The timeline of Ispar has changed greatly over the course of the game. In this article, we will attempt to construct the timeline of Ispar as it existed at various points in the game's history. We will also examine how the Roulean Calendar system from Ispar relates to the Portal Year Calendar on Dereth.

Asheron's Call

This is the period of time from beta leading up to Dark Majesty. The most notable sources of information from this time are Zogblaster Archive: Heritage Groups (from Turbine's Beta website), The Reign of Alfrega, The Silifi of the Crimson Stars, and Stormwaltz Quotes: On Aluvian Rulers. Although this quote from Stormwaltz was first posted in March 2002, after the release of Dark Majesty, he states that he wrote the timeline of Aluvian rulers during Beta while writing the Reign of Alfrega.

Based on Stormwaltz' quote on Aluvian rulers, and the Aluvian heritage introduction from Turbine's beta website, we can determine that 10 PY and 1321 RC occur at the same time. With that in mind, we can construct the following timeline:

Portal Year Roulean Year Event

The most ancient legends tell how the Sho warred with the Dragon and were driven to the edge of the sea.[1]

-990 PY 321 RC Sho

Ryu Jou Gai, the Order of the Dragon Temple, is founded.[2]

[This event is said to occur over 1,000 years ago.]

-790 PY 521 RC Sho

The prophet Jojii receives revelations from the Unicorn of Grace on how to reach Paradise. Jojiism established.[1]

[This event is said to occur around 800 years ago.]

-524 PY 787 RC Aluvia

Reign of Pwyll II begins in Aluvia. It lasts 17 years.[3]

-507 PY 804 RC Aluvia, Viamont

Viamont invades Aluvia, reign of Pwyll II ends.[3][4]

Reign of Alfric begins in Aluvia. Alfric is the Viamontian invader that is ruling Aluvia. His reign lasts 20 years.[3]

-487 PY 824 RC Aluvia, Viamont

Reign of Alfric ends.[3]

Reign of Theolaud, son of Alfric, begins. It lasts 30 years.[3][4]

-457 PY 854 RC Aluvia, Viamont

Reign of Theolaud Ends. It is said that during this time, King Elous VIII rules in Viamont, and that Theolaud was killed during a duel with the Viamontian king.[3][4]

Reign of Alfrega, daughter of Theolaud, begins. It lasts 14 years.[3]

-443 PY 868 RC Aluvia, Viamont

Reign of Alfrega ends.[3][4]

Reign of Osric, son of Alfrega, begins. It lasts 31 years. Osric is Viamontian, but begins to mend the Aluvian culture.[3][4]

-412 PY 899 RC Aluvia

Reign on Osric ends.[3]

Reign of Pwyll III, son of Osric, begins. It lasts 25 years. Pwyll III is killed by an ambassador from Viamont on what is described as the eve of war between the two nations, and it is said that knights and commoners alike fell upon their enemies and destroyed them.[3][5]

-387 PY 924 RC Aluvia

Reign of Pwyll III ends.[3]

Reign of Cellric II begins. It is not known how long it lasts.[3]

-339 PY 972 RC Gharu'n

One of the five Crimson Stars, Al-Ghul, is renamed Al-Khur in honor of Rakhil al-Khur, after the great victory won at the salt mines to the east of Tirethas.[6]

[This event is said to occur some 300 years ago. The book describing this was written in 11 PY, which would be 1322 RC. Some 300 years could be, at the extremes, from 300 to 399 years ago, placing this event in the range of 923 RC to 1022 RC.

However, this event had to occur prior to the conquest of Tirethas, because Rakhil is killed then. Given that Yasif died around 1002, this event cannot occur after then.

Also, as seen in our conclusions in Gharu'ndim History, the events described in To Be A Shadow (The time from the founding of Gharu'n to the death of Yasif) require at least 15 to 30 years to occur. So this event must occur at least 15 to 30 years prior to 1002.

This narrows the range to between 399 to 350 years ago if the above events took 30 years, or 335 years ago if the above events took 15 years. Since 350 years ago is right in the middle of the 399-300 range, we will use that as our estimate.]

-339 PY
or later
972 RC
or later

Gharu'n armies seige the Roulean city of Tirethas. Rakhil makes the mistake of threatening to burn the books within her walls, and Yasif strikes him down in rage. With that, the conquest of Roulea ends and the nation of Gharu'n is born. In all, half of Roulea's lands are lost to the new nation of Gharu'n. Rakhil al-Khur's son, Amul ibn Rakhil becomes the new Malik and Yasif becomes his adviser.[7]

-319 PY 992 RC Gharu'n

Ladriya bint Daum is born. Her father is a minor Mu'allim in the court of Malik Amul ibn Rakhil.[6]

-307 PY 1002 RC Gharu'n

Yasif ibn Salayyar dies. The people of Gharu'n mourn for a full year.[7]

-308 PY 1003 RC Gharu'n

Soon after the death of Yasif, Amul ibn Rakhil also dies, heirless, poisoned at his own birthday celebration.[7]

The Century of Storms begins. During this time of chaos in Gharu'n no fewer than twenty-five different would-be Maliks and Malikas will rule the Gharu'ndim people.[6][7]

-303 PY 1008 RC Gharu'n

Ladriya bint Daum is 16 when she is orphaned by the death of her father.[6]

-293 PY 1018 RC Gharu'n

After some 15 years of chaos in Gharu'n, Ladriya bint Daum decides to leave Tirethas and return to her home in Taban. Ladriya is 26 at the time.

