A Small Victory

September 2004 - Announcements Page
Game Changes Edit
- War Magic damage has been improved for bolts and arcs at levels 1 through 6, and for all levels of streaks. See the Letter to the Players for details.
- Projectile speeds on the Weeping, Hollow and Phantom missile weapons have been increased to improve their effectiveness in PK and PKL combat. See the Letter to the Players for details.
- Other changes:
- Be sure to visit Jalina al-Hajj in Al-Arqas sometime during this month! She has a gift for you!
- Jalina al-Hajj tells you, "Please accept this along with our apologies."
- You've earned 165,000,000 experience.
New Quests Edit
Updated Quests Edit
- The Mage Academy -
- Fenmalain Vestibule Quest - Revised for characters level 20+
- Caulnalain Vestibule Quest - Revised for characters level 40+
- Shendolain Vestibule Quest - Revised for characters level 60+
- Singularity Weapons Quest - Singularity scepters and missile weapons rebalanced.
New NPCs Edit
Updated NPCs Edit
- Royal Guard Gabrielle - New dialog
- Tazal al-Ashfai - Renamed from "Planar Mage", appearance updated and level changed from 72 to level 132.
- Lonely Archmage - Renamed from "Archmage", wares updated
- Lonely Merchant - Renamed from "Merchant", wares updated
- Lonely Weaponsmith - Renamed from "Weaponsmith", wares updated
New Locations Edit
- 38.1S, 47.3W - Kivik Lir's Temple - East Direlands Swamp
- Burun Fortress Central Mound
- Burun Fortress Central Mound
- Burun Fortress SW Mound
- Burun Fortress SE Mound
- Burun Fortress NE Mound
- Burun Fortress NW Mound
- Hidden Chamber
Updated Locations Edit
- Al-Jalima area content revised for levels 20-40:
- 13.4N, 5.3E - Lonely Merchant Tent - NPC updated.
- 10.4N, 5.9E - Monouga House - Creatures updated, chest added.
- 9.0N, 4.2E - Monouga House - Creatures updated.
- 7.9N, 8.6E - Lonely Archmage Tent - NPC updated.
- 7.0N, 12.6E - Lonely Weaponsmith Shop - NPC updated.
- 6.7N, 5.0E - Four Pillars Monument - Creatures updated.
- 6.7N, 6.7E - Skeleton House - Creatures updated. Runed chest added.
- Bones House - Creatures updated.
- Burial Temple - Updated with new creatures including a unique boss Skeleton.
- Forbidden Crypts - Creatures updated, level requirement increased from 8+ to 15+.
- Mysterious Cave - Creatures updated, Runed Chest added, level requirement increased from 8+ to 15+
- Recovered Temple - Creatures updated, chest changed to a Runed Chest.
- Fenmalain Vestibule - Updated with tougher creatures, level restriction increased from 10+ to 20+
- Caulnalain Vestibule - Updated with tougher creatures, level restriction increased from 26+ to 40+
- Shendolain Vestibule - Updated with tougher creatures, level restriction increased from 36+ to 60+
New Items Edit
Noble Brace Chest
Noble Crossbow Chest
Noble Katar Chest
Noble Longbow Chest
Noble Morning Star Chest
Noble Quarterstaff Chest
Noble Rapier Chest
Noble Scepter Chest
Noble Stiletto Chest
Noble Swordstaff Chest
Noble Treasure Chest
Noble War Maul Chest
Hearty Lugian Loaf
Stout Lugian Ale
Thick Lugian Stew
Manacle of Biting Pain
Tears of Jvikti Kheval
Fortress Barrier
Morgluuk's Head (Object)
Sarcophagus of High Matriarch, Kivik Lir
Morgluuk's Head (Quest Item)
Morgluuk's Flesh
Armoredillo Hide Collection Bag
Sealed Missive (K'rank's Errands - Herbs)
Treated Herbs
Sealed Missive (K'rank's Errands - Ore)
Refined Ore
Well-Balanced Lugian Axe
Lugian Coins
Golem Heart Crate
Sclavus Cataloguing Crate
Wheel Cart
Full Wheel Cart
Fragment of Solidified Blood
Fragment of Charred Wood
Fragment of Polished Serpentine
Fragment of Ancient Amber
Emblem of Blackened Blood
Small Bloodstone Shard
Sharp Bloodstone Fragment
Small Bloodstone Fragment
Fused Bloodstone Chunk
Bloodstone Emblem
Empty Satchel
Brittle Bone
Scroll of Lesser Conjurant Chant
Scroll of Conjurant Chant
Scroll of Greater Conjurant Chant
Scroll of Superior Conjurant Chant
Scroll of Lesser Artificant Chant
Scroll of Artificant Chant
Scroll of Greater Artificant Chant
Scroll of Superior Artificant Chant
Scroll of Lesser Vitaeic Chant
Scroll of Vitaeic Chant
Scroll of Greater Vitaeic Chant
Scroll of Superior Vitaeic Chant
Scroll of Lesser Hieromantic Chant
Scroll of Hieromantic Chant
Scroll of Greater Hieromantic Chant
Scroll of Superior Hieromantic Chant
Scroll of Lesser Conveyic Chant
Scroll of Conveyic Chant
Scroll of Greater Conveyic Chant
Scroll of Superior Conveyic Chant
Toberik's Report
Arcanum Research Facility Directions
Carved Cave Directions
The Mysterious Caves
The Forbidden Crypts
The Recovered Temple
The Desert March
Seeking Research AssociatesFile:Nadqab: Archeologist or Extortionist? Icon.png Nadqab: Archeologist or Extortionist?
