Custom Content
This page is for custom content on Sundering.

Sundering Changes Edit

Sundering is an End of Retail server with quality of life updates and custom content that just makes sense in Asherons Call.

New Content Edit

Accessiblity Content Summary Location
150+ 36-slot Chorizite Threaded Packs from Korfandar Linvak Tukal
80+ Essence of the Sundered added as a reward to Saving Asheron Quest Saving Asheron
All Mule Booster (Stowmaster Aelion) NPC in Asheron's Castle Asheron's Castle
Mules 48-slot Stowmaster Backpacks for Mule Boosted characters from Lugrok the Packmaster in Asheron's Castle Asheron's Castle
200+ Assistant to Nalicana accepts Token of Capacity and exchanges Luminous Crystal Tokens faster Asheron's Castle
200+ Zabira accepts Token of Spell Longevity, Token of Enlightened Rating and allows a person to collect their Lifestone Shards after each Enlightenment Asheron's Castle
150+ Rare Spawn: Brelkis Sleech added Dark Isle
Any Rare Spawn: Chanterelles Thrungus added Northern Halaetan Isle around the Thrungus Hole
80+ Enhancing Mucor Quest now has a Two-Handed Weapon option Bur
275 Enlightenment offers additional benefits and Lifestone Shards per enlightenment Asheron's Castle
Any Kilif Zefir Kill Task now rewards a Pet Zefir upon completion Hadiya bint Anan in Shoushi
Any Be on the lookout for over 100 hidden Lifestone Shards that have been lost around Derteth! Dereth
Any Type /Leaderboard to view the selection of options to check out Everywhere
Any Invisible Shield Rare drop from Ghost Wisps Dereth
Any Mansion Tier Upgrades Discord
200+ Uber Nexus Quest Nexus
200+ Return to Frore Quest Mountain Cavern
Any Lost Majestic Idol Rare spawn drops Carved Idol Fetish XP Trinket Sanctuary
200+ 8 additional Skill Credits Aurilena In Shimena Keep
Any The Master Summoners Faction Neftet, Olthoi North, Gear Knight Camp
45+ Gladiator Diamond Golems Aerlinthe
180+ Protectorate Kill Task Protectorate Kronar in Fort Tethana
180+ Olthoi Venomtalon Kill Task Venomward Mathieu in Eastwatch
180+ Protectorate Kill Task and Olthoi Venomtalon Kill Task Alternative start by using corpse at dungeon drop
180+ Paradox-embraced Olthoi Weapons Quest Elorie Steelhammer in Eastwatch
200+ Uber Herald Quest Sanctuary
225+ Orion Grimfire will unlock your Aetheria slots after enlightening for 50MMDs Xarabydun
200+ Drudge Hideout Infiltration Quest Holtburg

Convenience Edit

Level Req Content Summary Location
All Weekday Bonus of 1.5x Quest XP/Lum Server wide
All Custom Town Network Portals Adventurer's Haven
All Custom Subway Portals Adventurer's Haven
All Custom Jungle Subway Portals Adventurer's Haven
All Direlands Subway Ease of Access and Custom Portals Direlands Subway
All Facility Hub Custom Portals Facility Hub
All Contains a Trade Note (10,000) and Invitation to Adventurer's Haven included with the other standard goodies Pathwarden Chest in Starter Towns
All Vendor sells the items for the Facility Hub quests Eldrath the Eclipse
All All types of Housing House storage size increased
All Unlimited offline experience passup to patrons Offline XP Passup Cap Removed
150+ 2x Loot and All versions of Legendary Keys work on All Legendary Chests Legendary Chests
Any He now provides time stamps for stipend timer Monroe
Any Statue now casts Vigor of Mhoire if Geraine Synchronized Hosts has been successfully completed while the Lt is up in Wai Jhou Statue of Aurlanna in Haven
180+ NPCs take less time to distribute rewards Tou-Tou Kill Task
180+ NPC's distribute tasks and rewards faster Graveyard Kill Task
Any Chests now reset after use-No more waiting Steel Chests (Random Spawn Chests in the Direlands)
Any Casinos now have Garbage Barrels and Bulk Trade Note Exchangers for easier and cleaner gambling Dens of Iniquity
50+ Increased Spawn Rate Aun Ralirea
Any Relocated Welcome Sign in-Fewer stubbed toes! Facility Hub