Halfway through her journey, Ladriya's caravan is attacked at night by band of nomads sent by the renegade Shayk Ridqidh. Ladriya is wounded badly but is saved by Tamsah ibn Jaidah, who carries her away on his stallion.

After riding for six days, Tamsah and Ladriya the oasis of Shiryaz. They stay there for almost two months while Ladriya recovers.

On 6th of Solclaim, 1018 RC, Tamsah and Ladriya return to the court of Taban at Nishadina.

Ladriya orders the forging of the Silifi of Crimson Stars, to be wielded by Tamsah. Ladriya goes on to be become Malika.[6]

-290 PY 1021 RC Sho

Chiran Jishui Dan, The Ranks of the Unicorn's Battle, splits off from Chiran Jou Gai, Order of the Unicorn Temple[2]

[This event is said to occur 300 years ago.]

-208 PY
or earlier
1103 RC
or earlier
Gharu'n, Viamont

During Century of Storms, Viamont sends armies to Gharu'n to invade. The Viamontians install Zahir ibn Ma'mun as a puppet leader, while they rule Gharu'n from afar.[7]

During his rule, Zahir ibn Ma'mun murdered all his rivals, except for a young lord named Jawhar al-Shamshir. Seeing what has become of his homeland, Jawhar travels the desert in secret, banding together the people.[7]

Jawhar defeats Zahir ibn Ma'mun and drives the Viamontians from the shores of Gharu'n. He becomes the new Malik, and returns Gharu'n to the glory it had known in Yasif's time.[7]

-190 PY 1121 RC Sho

Emperor Kou rises to power in Sho.[1]

[This event is said to occur 200 years ago.]

-40 PY
or later
1271 RC
or later

The al-Khuraqa, Children of the Eagle, form as a splinter faction from from the much older Jaladh, The Warriors' Brotherhood[8]

[This event is said to occur within the last 50 years.]

0 PY 1311 RC Aluvia

After approximately 400 years pass since the reign of Cellric II had begun (387 to be exact), the reign of Cedraic III begins.[3] It is listed as having an unknown end date, but lasting 10 years, implying it is the current reign.

10 PY 1321 RC Aluvia, Gharu'n, Sho, Viamont

King Cedraic reigns in Aluvia during this time. Cedraic opens trade with nations across the sea, including Gharu'n and Sho. Some Aluvians believe it is only a matter of time before Aluvia and Viamont are at war again.[5]

The Sho still enjoy the stability brought by the Kou Dynasty. Meanwhile, trade has begun in earnest with the Gharu’ndim and the Milantos, the two nearest kingdoms, and the Sho are growing increasingly aware of the vast lands beyond their borders.[1]

The Malika Qadira bint Balj reigns in Gharu'n. There is always the threat of war, from both Viamont and Milantos, but the desert kingdom is once again a place where the sharpness of a man's mind is far more valuable than that of his sword.[7]


With the release of Asheron's Call: Dark Majesty, players were given the AC:DM CD Lore. Among these files was the Ages of the Empyrean, which outlined the history of Auberean. It also contains a few valuable pieces of information regarding the Roulean Calendar:

Portal Year Roulean Year Event
-15 PY* 1261 RC Humans arrive on Dereth.[9]
0 PY 1276 RC Olthoi Queen is defeated.[9]
12 PY 1284 RC Marae Lassel opens.[9]
*Stated in numerous other sources.

We start running into issues here:

First, our theory about the timeline's present day being 1321 RC being 10 PY is invalidated - that date has yet to occur according to this new timeline. At the very least, this pushes back the time-frame for Cedraic III's reign, and the other "present day" rulers.

Second, we have inconsistencies in the amount of time that is passing on each calendar. Between the first two events, humans arriving and humans defeating the Olthoi Queen, 15 years pass on each calendar. However, between the second and third events, 12 years pass on the Portal Year calendar, but only 8 years pass on the Roulean calendar.

Our options are:

  1. Ispar years and Auberean years are at a 1:1 ratio, and the last date is incorrect - it should be 1288 RC when Marae Lassel opens.
  2. Ispar years and Auberean years are at a 2:3 ratio, and the first date is incorrect - it should 1266 RC when humans first arrive on Dereth.

With only these three dates to work from, we can't really draw any conclusions. The easiest assumption is that the writers created a 1:1 ratio for Ispar:Auberean years, because it would be very easy to convert dates. With that in mind, we can create a new timeline. Dates that have been changed have been highlighted.

Portal Year Roulean Year Event

The most ancient legends tell how the Sho warred with the Dragon and were driven to the edge of the sea.[1]

-990 PY 286 RC Sho

Ryu Jou Gai, the Order of the Dragon Temple, is founded.[2]

[This event is said to occur over 1,000 years ago.]

-790 PY 486 RC Sho

The prophet Jojii receives revelations from the Unicorn of Grace on how to reach Paradise. Jojiism established.[1]

[This event is said to occur around 800 years ago.]

