Habrean, Haebraen, Haebran, Haebrean, and Haebrous have all been used as the adjective to people and things from or related to Haebrous. In this article we will evaluate each word that has been used based on the following criteria:

  1. The number of sources.
  2. The in-universe sources.
  3. The in-universe dates.
  4. The real-world dates.


Habrean appears twice - in the names of the Habrean Link and Habrean Manacle.[1][2] In both cases the word Habrean is used to describe an object from Haebrous. The description of the Habrean Link uses the word Haebrean to describe a thing in Haebrous.[1] These items were first discovered in Verdantine, 17 PY.


In the story The Lay of Leikotha, Haebraen is used to describe a thing relating to Haebrous.[3] The word Haebrean is also used in this text to describe a location within Haebrous.[3] Arcanum scholars archived this story in Harvestgain, 12 PY.[4]

In the Derethian Bestiary entry for Undead, Haebraen is used to describe a person from Haebrous.[5] Arcanum scholars published this bestiary in Harvestgain, 12 PY.[4]

Lord Tyragar bears the title of Seer of the Haebraen. However, when introducing himself, Tyragar says he is the Seer of the Haebrean.[6] Tyragar first appeared in Leafcull, 21 PY.


In the overview of the Fourth Sending of Darkness, Haebran is used to describe a person from Haebrous.[7] This overview was by Asheron Realaidain, and was made at the conclusion of Portal Year 11.

In the text Scrawled Note, Haebran is used to describe a person from Haebrous.[8] Isparians first recovered this text in Morningthaw, 12 PY. This text was written by Talaagran Sarian, a Dericostian, recently from when it was first recovered.




