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Kronik’s XP Starter Grinder Guide Edit

Starting Out Edit

Over the years of playing Asheron’s Call one question has come up so often it actually drives me crazy. So I have decided to put down the answer to the question. What is the question? Where do I go to level?

This is not the end all and be all of guides. I am not the perfect source either. What I can tell you is I have played Asheron’s Call since 2004. I have played it without decal and with decal. I have played it before the Throne of Destiny expansion pack, and now after. I have played Mages, Melee, and Ranged toons.

First off this guide is always going to be a work in progress. I might change it and you might love or hate it or just disagree. This guide does not take into a completely new person to AC. This guide takes it for granted you have some knowledge of the game, access to buff bots, 400+ armor, Hub Items, and weapons. If you are a completely new person to AC, don’t have access to 400+ armor, and weapons, this is probably not the guide for you.
Now please check the Wikkii for updated xp amounts, the percentages, and the level cap as well on each turn in to maximize your xp.

Item Magic and Mana Conversion Edit

Getting Item magic and Mana Conversion trained as soon as you can is very important. With item magic you can get your recall spells and lifestone spells. Cragstone is a great town to buy level 1=4 spells at, Qalaba'r has level 5, Stonehold and Ayan Baqur have level 6. Get them as soon as you can. The make getting around much easier. When you can make it out to Candeth Keep use your lifestone recall spell there. You will use it alot and often.
As you level up any special Recall Spell you can get, get it! The more recall spells you have the easier and faster you can get around Dereth. In the end you will thank me for it.

Training Academy Edit

Ok, so you logged into AC and made it through the Training Academy. You’re a fresh n00bie toon in the world. What do you do 1st? Go to your Pathwarden Greeter and turn in your token for your key to the pathwarden chest. The most important item you get from the chest is your Pathwarden Trinket. This item comes with Augmented Understanding II which gives you 4% more xp while wearing it. I know 4% does not sound like a lot but, over time it adds up. So equip it and keep it on. Also make sure if you skipped the Training Academy you stop in and get your Teleportation Device for the Facility Hub. You won’t be able to use it until level 10 but, it won’t hurt to have it now and you will be using it a lot later.

Cows are Madding Edit

So now let’s make some xp! I am a bit lazy and I do use decal to automate certain boring task. The first task is a bit boring so if you use Decal get a plug in called Khao Tipper. It will automate this task for you; without it the next 15 to 20 minutes of your life might be a bit underwhelming. You will need to head to Holtburg and speak with Dwennon at 42.6N 33.6E. He will tell you to tip 300 cows. The plugin form Decal makes this a snap, without it well it is a bit boring like I said. It is worth 500,000 xp plus your 4% from your Pathwarden Trinket which will take you from level 5 to 15 easy maybe more.

Hub Love Edit

Now you’re a level 15 or better now. At this point if you have access to a set of Hub Items you can turn them in. You average about 3 levels per room. For a level 15 you will have three items from the 10 area to put you at level 18, three items from area 15 to put you at level 21, three items from level 20 which puts you at level 24. Not bad for less than an hour of work on your toon.

Two Roads Edit

From here it is your choice as to what you really do as you can do the hub quest and level that way or you can grind out xp. Some quick xp at this point will come from two sections of the hub. One is for Olthoi and the other is from Tuskers. Olthoi are weak to bludge first and slash second; while Tuskers are weak to fire. At level 24 you will be able to do the five of the tusker tusk quest and three of the Olthoi pincher quest. The Tusker quest are as follows:
  1. Tusker Burrow for a Female Tusker Tusk worth a max of 200,000xp
  2. Tusker Lodge for a Male Tusker Tusk worth a max of 100,000xp
  3. Tusker Cave for a Tusker Crimsonback Tusk worth a max of 350,000xp
  4. Tusker Cavern for a Goldenback Tusker Tusk worth a max 500,000xp
  5. Tusker Abode for a Tusker Redeemer worth a max of 750,000xp