-524 PY 787 RC Aluvia

Reign of Pwyll II begins in Aluvia. It lasts 17 years.[3]

-507 PY 804 RC Aluvia, Viamont

Viamont invades Aluvia, reign of Pwyll II ends.[3][4]

Reign of Alfric begins in Aluvia. Alfric is the Viamontian invader that is ruling Aluvia. His reign lasts 20 years.[3]

-487 PY 824 RC Aluvia, Viamont

Reign of Alfric ends.[3]

Reign of Theolaud, son of Alfric, begins. It lasts 30 years.[3][4]

-457 PY 854 RC Aluvia, Viamont

Reign of Theolaud Ends. It is said that during this time, King Elous VIII rules in Viamont, and that Theolaud was killed during a duel with the Viamontian king.[3][4]

Reign of Alfrega, daughter of Theolaud, begins. It lasts 14 years.[3]

-443 PY 868 RC Aluvia, Viamont

Reign of Alfrega ends.[3][4]

Reign of Osric, son of Alfrega, begins. It lasts 31 years. Osric is Viamontian, but begins to mend the Aluvian culture.[3][4]

-412 PY 899 RC Aluvia

Reign on Osric ends.[3]

Reign of Pwyll III, son of Osric, begins. It lasts 25 years. Pwyll III is killed by an ambassador from Viamont on what is described as the eve of war between the two nations, and it is said that knights and commoners alike fell upon their enemies and destroyed them.[3][5]

-387 PY 924 RC Aluvia

Reign of Pwyll III ends.[3]

Reign of Cellric II begins. It is not known how long it lasts.[3]

-339 PY 937 RC Gharu'n

One of the five Crimson Stars, Al-Ghul, is renamed Al-Khur in honor of Rakhil al-Khur, after the great victory won at the salt mines to the east of Tirethas.[6]

[This event is said to occur some 300 years ago. The book describing this was written in 11 PY, which would be 1287 RC. Some 300 years could be, at the extremes, from 300 to 399 years ago, placing this event in the range of 888 RC to 987 RC.

As seen in our conclusions in Gharu'ndim History, the events described in To Be A Shadow (The time from the founding of Gharu'n to the death of Yasif) require at least 15 to 30 years to occur. So this event must occur at least 15 to 30 years prior to 1002.

This narrows the range to between 399 to 315 years ago if the above events took 30 years, or 300 years ago if the above events took 15 years. Since 350 years ago is right in the middle of the 399-300 range, we will use that as our estimate.]

-339 PY
or later
937 RC
or later

Gharu'n armies seige the Roulean city of Tirethas. Rakhil makes the mistake of threatening to burn the books within her walls, and Yasif strikes him down in rage. With that, the conquest of Roulea ends and the nation of Gharu'n is born. In all, half of Roulea's lands are lost to the new nation of Gharu'n. Rakhil al-Khur's son, Amul ibn Rakhil becomes the new Malik and Yasif becomes his adviser.[7]

-290 PY 986 RC Sho

Chiran Jishui Dan, The Ranks of the Unicorn's Battle, splits off from Chiran Jou Gai, Order of the Unicorn Temple[2]

[This event is said to occur 300 years ago.]

-319 PY 992 RC Gharu'n

Ladriya bint Daum is born. Her father is a minor Mu'allim in the court of Malik Amul ibn Rakhil.[6]

-307 PY 1002 RC Gharu'n

Yasif ibn Salayyar dies. The people of Gharu'n mourn for a full year.[7]

-308 PY 1003 RC Gharu'n

Soon after the death of Yasif, Amul ibn Rakhil also dies, heirless, poisoned at his own birthday celebration.[7]

The Century of Storms begins. During this time of chaos in Gharu'n no fewer than twenty-five different would-be Maliks and Malikas will rule the Gharu'ndim people.[6][7]

-303 PY 1008 RC Gharu'n

Ladriya bint Daum is 16 when she is orphaned by the death of her father.[6]

-293 PY 1018 RC Gharu'n

After some 15 years of chaos in Gharu'n, Ladriya bint Daum decides to leave Tirethas and return to her home in Taban. Ladriya is 26 at the time.

Halfway through her journey, Ladriya's caravan is attacked at night by band of nomads sent by the renegade Shayk Ridqidh. Ladriya is wounded badly but is saved by Tamsah ibn Jaidah, who carries her away on his stallion.

After riding for six days, Tamsah and Ladriya the oasis of Shiryaz. They stay there for almost two months while Ladriya recovers.

On 6th of Solclaim, 1018 RC, Tamsah and Ladriya return to the court of Taban at Nishadina.

Ladriya orders the forging of the Silifi of Crimson Stars, to be wielded by Tamsah. Ladriya goes on to be become Malika.[6]

-190 PY 1086 RC Sho

Emperor Kou rises to power in Sho.[1]

[This event is said to occur 200 years ago.]

