level 40+)

  1. This is a pretty simple dungeon. The general rule is to always stay left the whole way through the dungeon and always go up, never down. There are some short dead ends off the main passage but you can navigate though pretty easily. Again the note is right in front of the portal to the next area.

Part 3: Deep Olthoi Chasm (Level 60+)

  1. Take the first left then the first right. You will come to the a hall with several ramps down. Take the ramp down to the left and take a left at the bottom. Then go straight and up to another hallway with ramps.
  2. In the hallway to the end with the metal door and go right. This passage will take you down then up again at the top you'll be in yet another hallway with ramps. From the passage you just exited take the ramp down to the left and across from you (not the one right in front of you).
  3. Stay left through a large room then stay right and down a long ramp and at the bottom stay left until you reach the portal and the note.

Part 4: Cavernous Olthoi Chasm (Level 80+)

  1. From the drop stay right until you go down a ramp then left at the bottom. Go immediately right then straight to a green olthoi door and go through it. You'll go through a large room that slopes down then up again.
  2. At the first T go left go take the first right and go straight down a ramp into a large room. Go left down a slope in the room to another ramp going down.
  3. Take the first right then straight into a room filled with olthoi. Go down a ramp in the floor of the that room.
  4. Take the first left and then go straight until you see the portal and note.

Part 5: Abyssal Olthoi Chasm (Level 100+)

At the drop in this section you will find an undead NPC, Jaenyn, Stone Shaper. He has no use except for lore purposes. His interactions are listed on his wiki page.

  1. The first part of this dungeon mirrors the first Chasm section almost exactly.
  2. From the drop go down one of the ramps in the floor to the east or west and continue down until a reach a large sloping room where there are several ramps on the floor. Take the ramp to the west or east (depending on which ramp you used from the drop) going down.
  3. Off the passage you are in now will be a large pit that you have to jump down into. Exit the large room continue going down.
  4. You'll come to a large room with a ramp down in the center. Go down and go through a metal door to find the final note in a stone hallway with an alloy machine at the end (which cannot be picked up).


Dungeons & Maps

Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps
Olthoi Chasm 0.7N, 44.7E -- 5D4A
Shallow Olthoi Chasm From Olthoi Chasm -- 5D4B
Deep Olthoi Chasm From Shallow Olthoi Chasm -- 5D4C
Cavernous Olthoi Chasm From Deep Olthoi Chasm -- 5D4D
Abyssal Olthoi Chasm From Cavernous Olthoi Chasm -- 5D4E


Level 20 Missive
Experience: 3,000,000 (Fixed)
Level 40 Missive
Experience: 10,000,000 (Fixed)
Level 60 Missive
Experience: 15,000,000 (Fixed)
Level 80 Missive
Experience: 20,000,000 (Fixed)
Level 100 Missive
Experience: 25,000,000 (Fixed)



Template:Quest Dialog

Update History

Waking from the Abyss

  • Quest introduced.

Reforging the Past

  • XP reward for First Missive increased from 100,000 to 3,000,000.
  • XP reward for Second Missive increased from 250,000 to 10,000,000.
  • XP reward for Third Missive increased from 1,000,000 to 15,000,000.
  • XP reward for Fourth Missive increased from 2,000,000 to 20,000,000.
  • XP reward for Fifth Missive increased from 6,645,123 to 25,000,000.

The Risen Princess

The Quest for Freedom

  • Repeat timer changed from 13 days to 20 hours.