Related topics: Spells, Spell Research

  • Spells within a group will override spells in the same group with the same or lower difficulty.
  • Spells in different groups will stack with each other.
  • Spell ID refers to the ID number of the spell in the client data.
  • This information has been automatically transcribed from data retrieved from the game client.
  • Category names come from the client data. Do not edit.
  • Spelling errors, and incorrect descriptions are to be expected. Do not edit.
  • Spells in odd categories have been sorted into their most closely related spell list. Do not edit.

Group 0007: Coordination Raising Edit

Spell ID Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
1373 Coordination Self I 30 min 0.0 15 1 Increases the caster's Coordination by 10 points.
1379 Coordination Other I 30 min 0.0 10 1 Increases the target's Coordination by 10 points.
1374 Coordination Self II 30 min 0.0 30 50 Increases the caster's Coordination by 15 points.
1380 Coordination Other II 30 min 5.0 20 50 Increases the target's Coordination by 15 points.
1375 Coordination Self III 30 min 0.0 40 100 Increases the caster's Coordination by 20 points.
1381 Coordination Other III 30 min 5.0 30 100 Increases the target's Coordination by 20 points.
1376 Coordination Self IV 30 min 0.0 50 150 Increases the caster's Coordination by 25 points.
1382 Coordination Other IV 30 min 5.0 40 150 Increases the target's Coordination by 25 points.
3155 Lesser Alacrity of the Conclave 30 min 5.0 40 175 Enhances the Coordination of all Fellowship members by 25 points for 30 minutes.
1377 Coordination Self V 30 min 0.0 60 200 Increases the caster's Coordination by 30 points.
1383 Coordination Other V 30 min 5.0 50 200 Increases the target's Coordination by 30 points.
3156 Alacrity of the Conclave 30 min 5.0 50 225 Enhances the Coordination of all Fellowship members by 30 points for 30 minutes.
1378 Coordination Self VI 45 min 0.0 70 250 Increases the caster's Coordination by 35 points.
1384 Coordination Other VI 45 min 5.0 60 250 Increases the target's Coordination by 35 points.
3157 Greater Alacrity of the Conclave 45 min 5.0 60 275 Enhances the Coordination of all Fellowship members by 35 points for 45 minutes.
2058 Boon of Refinement 60 min 5.0 70 300 Increases the target's Coordination by 40 points.
2059 Honed Control 60 min 0.0 70 300 Increases the caster's Coordination by 40 points.
2412 Enduring Coordination 180 min 5.0 70 310 Increases the target's Coordination by 35 points for three hours.
3158 Superior Alacrity of the Conclave 60 min 5.0 70 325 Enhances the Coordination of all Fellowship members by 40 points for 60 minutes.
3977 Coordination Other Incantation 180 min 5.0 100 400 Increases the target's Coordination by 45 points.
4296 Incantation of Coordination Other 90 min 5.0 80 400 Increases the target's Coordination by 45 points.
4297 Incantation of Coordination Self 90 min 0.0 80 400 Increases the caster's Coordination by 45 points.
4351 Incantation of Greater Alacrity of the Conclave 90 min 5.0 80 400 Enhances the Coordination of all Fellowship members by 45 points for 60 minutes.
5454 Queen's Coordination 180 min 5.0 80 400 Increases the target's Coordination by 45 points.
3533 Brighteyes' Favor 30 min 0.0 60 420 Increases the caster's Coordination by 50 points.
2427 Sugar Rush 17 min 5.0 70 500 Increases the target's Coordination by 50 points.