-208 PY
or earlier
1103 RC
or earlier
Gharu'n, Viamont

During Century of Storms, Viamont sends armies to Gharu'n to invade. The Viamontians install Zahir ibn Ma'mun as a puppet leader, while they rule Gharu'n from afar.[7]

During his rule, Zahir ibn Ma'mun murdered all his rivals, except for a young lord named Jawhar al-Shamshir. Seeing what has become of his homeland, Jawhar travels the desert in secret, banding together the people.[7]

Jawhar defeats Zahir ibn Ma'mun and drives the Viamontians from the shores of Gharu'n. He becomes the new Malik, and returns Gharu'n to the glory it had known in Yasif's time.[7]

-40 PY
or later
1236 RC
or later

The al-Khuraqa, Children of the Eagle, form as a splinter faction from from the much older Jaladh, The Warriors' Brotherhood[8]

[This event is said to occur within the last 50 years.]

0 PY 1276 RC Aluvia

After approximately 400 years pass since the reign of Cellric II had begun (352 to be exact), the reign of Cedraic III begins.[3] It is listed as having an unknown end date, but lasting 10 years, implying it is the current reign.

10 PY 1286 RC Aluvia, Gharu'n, Sho, Viamont

King Cedraic reigns in Aluvia during this time. Cedraic opens trade with nations across the sea, including Gharu'n and Sho. Some Aluvians believe it is only a matter of time before Aluvia and Viamont are at war again.[5]

The Sho still enjoy the stability brought by the Kou Dynasty. Meanwhile, trade has begun in earnest with the Gharu’ndim and the Milantos, the two nearest kingdoms, and the Sho are growing increasingly aware of the vast lands beyond their borders.[1]

The Malika Qadira bint Balj reigns in Gharu'n. There is always the threat of war, from both Viamont and Milantos, but the desert kingdom is once again a place where the sharpness of a man's mind is far more valuable than that of his sword.[7]

The History of Auberean

In early 2003, Turbine released another timeline called The History of Auberean. We are presented new information:

Portal Year Roulean Year Event
-1441 PY 324 RC Jojiism founded.[10]
-874 PY The Yalaini open the first portal to Ispar. It goes to Aluvian lands.[11]
-869 PY 704 RC Viamont invades Aluvia. The reign of Pwyll II ends and the reign of Alfric begins.[11]
-779 PY 765 RC Reign of Alfrega begins.[11]
-779 PY 765 RC Harlune stays behind on Ispar during an expedition.[11]
-758 PY 779 RC Reign of Osric begins.[11]
-540 PY 924 RC Gharu'n armies seige the Roulean capital of Tirethas.[12]
-358 PY 1046 RC Emperor Kou unites the Sho under his rule.[12]
-15 PY The portals created by the Sundering begin to appear on Ispar in the Aluvian lands, and the first humans begin to arrive on Dereth.[12]

A quick look at this information reveals the following:

  • the dates created by Stormwaltz in the beta regarding Aluvian history have been retconned. Aluvia was no longer invaded in 804 RC, it was invaded in 704 RC, for example.
  • Some events have had their dates solidified. Rather than having a rough estimate of some hundreds of years ago, we have exact dates for the founding of Jojiism and when Emperor Kou unites Sho.
  • We have a concrete date for the founding of Gharu'n, rather than an extremely rough estimate based on the renaming of Al-Ghul and the events of To Be A Shadow.

By examining these dates, another thing is immediately clear: Ispar years to Auberean years are not at a 1:1 ratio, they are at a 2:3 ratio. For every year that passes on Ispar, one and a half years pass on Auberean, and for every year that passes on Auberean, two-thirds of a year passes on Ispar.

For more information on this topic, see Roulean Calendar and Portal Years. Based on our conclusions from that article, the formulas for converting between PY and RC are:

RC = (2/3) * PY + 1284
PY = (3/2) * RC - 1926

With all that in mind, we once again have to reconstruct the timeline:

Portal Year Roulean Year Event

The most ancient legends tell how the Sho warred with the Dragon and were driven to the edge of the sea.[1]

-1490 PY 290 RC Sho

Ryu Jou Gai, the Order of the Dragon Temple, is founded.[2]

[This event is said to occur over 1,000 years ago.]

-1441 PY 324 RC Sho

The prophet Jojii receives revelations from the Unicorn of Grace on how to reach Paradise. Jojiism established.[10][1]

[This event was said to occur around 800 years ago. In actuality, it occurred 966 years ago.]

-869 PY 704 RC Aluvia, Viamont

Viamont invades Aluvia. The reign of Pwyll II ends and the reign of Alfric begins.[11]

-779 PY 765 RC Aluvia, Viamont

Reign of Alfrega begins.[11]

-779 PY 765 RC Aluvia

Harlune stays behind on Ispar during an expedition.[11]

-758 PY 779 RC

Reign of Osric begins.[11]

-540 PY
or earlier
924 RC
or earlier

One of the five Crimson Stars, Al-Ghul, is renamed Al-Khur in honor of Rakhil al-Khur, after the great victory won at the salt mines to the east of Tirethas.[6]

[This event is said to occur some 300 years ago. It must happen prior to 924, so in actuality, it occurred 366 years ago or more.]

-540 PY 924 RC Gharu'n

Gharu'n armies seige the Roulean city of Tirethas. Rakhil makes the mistake of threatening to burn the books within her walls, and Yasif strikes him down in rage. With that, the conquest of Roulea ends and the nation of Gharu'n is born. In all, half of Roulea's lands are lost to the new nation of Gharu'n. Rakhil al-Khur's son, Amul ibn Rakhil becomes the new Malik and Yasif becomes his adviser.[7][12]

-440 PY 990 RC Sho

Chiran Jishui Dan, The Ranks of the Unicorn's Battle, splits off from Chiran Jou Gai, Order of the Unicorn Temple[2]

[This event is said to occur 300 years ago.]