Marketplace Edit

Content Summary
Statue of Carlon Memorial
Asheron's Sentinel Stone
Portal to Adventurer's Haven
Pack Doll Exchanger
Rare Exchanger
Rare Potions/Kits Exchanger
Rare Armor Reduction Kits
Fast Access to the Dens of Iniquity
Salvage Vendors (Marketplace)
No Wield/Level 50/Level 120 Rended Weapons
Level 50/Level 120 Armor (Marketplace)
Clothing Tailor
Pack Markers
Encapsulated Spirits Vendor
Fletching/Food/Cooking/Alchemy/Bar Vendors
Cooking/Alchemy/Fletching/Lockpick/Salvaging Forges

Viridian Rise Edit

Level Req Content Summary
200 New Quest: Timed Challenge of Zervakarix
200 Guardian of the Gateways rewards random number of Infused Amber Shard or a possibility of a reward for the VR stage keys (Limit 15 key turn-ins per 20 hours)
200 Increased Infused Amber Shard Rewards \(for Full Run) and Added Loop-ability to Repeat Levels
200 Slighly Increase Chance of Running into Viridian Rise Rare Bosses
200 Summercrown - Paragon Weapons Reduced Alt Currency Costs and Added 50th Special Item
200 Increased chance of getting rewarded Gem of Verdant Force from Kervim'telek (Vote passed)
200 Viridian Rise Rare Bosses Essence color changed to red for easier visibility
200 New Kill Task: Shalrion's Marker gives Kill Task for Gromnies

Currency Edit

Content Summary Location
Lifestone Shard Adventurer's Haven
Mana-Infused Key Fragment Adventurer's Haven

Modified Dungeons/Quests Edit

Level Req Content Summary Dungeon/Location
40+ Increased Spawn Rate Tusker Barracks
40+ Increased Spawn Rate Matron Hive South
40+ Increased Spawn Rate and More Mobs Coral Tunnels
60+ Increased Spawn Rate Matron Hive North
100+ Increased Spawn Rate Creepy Canyons
100+ Leveling island with custom creatures Majestic Isle
140+ Increased Spawn Rate and XP Dark Design
180+ Increased Spawn Rate with custom creatures Egg Orchard West
180+ Increased Spawn Rate with custom creatures Black Spawn Den Teth and OP Plains
All Increased Spawn Rate Withered Beach
1-25 Crystal Nodule gives increased XP when turned in Gem of Impulse Quest
125+ Aug Timer Reduced to 3days 20hrs Bellas
180+ Explorer Backpack upgraded to 102 slot Dereth Exploration
180+ Quest Updated with Rewards and Streamlined for Large Groups Curator of Torment
100+ Necklace Stats Updated Necklace of the Elemental Adepts
20+/40+ Increased Matron body part drop to 3 and separated timers for the quests to allow both to be done same day Streamline Olthoi Brood Hive 20+ and Olthoi Brood Hive 40+
180+ Purchase Oversized Legendary Keyrings Celestial Hand Locksmith, Radiant Blood Locksmith and Eldrytch Web Locksmith
90+ Shortcut portal to Abayar's Laboratory added with access granded after completing the Fiun Spellcasting Gloves Quest Abayar's Laboratory
40+/60+/90+/120+ Asherons Raiments Rewards updated Asheron's Raiment Quest
150+ Shortcut accessible after completion of the quest the first time Apostate Finale
180+ Green Society Band: Added Two Handed Combat spell Gauntlet Vault
Any Spells on the Neftet Bracelets have been updated to be more useful Panhsj
60+ Bracelet of Dark Essence was upgraded to be more useful for level range Preparation for the Ritus
80+ Slightly increased the chances to obtain rare gifts from reward statues The Legend of the Tusker Paw
Any Added “April's Fool” title to Ulgrim the Unpleasant Spring Cleaner Title Token
All 30 Slot Colosseum Backpack Colosseum
60+ Focusing Stone Upgrade Focusing Stone Quest
20+ Now gives access to an additional stipend and Augmentation Gem Gaerlan's Citadel
180+ Nyx Shadowglint Curator of Torment
150+ Enhanced Shimmering Isparian Bow and Atlatl can now be obtained Aerbax's Prodigal Harbinger
160+ Nether-attuned Soul Bound Staff for void mages Jester's Lost Marbles
Any Alloy Machine now teleports user close to the dungeon for Gaerlan's Citadel (Uber) Undead Mechanic Quest
80+ Essence of the Sundered added as a quest reward Saving Asheron
120+ Paradox-touched Weapons Upgrade Aerbax's Prodigal Olthoi
180+ Quests give Lifestone Shards on completion with timers John's Legendary Quests, Defeat Hoshino Kei and Geraine's Hosts
Any Quest gives luminance and now gives lum and a Pet Eater Identification Plate Undead Mechanic Quest
Any K'nath Mother has molded VOD K'naths at Freebooter and Graveyard hotspots VoD K'nath Spawns
30+ Arcane Pedestal now offers a shortcut to Temple of Forgetfulness and Temple of Enlightenment when hooked Arcane Pedestal Quest

