See also: Bael'Zharon (disambiguation)

Introduced:  Should the Stars Fall Related Quests:  Sword of Lost Hope Quest
Class Misc. Creature Class
Level 914
XP 0
Luminance 0
Loot Tier
Attacks Bludgeoning, Lightning
Weaknesses N/A
Strength 1,300
Endurance 1,100
Coordination 1,000
Quickness 1,100
Focus 1,400
Self 1,400
Health 7,750
Stamina 1,100
Mana 1,400
Advanced Stats
Melee Attack
Melee Defense
Missile Attack
Missile Defense
Magic Attack
Magic Defense



Notes Edit

  • Appeared in the Catacombs of Ithaenc Cathedral as a level 899 creature during The Shard of the Herald event.
  • Appeared as a higher level 900+ creature during Bael'Zharon's Rampage.
  • In addition to his offensive spells, Bael also had three beneficial spells that he would cast on players who attempted to help him.
  • Bael was controlled by AC developer Jesse "Devilmouse" Kurlancheek during his rampage.

Spells Edit

Art & Images Edit

File:Asheron's Call- Bael'Zharon Roams - A Video of Bael'Zharon's Rampage