-438 PY 992 RC Gharu'n

Ladriya bint Daum is born. Her father is a minor Mu'allim in the court of Malik Amul ibn Rakhil.[6]

-423 PY 1002 RC Gharu'n

Yasif ibn Salayyar dies. The people of Gharu'n mourn for a full year.[7]

-421 PY 1003 RC Gharu'n

Soon after the death of Yasif, Amul ibn Rakhil also dies, heirless, poisoned at his own birthday celebration.[7]

The Century of Storms begins. During this time of chaos in Gharu'n no fewer than twenty-five different would-be Maliks and Malikas will rule the Gharu'ndim people.[6][7]

-414 PY 1008 RC Gharu'n

Ladriya bint Daum is 16 when she is orphaned by the death of her father.[6]

-399 PY 1018 RC Gharu'n

After some 15 years of chaos in Gharu'n, Ladriya bint Daum decides to leave Tirethas and return to her home in Taban. Ladriya is 26 at the time.

Halfway through her journey, Ladriya's caravan is attacked at night by band of nomads sent by the renegade Shayk Ridqidh. Ladriya is wounded badly but is saved by Tamsah ibn Jaidah, who carries her away on his stallion.

After riding for six days, Tamsah and Ladriya the oasis of Shiryaz. They stay there for almost two months while Ladriya recovers.

On 6th of Solclaim, 1018 RC, Tamsah and Ladriya return to the court of Taban at Nishadina.

Ladriya orders the forging of the Silifi of Crimson Stars, to be wielded by Tamsah. Ladriya goes on to be become Malika.[6]

-358 PY 1046 RC Sho

Emperor Kou rises to power in Sho.[1] He unites the Sho under his rule.[12]

[This event is said to occur 200 years ago. In actuality, it occurred 245 year ago.]

-271 PY
or earlier
1103 RC
or earlier
Gharu'n, Viamont

During Century of Storms, Viamont sends armies to Gharu'n to invade. The Viamontians install Zahir ibn Ma'mun as a puppet leader, while they rule Gharu'n from afar.[7]

During his rule, Zahir ibn Ma'mun murdered all his rivals, except for a young lord named Jawhar al-Shamshir. Seeing what has become of his homeland, Jawhar travels the desert in secret, banding together the people.[7]

Jawhar defeats Zahir ibn Ma'mun and drives the Viamontians from the shores of Gharu'n. He becomes the new Malik, and returns Gharu'n to the glory it had known in Yasif's time.[7]

-65 PY
or later
1240 RC
or later

The al-Khuraqa, Children of the Eagle, form as a splinter faction from from the much older Jaladh, The Warriors' Brotherhood[8]

[This event is said to occur within the last 50 years.]

-5 PY 1280 RC Aluvia

After approximately 400 years pass since the reign of Cellric II had begun, the reign of Cedraic III begins.[3] It is listed as having an unknown end date, but lasting 10 years, implying it is the current reign.

10 PY 1290 RC Aluvia, Gharu'n, Sho, Viamont

King Cedraic reigns in Aluvia during this time. Cedraic opens trade with nations across the sea, including Gharu'n and Sho. Some Aluvians believe it is only a matter of time before Aluvia and Viamont are at war again.[5]

The Sho still enjoy the stability brought by the Kou Dynasty. Meanwhile, trade has begun in earnest with the Gharu’ndim and the Milantos, the two nearest kingdoms, and the Sho are growing increasingly aware of the vast lands beyond their borders.[1]

The Malika Qadira bint Balj reigns in Gharu'n. There is always the threat of war, from both Viamont and Milantos, but the desert kingdom is once again a place where the sharpness of a man's mind is far more valuable than that of his sword.[7]


Throne of Destiny changed the recent history of Ispar to account for the recent Viamontian military campaigns. The most important piece is The Origins and Current Disposition of Viamont, which states that 20 years ago, Viamont launched almost simultaneous attacks on Roulea and Aluvia. This article was posted on the first of November, 2004. We know from numerous sources, like for example A Brief History for Travelers that real world dates are easily converted into Portal Year dates. So November 2004 is equal to Leafcull, 15 PY.

Using our conversion formulas, 15 PY is equal to 1294 RC. More specifically, Leafcull, 15 PY (~15.9167) is equal to about 1294.61 RC, or about Leafdawning, 1294 RC. Now that we know what the current date was for that article, we can subtract 20 to determine when the Viamontian campaigns began: around 1274 RC, which converts to -15 PY.

The article also states that 8 years ago, the Viamontian army that was encamped outside of Shiryaz left Gharu'n and returned home to deal with Bellenesse's rebellion. This event occurred in 1286, which converts to 3 PY.

In the Throne of Destiny Intro Video, released in July 2005 with the expansion, has some narration by Varicci. In it, he states that after 8 years of being trapped on the Halaetans, they have finally dispelled the Fiun barrier. July 2005 is equal to Leafdawning, 16 PY. Since Varicci's statement was about time spent on Auberean, we should suptract 8 from the Portal Year, rather than converting it to the Roulean system. So Varrici's army arrived on the Halaetans in 8 PY. This converts to 1289 RC.