The Olthoi quest are as follows:
  1. Abandoned Tumerok Site for a Harvester Pincer worth a max of 500,000xp
  2. The Dark Lair for a Gardener Pincer worth a max of 750,000
  3. Crumbling Empyrean Mansion for a Worker Pincer worth a max of 850,000xp

Stepping Stones Edit

With all this xp you should be a minimum of level 32 by now. This means you can turn in some more hub items. Sadly only two of the three level 25 hub items are ivoryable. This means that you will only get two levels out of this area easy. You can do the third one and get the hub xp which I recommend you do. Now at level 35 you have even more hub items to turn in, your level 30 items for three levels and then your level 35 items for an other 3 levels. This could potential put your level at 41 now and would also net you 3 more hub items bring you to level 44. This is by no means a promise you will be here. You might have forgotten your pathwarden trinket, not gotten enough xp per hub item, not leveled like I thought you would, etc. If you are level 44 then great even more stuff to do. If not you can easily grind out some nice xp in any of the Tusker dungeons or Olthoi dungeons to make some up. If you are level 44 here are the next set of Olthoi and Tusker dungeons to do. As an added bonus you will now have access to another type of creature called an Eater which is weak to slash. Eaters dish out lots of melee damage and no magic damage at all.

  1. Tusker Habitat for a Tusker Liberator Tusk worth a max of 850,000xp
  2. Tusker Quarters for a Tusker Slave Tusk worth a max of 1,000,000xp
  3. Tusker Barracks for a Tusker Guard Tusk worth a max of 2,500,000xp

  1. An Olthoi Soldier Nest for a Soldier Pincer worth a max of 1,000,000xp
  2. Ancient Empyrean Grotto for a Legionary Pincer worth a max of 2,500,000

  1. Remote Empyrean Vault for an Engorged Eater Jaw woth a max of 2,500,000xp

Also before you go into the Tusker Barracks I suggest you head out to Lin and speak with Shoichi at 54.4S 72.9E. This will start your Hunter Quest for Tusker Guards. Kill 500 Tusker Guards and you will get 20,000,000xp. This is a very nice xp bonus which does take a bit of time to do especially if the dungeon is busy. This is an easy kill task and for the level you just can’t beat the xp.

Growing Up Edit

You should by now be level 45 or better. This gives you one last hub item to turn in and access to the last of the Tusker Tusk at the Tusker Pits for a Silver Tusker Tusk worth 5,000,000xp.

You now graduate from the Facility Hub to the world! Don’t get me wrong you can xp grind in any of the Tusker or Olthoi dungeons above if you want. I would suggest you do as well to at least level 50. If you are tired of these places then at level 40 you can head out into the real world over to Nanto to the Matron Hive South which is a 40+ Olthoi dungeon. Olthoi are weak to bludge first and slash second. I say the bludge first for most types of toons have access to a bludge weapon and those that don’t have access to slash with the only exception to this being Void, which Critical Strike will be your friend in here. A good fellow in here will make decent xp in general and great xp for level 40. I stayed in here on some of my toons up to level 60 only to move over to the Matron Hive North in Khayyaban. Again the Matron Hives are Olthoi but, not your typical olthoi they are on a super fast spawn rate and there are plenty to kill inside as long as you or someone else does not kill the matron inside. If you do until she respawns the olthoi are slow to respawn. Check the Asheron's Raiment Quest as each Matron drops an item that can be turned in one time every 21 days for xp and Asheron’s Raiment. Refer to the quest for details.

Fellow My XP Edit

At level 50 a new world opens up because when you fellow your XP is shared with everyone and everyone shares their xp with you. So places where you can get into a fellow and do some grinding is great.
Level 50 also gives you access to one more Olthoi dungeon and one more Tusker dungeon.
  1. Tusker Armory for an Armored Tusker Tusk worth 3,500,000xp max
  2. Lair of the Eviscerators for a Eviscerator Pincer for 5,000,000xp max.

