Introduced in Repercussions, stamps allow you stamp images onto Flags and other items. Flags and the stamps themselves can also be dyed allowing for various color combinations to be created. Most stamps have particular skill checks and other requirements for their use.

The following items can be currently stamped: Flag Nefane Shield Shield of Power

Stamp Requirements Stamped Flag
Any Fail to stamp a flag Botched Flag
Academy Stamp Item Tinkering Academy Flag
Alchemy Stamp Alchemy Alchemy Flag
Bael'Zharon Stamp Item Tinkering and Player Killer status Bael'Zharon Flag
Candeth Keep Stamp Item Tinkering Candeth Keep Flag
Chess Stamp Item Tinkering and 1800+ Chess Rank Chess Flag
Cooking Stamp Cooking Cooking Flag
Fish Stamp Item Tinkering Fish Flag
Fletching Stamp Fletching Fletching Flag
Herald Stamp Item Tinkering Herald Flag
Mite Stamp None Mite Flag
Moons Stamp Item Tinkering Moons Flag
Olthoi Stamp Leadership Olthoi Flag
Royal Coat of Arms Stamp Loyalty Royal Coat of Arms Flag
Skull Stamp None Skull Flag
Virindi Stamp Item Tinkering Virindi Flag
Wi Stamp Healing Wi Flag (Item)

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