Lastly, the new Letters From Home introduced in Throne of Destiny gave a glimpse of the current events of Ispar at that time. Those first became available in Leafdawning, 16 PY, which if expressed as 16 + (7/12), converts to 1295 RC.

Where we run into continuity conflicts is with this new Throne of Destiny lore and lore that was presented in the original beta site. On the Aluvian Introduction, it says that it is only a matter of time before Viamont and Aluvia are at war again. On the Gharu'ndim Introduction, a similar claim is made. Those events had been placed in the "present day" in the beta/release version of the timeline, with a date of 10 PY. Obviously, the threat of Viamontian invasion being near could not happen in 10 PY if the invasion began in -15 PY.

It is difficult to determine how to best reconcile this conflict. At the most extreme, it could mean that all of the information on the Zogblaster pages are no longer considered canon. A more moderate position would be that only the statements regarding the present day are no longer canon. It is the opinion of the the editor of this article, however, that as much lore as possible should be preserved - simply throwing information out is wasteful if there is a way to reconcile conflicts.

With that in mind, -15 PY, or 1274 RC, is the year when Aluvians first began to arrive on Dereth. It is not unreasonable to assume that, when talking about the recent history of Ispar, these old introductions were describing 1274 RC, prior to the Viamontian invasions. When talking about the recent history on Dereth, the Sho and Gharu'ndim are described as new. It is not unreasonable to assume that these statements are describing the conditions of Dereth at 0 PY, when Gharu'ndim and Sho first arrived.

With all this in mind, we can once again reconstruct the timeline:

Portal Year Roulean Year Event

The most ancient legends tell how the Sho warred with the Dragon and were driven to the edge of the sea.[1]

-1473 PY 284 RC Sho

Ryu Jou Gai, the Order of the Dragon Temple, is founded.[2]

[This event is said to occur over 1,000 years ago.]

-1441 PY 324 RC Sho

The prophet Jojii receives revelations from the Unicorn of Grace on how to reach Paradise. Jojiism established.[10][1]

[This event was said to occur around 800 years ago. In actuality, it occurred 966 years ago.]

-869 PY 704 RC Aluvia, Viamont

Viamont invades Aluvia. The reign of Pwyll II ends and the reign of Alfric begins.[11]

-779 PY 765 RC Aluvia, Viamont

Reign of Alfrega begins.[11]

-779 PY 765 RC Aluvia

Harlune stays behind on Ispar during an expedition.[11]

-758 PY 779 RC

Reign of Osric begins.[11]

-540 PY
or earlier
924 RC
or earlier

One of the five Crimson Stars, Al-Ghul, is renamed Al-Khur in honor of Rakhil al-Khur, after the great victory won at the salt mines to the east of Tirethas.[6]

[This event is said to occur some 300 years ago. It must happen prior to 924, so in actuality, it occurred 366 years ago or more.]

-540 PY 924 RC Gharu'n

Gharu'n armies seige the Roulean city of Tirethas. Rakhil makes the mistake of threatening to burn the books within her walls, and Yasif strikes him down in rage. With that, the conquest of Roulea ends and the nation of Gharu'n is born. In all, half of Roulea's lands are lost to the new nation of Gharu'n. Rakhil al-Khur's son, Amul ibn Rakhil becomes the new Malik and Yasif becomes his adviser.[7][12]

-450 PY 984 RC Sho

Chiran Jishui Dan, The Ranks of the Unicorn's Battle, splits off from Chiran Jou Gai, Order of the Unicorn Temple[2]

[This event is said to occur 300 years ago.]

-438 PY 992 RC Gharu'n

Ladriya bint Daum is born. Her father is a minor Mu'allim in the court of Malik Amul ibn Rakhil.[6]

-423 PY 1002 RC Gharu'n

Yasif ibn Salayyar dies. The people of Gharu'n mourn for a full year.[7]

-421 PY 1003 RC Gharu'n

Soon after the death of Yasif, Amul ibn Rakhil also dies, heirless, poisoned at his own birthday celebration.[7]

The Century of Storms begins. During this time of chaos in Gharu'n no fewer than twenty-five different would-be Maliks and Malikas will rule the Gharu'ndim people.[6][7]

-414 PY 1008 RC Gharu'n

Ladriya bint Daum is 16 when she is orphaned by the death of her father.[6]

-399 PY 1018 RC Gharu'n

After some 15 years of chaos in Gharu'n, Ladriya bint Daum decides to leave Tirethas and return to her home in Taban. Ladriya is 26 at the time.

Halfway through her journey, Ladriya's caravan is attacked at night by band of nomads sent by the renegade Shayk Ridqidh. Ladriya is wounded badly but is saved by Tamsah ibn Jaidah, who carries her away on his stallion.

After riding for six days, Tamsah and Ladriya the oasis of Shiryaz. They stay there for almost two months while Ladriya recovers.

On 6th of Solclaim, 1018 RC, Tamsah and Ladriya return to the court of Taban at Nishadina.