Item Stack/Drop Number Adjustments Edit

Level Req Content Summary
180+ Level 8 Dispel Gems Stack to 100
All Stack Size Increases to 100: Town Network Portal Gems, Encapsulated Spirits
All Black Luster Pearls Stack to 25
125+ Insatiable Eater drops 3 jaws for Bellas Quest Flagging
180+ Society Tokens, Alternative Currency and Infused Amber Shards stack to 1000
150+ Uncovering the Renegades increased drop for Apostate Message Shard to 9
200+ Additional Luminance flag Mnemosynes drop from Battle Lord Gregor
75+ Captain Burnja now drops 9 title tokens for Aerbax's Prodigal Drudge
Any Putrid Moarsman drops 3 Ancient Keys for the The Healer's Heart Quest instead of 1
150+ Apostate Excavation Investigation drops 9 instead of 4 Excavation Master's Message Shard
80+ Simulacra Infiltrators The Crafter now drops 3 of each of the rewards
150+ Aerbax's Prodigal Lugian Shadow Kresovus drops 9 Sigil of Linvak Tukal instead of 1
180+ Society Lord Test Prior Kothmox drops 3 Kothmox's Staffs instead of 1
180+ Investigating the Societies Increased Spawn Rates and increased number of trophies for turn in
150+ Geraine's Hosts drop 18 tomes instead of 9
200+ Stack size of Luminous Crystal of Rare Armor Damage Boost V and Luminous Crystal of Rare Damage Reduction V increased to 100
150+ Mhoire Infiltration Geraine now drops 9 books on corpse instead of 1
150+ Bur Recall Quest the Watcher in the Warren now drops 3 Watcher's Message Shards
200+ Tanada Neophytes can now drop between 1-3 masks for Tanada Slaughter Quest
Any Level 7 Alchemy Gems now stack to 100
150+ Sath'tik Tentacles for Harvesting the Bulb of Mornings now drop more flowers
200+ Master Bloodstone for Bloodstone Investigation now drops 18 Shattered Master Bloodstone Shards
100+ The thief in Sword of Bellenesse Quest now drops 3 instead of 1
180+ Phyntos Queen Quest on Freebooter Isle drops more abdomens when killed
200+ Gurog Creation the Gurog that drops the Torn Note now drops 3
150+ On Nexus Crawl Quest the Apostate Nexus Master drops 3 Apostate Master's Broken Mask