The Crypt of Ashen Tears
The Bones House
Public Request
The Scout's Report I
The Scout's Report II
Suntik Village (Text)
The Lonely Vendors
Noble Brace
Noble Crossbow
Noble Katar
Noble Longbow
Noble Morning Star
Noble Quarterstaff
Noble Rapier
Noble Sceptre
Noble Stiletto
Noble Swordstaff
Noble War Maul
Updated Items Edit
- Weeping, Phantom and Hollow Missile Weapons
- Flight speed of projectiles (bolts, arrows and darts) increased from 80% to 100%.
- Singularity Weapons
- Damage modifiers increased on all missile weapons.
- Virindi Slayer property reduced by 22% removed on all scepters.
- Crushing Blow property removed on all scepters.
- Biting Strike on Ultimate Singularity Scepters has been reduced by 6%.
- Biting Strike on Standard and Bound Singularity Scepters has been increased but is not as high as BS on the Ultimate Scepter.
- Fenmalain Crystal Atlatl
- Biting Strike added
- Attuned property removed
- Modifier changed from +70% to +110%
- +8% melee mod added
- Defender III added
- Fenmalain Crystal Bow
- Biting Strike added
- Attuned property removed
- Modifier changed from +70% to +100%
- +8% melee mod added
- Defender III added
- Fenmalain Crystal Crossbow
- Biting Strike added
- Attuned property removed
- Modifier changed from +100% to +130%
- +8% melee mod added
- Defender III added
- Fenmalain Crystal Orb
- Biting Strike added.
- Item Enchantment/Creature Magic Mastery Self II to level III.
- Base wield req. added
- Fenmalain Crystal Shield
- SL increased from 90 to 150.
- New spells: Impregnability Self III, Impenetrability III
- Caulnalain Crystal Atlatl
- Biting Strike added.
- Attuned property removed.
- Damage bonus increased from 0 to 6.
- Modifier changed from +100% to +155%.
- +10% melee mod added.
- Defender IV added.
- Base wield req. added
- Caulnalain Crystal Bow
- Biting Strike added
- Attuned property removed
- Damage bonus increased from 0 to 6.
- Modifier changed from +100% to +155%
- +10% melee mod added
- Defender IV added
- Base wield req. added
- Caulnalain Crystal Crossbow
- Biting Strike added
- Attuned property removed
- Damage bonus increased from 0 to 6.
- Modifier changed from +130% to +175%
- +10% melee mod added
- Defender IV added
- Caulnalain Crystal Orb
- Biting Strike added
- Item Enchantment/Creature Magic Mastery Self III increased to level IV.
- Base wield req. added
- Caulnalain Crystal Shield
- SL increased from 140 to 225.
- New spells: Impregnability Self IV, Impenetrability IV
- Base wield req. added
- Shendolain Crystal Atlatl
- Biting Strike added.
- Attuned property removed.
- Damage bonus increased from 0 to 8
- Modifier changed from +110% to +170%.
- +12% melee mod added.
- Defender V added.
- Base wield req. added
- Shendolain Crystal Bow
- Biting Strike added
- Attuned property removed
- Damage bonus increased from 0 to 8
- Modifier changed from +110% to +160%
- +12% melee mod added.
- Defender V added.
- Base wield req. added
- Shendolain Crystal Crossbow
- Biting Strike added
- Attuned property removed
- Damage bonus increased from 0 to 8.
- Modifier changed from +110% to +180%
- +12% melee mod added
- Defender V added
- Base wield req. added
- Shendolain Crystal Orb
- Biting Strike added
- Item Enchantment/Creature Magic Mastery Self IV increased to level V.
