Introduced: | Hollow Victory | Related Quests: | Virindi Masks, Heritage Regalia Masks |
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- Give to Leopold in Ayan Baqur or Diyas al-Yat in Zaikhal for a Virindi Mask:
- You give Leopold Broken Virindi Mask.
- Leopold tells you, "How do you expect to fool anyone with a disguise that poor? Quickly, my comrade, you are fortunate that I have proper magics with which to fix your mask! Go now, into the world and continue our mission!"
- Leopold gives you Virindi Mask.
- You give Diyas al-Yat Broken Virindi Mask.
- Diyas al-Yat tells you, "Oh, yes, very nice! Leopold gave me some repaired masks -- I will trade you one of those for this broken mask."
- Diyas al-Yat gives you Virindi Mask.
- Give to the Mask Makers or Vincadi for additonal interactions:
- You allow Alexander the Deft to examine your Broken Virindi Mask.
- Alexander the Deft tells you, "This is a good find, however I can do nothing with such a flawed product. Now if you could find a whole mask, then I could work wonders with it ..."
- You allow Janda Sulifiya to examine your Broken Virindi Mask.
- Janda Sulifiya tells you, "This mask is interesting, yet it is too damaged for me to make use of."
- You allow Tsua Kagemata to examine your Broken Virindi Mask.
- Tsua Kagemata tells you, "Hmm, if I had a whole one of these, I could make a very nice mask. It's a pity it's broken."
- You allow Vincadi to examine your Broken Virindi Mask.
- Vincadi tells you, "I am not interested in collecting bits of inferior creatures."
- Give to a Collector for an additional interaction:
- Collector:
- You allow Collector to examine your Broken Virindi Mask.
- Collector tells you, "I have no need for a broken mask."
- Uziz Collector:
- You allow Collector to examine your Broken Virindi Mask.
- Collector tells you, "I have no use for that item."
- Does not stack.