Nanto is one of the 9 original starter towns, and remains an area suitable for low level adventurers. Nanto is famous for it's beautiul waterfalls.

Original Manual Text

When the Sho realm was first founded in Dereth, it was not as expansive as it is today: in the past few years, its frontiers have pushed outward to encompass much of south-eastern Osteth. In the process, however, some towns that once flourished from being on the realm's outskirts have found themselves well within its bounderies, their prosperity fading. Nanto, once a flourishing town on the realm's southern border, has lost much of its vibrancy as towns such as Mayoi and Lin sprang up farther afield. Its merchants have since grown accustomed to the slower pace of life in the interior, and are more than happy with thier location on the road between Hebian-To and the new frontier - especially since the danger of attack from ornery Lugians has faded as well.

Points of Interest

  • The Blue Ghost Falls lie to the west of Nanto, appearing to spring from the earth like blood from a wound. Here, the wizard Kushina Naidu slew a Gigas Lugian Warlord, then perished if his own wounds. Some locals claim to have seen Kushina's spirit standing on the shores of the pool beneath the falles.
  • When the Sho first Settled Nanto, they found the gateway to a disused underground outpost in the hills to the south. The Empyrean evidently used it as a dungeon for housing prisoners, though it is not known wh might have been incarcerated there. For a time, while Nanto was a frontier village, the Sho also imprisoned miscreants there. They have since abandoned it, and it is now infested with Drudges.

Getting to Nanto

Portal Connections

  • Yanshi (found on road leading West from Nanto)
  • Bluespire (found on road leading West from Nanto)



Town Shops

  • Journeyman Scriveners at 52.7S, 82.6E
Name Coords Wares
Archmage Jo Ji-Shen 52.6S, 82.1E Spell Components, Magic Items, Mana Stones.
Blacksmith Ton Wing 52.8S, 82.3E Rumors, Food, Cooking Items.
Jo Gau the Grocer 52.5S, 82.4E Food, Cooking Items.
Le Ben the Healer 52.3S, 82.8E Potions, Healing Kits.
Nun Hong the Jeweler 52.6S, 82.1E Jewelry, Gems.
Scribe Lashi Oi 52.3S, 82.8E Books, Paper.
Tailor Yajyi San 52.6S, 82.1E Clothing.
Wah Chon the Barkeep 52.6S, 82.1E Rumors, Food, Cooking Items.
Wedding Planner 52.9S, 82.5E Clothing, Portal Gems, Wedding Supplies
Wuo Ha the Provisioner 52.6S, 82.0E Basic Supplies.
Ye Te the Bowyer 52.7S, 82.4E Fletching Items, Ammunition.

Outskirt Shops

Name Coords Wares
Archmage (Nanto) 57.4S, 80.3E Spell Components.
Healer (Nanto) 57.4S, 80.3E Potions, Healing Kits.
Hon Fo the Shopkeeper 52.4S, 85.3E Basic Supplies.
Merchant (Nanto) 57.4S, 80.3E Basic Supplies.
Yao Lun the Shopkeeper 49.1S, 81.7E Basic Supplies.

Quest NPCs

Town Quest NPCs

Name Coords Quest(s)
Apprentice Cook 52.5S, 82.0E Crafter (Quest)
Ikomi Ra, Jojii Adherent 49.1S, 81.7E Font of Jojii
Student 52.7S, 82.5E [[]]

Outskirt Quest NPCs

Name Coords Quest(s)
Tackle Master 52.6S, 80.8E Fishing

Crafters & Collectors

Name Coords
Agent of the Arcanum 52.9S, 82.5E - inside Arcanum Building
Wing Collector 52.4S, 82.0E
Collector 52.7S, 82.4E (second floor)
Wa Shi 52.4S, 82.0E Rat tails

Misc NPCs

Name Coords
Town Criers