It's All About the MMDs Edit

At level 50 you also get access to one of my favorite places for salvage, weapons, and spells called the Crystalline Crag. Up there you have access to a kill task Wisp Whipper for 20,000,000xp max limited to a 20 hour turn in, Rare Crystalline Shard for 75,000,000xp(percentage based capping at 156 level), and Crystalline Shards for 50,000xp per shard no timer and no limit for turn in. Being that the Crag is a great money making place it is important that you get your Candeth Keep Tree House access. This is done by completing the Town Founder quest which takes all of about 20 to 30 minutes to do. You will also want to look over the Salvaging page some too, but basically to get the most bang for your buck a base skill of 196 in salvaging will net you the best reward. With Tree House access the NPC’s buy at 100% up there, so you can make serious mmds or platinum scarabs fast. In a typical 2 hour session I can make 5 to 10 mmds after recomping. The Wisp at the Crag don’t hit for much melee it is mostly magic. Use bludge or Slash on them. My tip is the faster you kill them the longer you live. So use Green Garnet wands, Mahogany bows, and tinked up melee weapons.

70 Already? Edit

At level 70 you will now gain access to an Eater 70+ dungeon.
  1. Ruined Empyrean Vault for a Voracious Eater Jaw worth 8,000,000xp

From there you should be leveling up nicely. At 90+ you can swap over to the 90+ Matron Hive West in Uziz. Don’t forget your new dungeons:
  1. Tusker Tunnelsfor a Plated Tusker Tusk 70+ for 6,500,000xp
  2. Tusker Holding for a Rampager Tusk 60+ for 8,000,000xp
  3. Olthoi Warrior Nest for a Warrior Pincer which is 70+ for 8,000,000xp
  4. Mutilator Tunnels for a Mutilator Pincer which is 80+ for 10,000,000xp
  5. Tusker Honeycombs for a Assailer Tusk 80+ for 11,000,000xp
  6. Abhorrent Vault for a Abhorrent Eater Jaw 90+ for 15,000,000xp
  7. Tusker Lacuna for a Devastator Tusk 100+ for 20,000,000xp
  8. Ravenous Vault for a Ravenous Eater Jaw 110+ for 25,000,000xp
  9. Insatiable Vault for a Upper Insatiable Eater Jaw 125+ for 40,000,000xp

Deviled Eggs Edit

I will also clue you in on another set of tiered reward items as well, Eggs. Yes, Eggs is right. Most don’t know about the Moarsmen on the Shores quest. The Moarsmen on the Shores quest do not have level restrictions on them like the pinchers and tusk do. They are all percentage based rewards capping at 20 for 141,050xp, 40 for 1,190,826xp, 60 for 4,602,097xp, 80 for 11,876,313xp, 100 for 20,648,005xp, and 130 for 28,092,330xp.

Are We Having Fiuns Yet? Edit

Again I am trying to keep this strickly a grinding style xp reward how to. So I am leaving out quest reward stuff which I will cover in another how to. With that in mind I have to mention the Fiuns because the upper fiuns is popular and the lower is as well. Check Fiun Spellcasting Gloves Quest for all the details. Usually there is a bot that has Fiuns portal around. Any level can go in the upper Fiuns and the lower is restricted to 90+. Fire is best used on Fiuns to kill them. They do typical little melee damage but do high magic damage.

Defense Defense Defense Edit

On a side note that will help you with your magic defense, there is a quest for a Sanguinary Aegis which will cap at 25% magic reduction at a magic defense of 319. The quest is the Sanguinary Aegis Quest. It is not a very tuff quest even at a lower level. The quest has no level restriction on it but, it is not recommended for under 60. This shield will help with both wisp and fiuns but, do little good against Olthoi and Tuskers.