Ladriya orders the forging of the Silifi of Crimson Stars, to be wielded by Tamsah. Ladriya goes on to be become Malika.[6]

-358 PY 1046 RC Sho

Emperor Kou rises to power in Sho.[1] He unites the Sho under his rule.[12]

[This event is said to occur 200 years ago. In actuality, it occurred 245 year ago.]

-271 PY
or earlier
1103 RC
or earlier
Gharu'n, Viamont

During Century of Storms, Viamont sends armies to Gharu'n to invade. The Viamontians install Zahir ibn Ma'mun as a puppet leader, while they rule Gharu'n from afar.[7]

During his rule, Zahir ibn Ma'mun murdered all his rivals, except for a young lord named Jawhar al-Shamshir. Seeing what has become of his homeland, Jawhar travels the desert in secret, banding together the people.[7]

Jawhar defeats Zahir ibn Ma'mun and drives the Viamontians from the shores of Gharu'n. He becomes the new Malik, and returns Gharu'n to the glory it had known in Yasif's time.[7]

-75 PY
or later
1234 RC
or later

The al-Khuraqa, Children of the Eagle, form as a splinter faction from from the much older Jaladh, The Warriors' Brotherhood[8]

[This event is said to occur within the last 50 years.]

-30 PY 1264 RC Aluvia

After approximately 400 years pass since the reign of Cellric II had begun, the reign of Cedraic III begins.[3]

-15 PY 1274 RC Sho

The Sho still enjoy the stability brought by the Kou Dynasty. Meanwhile, trade has begun in earnest with the Gharu’ndim and the Milantos, the two nearest kingdoms, and the Sho are growing increasingly aware of the vast lands beyond their borders.[1]

-15 PY 1274 RC Aluvia

Cedraic opens up trade with nations across the sea including the Gharu’ndim and the Sho and with that trade comes prosperity. To the west, however, Viamont bides: it will only be a matter of time before war returns to the land.[13]

-15 PY 1274 RC Gharu'n

The Malika Qadira bint Balj reigns in Gharu'n. There is always the threat of war, from both Viamont and Milantos, but the desert kingdom is once again a place where the sharpness of a man's mind is far more valuable than that of his sword.[14]

-15 PY 1274 RC Aluvia

The portals created by the Sundering begin to appear on Ispar in the Aluvian lands, and the first humans begin to arrive on Dereth.[12]

-15 PY 1274 RC All Nations

The appearance of the portals in Aluvia has disrupted all of Ispar. No one knows what they are or why they have appeared. The people of Ispar are afraid, and the Viamontians take advantage of this situation.[15]

-15 PY 1274 RC Aluvia, Roulea, Viamont

King Varicci di Corcosi reigns in Viamont.

Viamont invades Aluvia and Roulea. After early victories in Aluvia, the Aluvians put up a resistance, and the war falls into a stalemate. The Duke Bellenesse leads the invasion of Roulea. The Roulean Empire collapses, its imperial army annihilated and its Emperor killed in his palace by Bellenesse. The Viamontian army presses on to Gharu'n.[16]

-12 PY 1276 RC Gharu'n, Viamont

Within two years, after a siege by sea and by land, the Viamontians take Tirethas. Viamontian army marches east along the northern edge of the Naqut pushing back the Gharu'ndim army. Gharu'ndim resistance solidifies around the city of Shiryaz. Viamontians are fought to a standstill there, and Shiryaz remains free.[16]

-5 PY 1281 RC Viamont

King Varicci di Corcosi holds a tournament in honor of the 14th birthday of Eleonora du Bellenesse, duaghter of Duke Bellenesse. The tournament is held at Lord Marden's estate.

In the final fight of the tourney, Prince Renlen, son of Varicci, brutally kills Darren Marden, son of Lord Marden. The crowd is horrified, and the knights of Bellenesse ready themselves to fight. The Royal Guard move into the pit, forming a circle around the prince. The King makes his way to his Knights, followed by the elder prince, Varicci di Corcosi II. The Royal Guard encircle the King and his sons and escorted them out of the pit, barely averting a civil war.[17]

-3 PY 1282 RC Viamont

Another tournaments is held on the anniversary of the death of Darren Marden. Prince Renlen makes a great show of expressing his regret at the outcome of the duel one year prior, but throughout his speech, he never actually apologizes for the murder of Darren.[18]

-2 PY 1283 RC Gharu'n, Viamont

Talal ibn Qamuz of Nishadina is caught smuggling Old Roulean texts, saved from Tirethas, to sell to the Viamontians. The Malika of Gharu'n uses this situation to her advantage, and orders Talal to Viamont, with 1000 copies of the the Roulean text The Treatise of the Individual. He is sent to Viamont to peddle these copies to his Viamontian clients of nobility, including Countess Lotila, Count Renari, and Duke Bellenesse. As punishment for his crime, he is forever banished from Gharu'n.[19]

0 PY 1284 RC Gharu'n, Sho

Portals to Dereth begin to appear in Gharu'n and Sho.[12]

3 PY 1286 RC Viamont

Lord Marden announces that he will hold a tournament in honor of the fall of Lizistan. He invites knights from all the duchies of Viamont.

The Duke Bellenesse orders his knights to decline the invitation. Carlo di Cenza, squire of Sir Bellas, notices that the Duke has been acting strangely for several months now. The Duke has been rejecting being treated like a noble, and has distanced himself from the rest of Viamontian nobility. Carlo suspects the Old Roulean texts that have been in the Duke's fortress for the past few years.