Group 0008: Coordination Lowering Edit

Spell ID Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
1391 Clumsiness Other I 1 min 0.0 10 1 Decreases the target's Coordination by 10 points.
1385 Clumsiness Self I 1 min 0.0 15 15 Decreases the caster's Coordination by 10 points.
1386 Clumsiness Self II 1 min 0.0 30 75 Decreases the caster's Coordination by 15 points.
1392 Clumsiness Other II 1 min 5.0 20 75 Decreases the target's Coordination by 15 points.
1387 Clumsiness Self III 2 min 0.0 40 125 Decreases the caster's Coordination by 20 points.
1393 Clumsiness Other III 2 min 5.0 30 125 Decreases the target's Coordination by 20 points.
3527 Intoxication I 5 min 5.0 50 130 Decreases the target's Coordination by 20 points.
1388 Clumsiness Self IV 2 min 0.0 50 175 Decreases the caster's Coordination by 25 points.
1394 Clumsiness Other IV 2 min 5.0 40 175 Decreases the target's Coordination by 25 points.
2419 Panic Attack 30 sec 5.0 300 200 Causes the target to quake and shiver uncontrollably.
1395 Clumsiness Other V 3 min 5.0 50 225 Decreases the target's Coordination by 30 points.
3528 Intoxication II 5 min 5.0 50 230 Decreases the target's Coordination by 30 points.
1389 Clumsiness Self V 3 min 0.0 60 250 Decreases the caster's Coordination by 30 points.
1390 Clumsiness Self VI 3 min 0.0 70 275 Decreases the caster's Coordination by 35 points.
1396 Clumsiness Other VI 3 min 5.0 60 275 Decreases the target's Coordination by 35 points.
2056 Ataxia 4 min 5.0 70 325 Decreases the target's Coordination by 40 points.
2057 Clumsiness Self VII 4 min 0.0 70 325 Decreases the caster's Coordination by 40 points.
3529 Intoxication III 5 min 5.0 50 330 Decreases the target's Coordination by 40 points.
3212 Guilt Trip 45 sec 5.0 70 350 The sad tale of the Shadow Child decreases the target's Coordination by 15%.
4294 Incantation of Clumsiness Other 5 min 5.0 80 400 Decreases the target's Coordination by 45 points.
4295 Incantation of Clumsiness Self 5 min 0.0 80 400 Decreases the caster's Coordination by 45 points.

Group 010b: Coordination Increase Edit

Spell ID Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
2658 Feeble Coordination 13 min 0.0 10 3 Increases the target's Coordination by 3 points. Additional spells can be layered over this.
2450 Lesser Hunter's Acumen 13 min 0.0 10 4 Increases the target's Coordination by 8 points.
2579 Minor Coordination 13 min 0.0 10 5 Increases the target's Coordination by 5 points. Additional spells can be layered over this.
2451 Hunter's Acumen 13 min 0.0 10 8 Increases the target's Coordination by 12 points.
3008 Finesse 13 min 5.0 40 8 Increases the target's Coordination by 8 points. Additional spells can be layered over this.
2388 Caution 2 min 0.0 10 10 Increases the target's Coordination by 10 points, can be layered with other Coordination spells.
2659 Moderate Coordination 60 min 0.0 10 10 Increases the target's Coordination by 10 points. Additional spells can be layered over this.
2449 Greater Hunter's Acumen 13 min 0.0 10 12 Increases the target's Coordination by 15 points.
3575 Perfect Balance 10 min 0.0 10 12 Raises target's Coordination by 12 points. Additional spells can be layered over this.
2572 Major Coordination 13 min 0.0 10 15 Increases the target's Coordination by 15 points. Additional spells can be layered over this.
3963 Epic Coordination 13 min 0.0 10 25 Increases the target's Coordination by 25 points. Additional spells can be layered over this.
6103 Legendary Coordination 13 min 0.0 10 35 Increases the target's Coordination by 35 points. Additional spells can be layered over this.

Group 019d: Coordination Increase 2 Edit

Spell ID Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
4170 Harbinger's Coordination 120 min 0.0 10 1 Increases Coordination 1 point above spells and most cantrips.
2993 Grace of the Unicorn 180 min 0.0 10 2 Increases the target's Coordination by 2 points. Additional spells, including cantrips, can be layered over this.
3896 Dark Equilibrium 180 min 0.0 10 3 A dark power suffuses your being, increasing your Coordination by 3.
4280 Deck of Hands Favor 10 min 0.0 10 15 Increases the target's Coordination by 15 points. This spell stacks with normal spells and cantrip spells.

Group 01d5: Coordination Raising Rare Edit

Spell ID Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
3694 Prodigal Coordination 15 min 0.0 70 600 Increases the caster's Coordination by 250 points.

Group 0238: Set Coordination Raising Edit

Spell ID Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
4730 Novice Duelist's Coordination 30 min 0.0 10 1 Increases the target's Coordination by 3 points.
4731 Apprentice Duelist's Coordination 30 min 0.0 10 2 Increases the target's Coordination by 5 points.
4732 Journeyman Duelist's Coordination 30 min 0.0 10 3 Increases the target's Coordination by 10 points.
4733 Master Duelist's Coordination 30 min 0.0 10 4 Increases the target's Coordination by 20 points.

Group 02d3: Paragon Coordination Raising Edit

Spell ID Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
6261 Paragon's Coordination I 90 min 5.0 80 1 Increases the wielder's Coordination by 1 point.
6262 Paragon's Coordination II 90 min 5.0 80 2 Increases the wielder's Coordination by 2 points.
6263 Paragon's Coordination III 90 min 5.0 80 3 Increases the wielder's Coordination by 3 points.
6264 Paragon's Coordination IV 90 min 5.0 80 4 Increases the wielder's Coordination by 4 points.
6265 Paragon's Coordination V 90 min 5.0 80 5 Increases the wielder's Coordination by 5 points.