Grindage Edit

By now you should have a good handle on where to hunt, grind out some XP, and where to level. Some parting tips. 90+ you can do theMatron Hive West in Uziz, at level 120+ Matron Hive East which is supposed to do 300mill an hour, at level 140+ the Egg Orchard is popular. In the EO you have 2 fellows going. One is the upper where you fight Slashers and Slayers, the lower is Rippers. In the upper you have about 150million to 200million an hour depending on fellow and positioning. The lower one called a Ripper fellow you will make 250million to 300 million an hour with only one problem. When you kill a ripper you have a random chance to spawn a Ninja. Ninjas are weak to acid, but they vuln, war, and have nasty swords. It is important to kill them as soon as the spawn. If you are running Life Tank or Virindi Tank I would strongly suggest you set the plugin to kill them first. You might earn more xp in the 120hive but, you will have to have higher melee d or a really good melee d bonus on your weapon. Whereas if you can get in the EO or stay in the 90+ Hive for a while you might do better just because you don’t have to worry so much about defense as you will in the 120+ hive.

Colosseum Edit

The last thing I am going to bring up here is not so much of a grinding dungeon quest. It is the Colosseum. The Colosseum is designed to give players a way to earn a lot xp, work in fellow, and get some nice loot as well. One of the by products of this is the Colosseum Bosses. With the Colosseum Bosses you have an opertunity to collect xp from them every 20 hours. The xp for each Boss is percentage based. Their are more bosses in the area then you will initially be able to flag for right away. Their are four bosses you can flag for easily with a small fellow or just one or two high level killers for you. The four bosses are Stone Fists, Azaxis, Killagurg, and the Demon Swarm Matron. Read up on the Colosseum on your own but, the quick version is inorder to be flagged for all four you must step in room 8. You do not have to complete room 8 just enter it. After you enter it, you may portal out and wait out the ticket time to get reward and to be flagged for all four bosses. It used to be that when you killed one of the bosses they would drop a token that you would turn in for an item. You would have to choose if you wanted the item or XP reward. That was changed due to people farming XP. So now when you pick up token and turn it in, you get instant xp and the item. You can trash the item if you dont want it or suck the mana out of it.
When dealing with the bosses here are my tips:
  • Kill smaller spawn first then take on boss
  • When you are a lower level try and take a group and/or a higher level killer with you
  • Know your rooms, know what they are weak too, and be ready to fight when you go in
  • Be curdious of your other players and don't vulture tokens
  • Stone Fists is weak to bludge, Magma Golems are weak to Frost, Crystal Golems are weak to Bludge or Acid
  • Azaxis is weak to slash and fire try and use a Virindi Slayer weapon on him, Armored Tusker are weak to fire, Virindi Executor are weak to fire or slash try and use a Virinid Slayer weapon
  • Killagurg is weak to fire and pierce especially the Paradox-touched Olthoi Weapons, Enthralled Idolator and the Enthralled Zealot are both weak to fire
  • Bring a group with you to kill the Demon Swarm Matron. The Matron is not really that tuff, the problem is that the minons in the room don't stop spawning. So with out a group or jumping on her head(it is a trick and is real) solo you are not likly to live.
  • Demon Swarm Matron and the Demon Swarm Clawbearer are weak to bludge or the Paradox-touched Olthoi Weapons.
  • Always turn in your tokens starting with your Stone Fists, then Azaxis, Killagurg, and ending with the Demon Swarm Matron this way you can maximize your xp reward.

In Conclusion Edit

Did you read this closely? I hope so. Now maybe people won't ask me all the time what to do? Where to level? I doubt it. Is this the only guide you should read? No! Absolutly not! Read them all! Take advice from others. Try things out. Don't be afraid to die! It is going to happen. I can tell you that I made a new toon this year and in less then 30 days casual play he hit level 150 by doing exactly what I listed up here. Nothing else. I know for a fact this will work. Will it be that way for you? Maybe I cannot say. This will at the very least give you an idea that it can be done.