Captain K'rank
Non-Player Killer
Race Lugian
Location 77.7S, 28.0E in Linvak Tukal
Level 155
Strength 400
Endurance 360
Coordination 420
Quickness 350
Focus 350
Self 270
Health 280
Stamina 460
Mana 310

Notes Edit

Lore & Dialog Edit

Captain K'rank tells you, "Hail Isparian, I am sorry if I appear preoccupied. I am waiting on a very important report from a spy working amongst the Renegades. His report from the Renegade fortress in the Direlands is overdue and we have seen an increase in the number of camps surrounding the fortress. I should not bother you with such concerns."
Captain K'rank tells you, "You have come to aid us, no? Well then, let me see what I have for you."
Captain K'rank seems to consult some notes.
Captain K'rank tells you, "Let me see what I have for you."

He then gives you a random quest.