- Wizard's Intellect updated to Wizard's Greater Intellect.
- Base wield req. added
- Shendolain Crystal Shield
- SL increased from 180 to 300.
- New spells: Impregnability Self V, Impenetrability V
- Base wield req. added
- Azure Gromnie Tooth Gromnie Teeth - Reward adjusted from 33% to 30%.
New Spells Edit
- Health of the Lugian - "Increase target's natural healing rate by 125%."
- Insight of the Lugian - "Increases the target's natural mana rate by 125%."
- Stamina of the Lugian - "Increases the rate which the target regains Stamina by 125%."
New Creatures Edit
Updated Creatures Edit
- Pyreal Target Drudge - Now green.
New Dialog Edit
- Town Crier
- Town Crier tells you, "Gabrielle, in Rithwic, seems to have been given new orders. I only know what I hear."
- Town Crier tells you, "A vile smell has risen from the Blackmire swamp. People in Sawato have made mention that there is something growing in the old Sclavus Fort there."
- Town Crier tells you, "All the capital cities are abuzz with activity. Even Linvak Tukal and Timaru have seen arrivals of representatives of the Queen."
- Town Crier tells you, "News from Uziz is that Gersan, Gervena and Gerlok have been a bit busier recently."
- Town Crier tells you, "Just a little while ago, my cousin asked me to put an apple on my head. I did, and he promptly ran off a bit and produced a Weeping Bow and shot the apple off of my head. I've never seen an arrow fly so fast or straight before!"
- Town Crier tells you, "I've heard that a lugian Captain has been put in charge of collecting some information for the High Queen. Why do we really need their help?"
- Town Crier tells you, "I think when I get some time off, I will take some time to look around Al-Jalima. I've seen and heard tell that the High Queen has had emissaries passing through the area recently."
- Town Crier tells you, "I heard that someone from the Royal Guard has appeared in Dryreach! Maybe they are there to liberate that poor, forgotten town?"
- Town Crier tells you, "Rumors are coming in that the Gotrok and Renegade Tumeroks are doing something in the eastern direland swamps. I wonder what they are up to..."
- You feel an extra weight in your backpack. It is there momentarily and then disappears.
- Town Crier tells you, "It must have been a Burun. Anyway, have a good day."
- Town Crier tells you, "A few reports have floated in about the Hollow, Phantom, and Weeping ranged weapons. It seems that a modification made to these weapons has rendered them capable of releasing their arrows, bolts, and darts at incredible rates of speed."
- Town Crier tells you, "All around Al-Jalima there has been a quiet calm. The High Queen called for a bit of aid to the village and aid came for a time. But it seems that the creatures of this world are learning that the aid will eventually wane, and they creep ever closer to our cities."
- Town Crier tells you, "Gersan, Gervena and Gerlok have been talking about working with the crystals found in the dungeons that held... well... Asheron's enemy at bay. It seems that they've been able to refine and improve their processes. Oh, and did you know that another portal appeared to one of the dungeons along the edge of the inner sea? Fancy that, eh?"
- Town Crier tells you, "I've heard of Captain K'rank, but what I have heard is rather foolish. Seems that at one time he was a bit of stickler about clothing, yelling out insults to those that wore unmatched clothing. Silly Lugian. Now it appears that he is organizing some sort of fact gathering missions."
- Town Crier tells you, "Do you think that the Burun are looking for ways to bring more of them to this world? Maybe you should wait until you've been to the latest find in the Direlands. But you didn't hear it from me."
- Town Crier tells you, "My feet hurt. My head aches. My nose itches. My eyes are watery. My tummy hurts too. I need a vacation."
- Town Crier tells you, "The fort in the Blackmire swamp seems to be complete. There is no way inside, at least not that can be seen and Burun line the walls. The Renegades have left but the hulking Burun have taken their place. Then of course, there is the smell."
- Town Crier tells you, "I don't know about you, but I feel awful bad about disturbing the crypts of those sleeping undead. Dericost, Falatacot, either way, it is just not right."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant
No new messages this month.
Related Articles Edit
Media Edit
Maggie the Jackcat
Maggie the Jackcat
AC Stratics
AC Stratics
Warcry's Crossroads of Dereth
Warcry's Crossroads of Dereth
Asheron's Call Mystics
Asheron's Call Mystics
Known Issues Edit
- Bael'Zharon is re-appearing during lightning flashes, and older and much larger moon images appear in the sky (see screenshots above).
- Note: these were side-effects of changes made to reduce the rainfall and were fixed in the next event.