In secret, Eleonora, Sir Bellas, and Carlo attend the tourney.[18]

Eleonora, disguised under her armor, enters the tournament. Eleonora wins the tourney, defeating the final opponent and nephew of King Varicci, Count Corcima. As has been tradition for five years now (since the tournament where Darren was killed), the victor has one final duel with one of the princes of Viamont, which they always lose. Eleonora duels prince Renlen and kills him.

Eleonora, Sir Bellas, and Carlo escape the area and begin to head back to the duchy of Bellenesse. At this point, Carlo recounts the events in his journal. He is sure these actions will lead to civil war.[20]

Meanwhile, a failed assassination attempt is carried out against King Varicci. The assassin escapes the royal palace. The royal guard track the assassin to a village in the Aluvian territories held by Viamont. The captain of the guard believes the assassin escaped through one of the mysterious portals. Prince Varicci believes that the assassin, Oswald, was hired by Duke Bellenesse.

With the blessing of his father, Prince Varicci begins a campaign to exterminate the house of Bellenesse.[21]

3 PY 1286 RC Gharu'n, Viamont

The Viamontian army camped outside Shiryaz is recalled back to Viamont, to deal with a crisis in their homeland.[16]

8 PY 1289 RC Viamont

The royal army of Viamont, lead by prince Varicci di Corcosi II, enter the lands of Bellenesse and lay siege to the Duke's fortress. The rebels, lead by Eleonora du Bellenesse and the Duke of Bellenesse, flee through a mysterious portal. Varicci and his army follow them.[16][22]

16 PY 1295 RC Aluvia, Gharu'n, Sho, Viamont

The last remnants of Bellenesse's rebellion have been all but eradicated. The followers of Bellenesse had distracted King Varicci from his campaigns elsewhere on Ispar, but with the rebellion defeated, Varicci once again turns his attention to the other lands of Ispar.[23]

The war between Aluvia and Viamont continues. Aluvia holds their western borders, and both sides have taken heavy losses, but the tides seem to be turning in favor of Viamont.[24]

The war between Gharu'n and Viamont continues as well. The Gharu'ndim believe their nation only continues to exist because King Varicci has not yet chosen to press his attack.[25]

The Sho worry what will happen to them should the Viamontians conquer Gharu'n completely.[26]



  1. Jump up to: 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1999/11 Release - Zogblaster Archive: Sho Introduction
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 1999/11 Release - Zogblaster Archive: Sho Factions
  3. Jump up to: 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 3.27 3.28 3.29 2002/03 Stormwaltz Quotes - On Aluvian Rulers
  4. Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 1999/11 Release - The Reign of Alfrega
  5. Jump up to: 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 1999/11 Release - Zogblaster Archive: Aluvian Introduction
  6. Jump up to: 6.00 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 6.17 6.18 6.19 2000/04 Thorns of the Hopeslayer - The Silifi of the Crimson Stars
  7. Jump up to: 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 7.16 7.17 7.18 7.19 7.20 7.21 7.22 7.23 7.24 7.25 7.26 7.27 7.28 7.29 7.30 1999/11 Release - Zogblaster Archive: Gharu'ndim Introduction
  8. Jump up to: 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 1999/11 Release - Zogblaster Archive: Gharu'ndim Factions Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "ZogblasterGharundimFactions" defined multiple times with different content Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "ZogblasterGharundimFactions" defined multiple times with different content Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "ZogblasterGharundimFactions" defined multiple times with different content
  9. Jump up to: 9.0 9.1 9.2 2001/11 Dark Majesty - Ages of the Empyrean
  10. Jump up to: 10.0 10.1 10.2 2003/03 The History of Auberean/Volume III: The Fall From Grace (-1,804 to -891)
  11. Jump up to: 11.00 11.01 11.02 11.03 11.04 11.05 11.06 11.07 11.08 11.09 11.10 11.11 11.12 2003/03 The History of Auberean/Volume IV: Shifting Ways (-888 to -574)
  12. Jump up to: 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 12.8 2003/03 The History of Auberean/Volume V: New Arrivals (-540 to 13)
  13. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named ZogblasterAluvInto
  14. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named ZogblasterGharuIntro
  15. 10/2004 Pre-Throne of Destiny - The Invasion of Ispar
  16. Jump up to: 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named OriginsOfViamont
  17. 02/2005 Pre-Throne of Destiny - The Tournament Part I
  18. Jump up to: 18.0 18.1 02/2005 Pre-Throne of Destiny - The Tournament Part II
  19. 11/2004 Pre-Throne of Destiny - The Malika and the Individual
  20. 02/2005 Pre-Throne of Destiny - The Tournament Part III
  21. 12/2004 Pre-Throne of Destiny - Assassination
  22. 2005/07 Throne of Destiny - Intro Video
  23. 07/2005 Throne of Destiny - Letter From Home (Viamontian)
  24. 07/2005 Throne of Destiny - Letter From Home (Aluvian)
  25. 07/2005 Throne of Destiny - Letter From Home (Gharu'ndim)
  26. 07/2005 Throne of Destiny - Letter From Home (Sho)