Introduced:  A Swelling Tide
Thimrin Woodsetter
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Gharu'ndim
Title Tradesman
Location 87.5S 67.2W in Candeth Keep
Level 85
Strength 120
Endurance 120
Coordination 160
Quickness 110
Focus 190
Self 110
Health 185
Stamina 290
Mana 165

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Keys, Tools Edit

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Lore & Dialog Edit


Thimrin Woodsetter tells you, "Welcome to the town that you helped build Founder."

Thimrin Woodsetter tells you, "Welcome to the town that you helped build Founder. Yes, I did have a different name last time we met. I thought that I would change everything in my life including my name. I liked being Lecor Busier, but I've found that a different name doesn't make you a different person."

Buying From

Thimrin Woodsetter tells you, "Here you are, I have a lot of these if you need more."

Thimrin Woodsetter tells you, "Your purchase and I'll put these in here and these shouldn't be here they need to go in with the tools. Oh, sorry, anything else?"

Thimrin Woodsetter tells you, "An excellent buy Town Founder."

Selling To

Thimrin Woodsetter tells you, "Let me see that. Yes, I'll take all you have."

Thimrin Woodsetter tells you, "I can use this."

Thimrin Woodsetter tells you, "Hmm, never seen one of these. I'll take it."


Thimrin Woodsetter tells you, "Goodbye. I seem to have misplaced a few of my things. Oh, well I find them at some point."

Thimrin Woodsetter tells you, "I like it up here. Far above the busy town. Come again."

Thimrin Woodsetter tells you, "Hehe, you're a Town Builder and I'm a Town Planner."