Related topics: Spells, Spell Research

  • Spells within a group will override spells in the same group with the same or lower difficulty.
  • Spells in different groups will stack with each other.
  • Spell ID refers to the ID number of the spell in the client data.
  • This information has been automatically transcribed from data retrieved from the game client.
  • Category names come from the client data. Do not edit.
  • Spelling errors, and incorrect descriptions are to be expected. Do not edit.
  • Spells in odd categories have been sorted into their most closely related spell list. Do not edit.

Group 0098: Attack Mod Raising Edit

Spell ID Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
1587 Aura of Heart Seeker Self I 30 min 25.0 10 1 Increases a weapon's Attack Skill modifier by 2.5 percentage points.
6007 Aura of Heart Seeker Other I 30 min 25.0 10 1 Increases a weapon's Attack Skill modifier by 2.5 percentage points.
1588 Aura of Heart Seeker Self II 30 min 25.0 20 50 Increases a weapon's Attack Skill modifier by 5.0 percentage points.
6008 Aura of Heart Seeker Other II 30 min 25.0 20 50 Increases a weapon's Attack Skill modifier by 5.0 percentage points.
1589 Aura of Heart Seeker Self III 30 min 25.0 30 100 Increases a weapon's Attack Skill modifier by 7.5 percentage points.
6009 Aura of Heart Seeker Other III 30 min 25.0 30 100 Increases a weapon's Attack Skill modifier by 7.5 percentage points.
1590 Aura of Heart Seeker Self IV 30 min 25.0 40 150 Increases a weapon's Attack Skill modifier by 10.0 percentage points.
1996 Aura of Soul Hunter 10 min 25.0 40 150 Increases a weapon's Attack Skill modifier by 10.0 percentage points.
6010 Aura of Heart Seeker Other IV 30 min 25.0 40 150 Increases a weapon's Attack Skill modifier by 10.0 percentage points.
1591 Aura of Heart Seeker Self V 30 min 25.0 50 200 Increases a weapon's Attack Skill modifier by 12.5 percentage points.
6011 Aura of Heart Seeker Other V 30 min 25.0 50 200 Increases a weapon's Attack Skill modifier by 12.5 percentage points.
1592 Aura of Heart Seeker Self VI 45 min 25.0 60 250 Increases a weapon's Attack Skill modifier by 15.0 percentage points.
6012 Aura of Heart Seeker Other VI 45 min 25.0 60 250 Increases a weapon's Attack Skill modifier by 15.0 percentage points.
2106 Aura of Elysa's Sight 60 min 25.0 70 300 Increases a weapon's Attack Skill modifier by 17.0 percentage points.
6013 Aura of Heart Seeker Other VII 60 min 25.0 70 300 Increases a weapon's Attack Skill modifier by 17.0 percentage points.
4405 Aura of Incantation of Heart Seeker Self 90 min 25.0 80 400 Increases a weapon's Attack Skill modifier by 20.0 percentage points.
6014 Aura of Incantation of Heart Seeker Other 90 min 25.0 80 400 Increases a weapon's Attack Skill modifier by 20.0 percentage points.
2963 Aura of Hunter's Cunning 13 min 25.0 10 500 My prey shall know the bite of my steel long before it becomes aware of my presence. Increases the base offense bonus of a weapon by 18%.

Group 0099: Attack Mod Lowering Edit

Spell ID Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
1593 Turn Blade I 1 min 25.0 10 25 Decreases a weapon's Attack Skill modifier by 2.5 percentage points.
1594 Turn Blade II 1 min 25.0 20 75 Decreases a weapon's Attack Skill modifier by 5.0 percentage points.
1595 Turn Blade III 2 min 25.0 30 125 Decreases a weapon's Attack Skill modifier by 7.5 percentage points.
1596 Turn Blade IV 2 min 25.0 40 175 Decreases a weapon's Attack Skill modifier by 10.0 percentage points.
1597 Turn Blade V 3 min 25.0 60 225 Decreases a weapon's Attack Skill modifier by 12.5 percentage points.
1598 Turn Blade VI 3 min 25.0 70 275 Decreases a weapon's Attack Skill modifier by 15.0 percentage points.
2118 Clouded Motives 4 min 25.0 70 325 Decreases a weapon's Attack Skill modifier by 17.0 percentage points.
4419 Incantation of Turn Blade 5 min 25.0 80 400 Decreases a weapon's Attack Skill modifier by 20.0 percentage points.

Group 0185: Extra Attack Mod Raising Edit

Spell ID Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
2603 Minor Heart Thirst 13 min 25.0 10 3 Increases a weapon's Attack Skill modifier by 3%. Additional spells can be layered over this.
3984 Mukkir's Ferocity 180 min 25.0 10 4 Increases a weapon's Attack Skill modifier by 4%. Additional spells can be layered over this.
2591 Major Heart Thirst 13 min 25.0 10 5 Increases a weapon's Attack Skill modifier by 5%. Additional spells can be layered over this.
2630 Prey's Reflex 13 min 25.0 10 6 Allows the wielder to anticipate the movements of the target, adding 6% to the weapon's attack odds. Additional spells can be layered over this.
4666 Epic Heart Thirst 13 min 35.0 10 6 Increases a weapon's Attack Skill modifier by 7%. Additional spells can be layered over this.
6094 Legendary Heart Thirst 13 min 35.0 10 9 Increases a weapon's Attack Skill modifier by 9%. Additional spells can be layered over this.
2438 Lesser Rockslide 13 min 25.0 60 10 Increases a weapon's Attack Skill modifier by 1%. Additional spells can be layered over this.
2439 Rockslide 13 min 25.0 60 10 Increases a weapon's Attack Skill modifier by 3%. Additional spells can be layered over this.
2437 Greater Rockslide 13 min 25.0 60 30 Increases a weapon's Attack Skill modifier by 5%. Additional spells can be layered over this.

Group 01cd: Attack Mod Raising Rare Edit

Spell ID Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
3708 Prodigal Heart Seeker 15 min 25.0 70 600 Increases a weapon's Attack Skill modifier by 25%.

Group 0209: Salt Ash Attack Mod Raising Edit

Spell ID Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
3869 Invocation of the Black Book 30 min 25.0 10 250 The dark energies of the Black Book of Salt and Ash have made your weapon strike more accurately. The Invocation has raised your weapon's Attack Modifier by 10%. Additional spells can be layered over this.