
June 2007 - Announcements Page
Game Changes Edit
- Alchemy Phials introduced.
- More colosseum bosses added have been added. Players can enter these fights by using the proper Champion Statue in the main hallway of the Colosseum staging area.
New Quests Edit
Updated Quests Edit
New NPCs Edit
Updated NPCs Edit
- Kleeoh - Now accepts Jungle Orchids.
New Locations Edit
- Monouga Feeding Pits
- Azaxis' Arena
- Killagurg's Arena
- Stone Fists' Arena
- Demon Swarm Matron's Arena
- The Master's Arena
- Gladiator Diemos' Arena
- Very Mad Cow's Arena
- Thunder Chicken's Arena
Updated Locations Edit
- Olthoi North - New Paradox Olthoi can now be found in the area.
New Items Edit
Slashing Infusion
Bludgeoning Infusion
Piercing Infusion
Slashing Oil
Bludgeoning Oil
Piercing Oil
Enchanted Iron Phial
Enchanted Copper Phial
Enchanted Silver Phial
Enchanted Gold Phial
Enchanted Pyreal Phial
Enchanted Platinum Phial
Empowered Platinum Phial
Colosseum Master's Robe
Fists of Stone
Bell 80+
Bell 120+
Bell 150+
Gladiator Diemos (Statue)
Stone Fists Token
Azaxis Token
Crowley's Champion Token
Demon Swarm Matron Token
The Master Token
Gladiator Diemos Token
Arbitrator's Augmentation Token
Large Bag of Food
Large Monouga Rib
Huge Monouga Rib
Giant Monouga Rib
Jungle Orchid
King's Crown
King's Crown Infusion
Instructions (Monouga Feeding Pit)
A Treatise on the Combat Uses of Alchemical Phials
Sickle of Azaxis
Club of Killagurg
Demon Swarm Sword
Eyeslayer (Large)
Eyeslayer (Huge)
Eyeslayer (Giant)
Iron Phial of Imperil
Iron Phial of Blade Vulnerability
Iron Phial of Bludgeon Vulnerability
Iron Phial of Piercing Vulnerability
Iron Phial of Acid Vulnerability
Iron Phial of Cold Vulnerability
Iron Phial of Fire Vulnerability
Iron Phial of Lightning Vulnerability
Copper Phial of Imperil
Copper Phial of Blade Vulnerability
Copper Phial of Bludgeon Vulnerability
Copper Phial of Piercing Vulnerability
Copper Phial of Acid Vulnerability
Copper Phial of Cold Vulnerability
Copper Phial of Fire Vulnerability
Copper Phial of Lightning Vulnerability
Silver Phial of Imperil
Silver Phial of Blade Vulnerability
Silver Phial of Bludgeon Vulnerability
Silver Phial of Piercing Vulnerability
Silver Phial of Acid Vulnerability
Silver Phial of Cold Vulnerability
Silver Phial of Fire Vulnerability
Silver Phial of Lightning Vulnerability
Gold Phial of Imperil
Gold Phial of Blade Vulnerability
Gold Phial of Bludgeon Vulnerability
Gold Phial of Piercing Vulnerability
Gold Phial of Acid Vulnerability
Gold Phial of Cold Vulnerability
Gold Phial of Fire Vulnerability
Gold Phial of Lightning Vulnerability
Pyreal Phial of Imperil
Pyreal Phial of Blade Vulnerability
Pyreal Phial of Bludgeon Vulnerability
Pyreal Phial of Piercing Vulnerability
Pyreal Phial of Lightning Vulnerability
Platinum Phial of Imperil
Platinum Phial of Blade Vulnerability
Platinum Phial of Bludgeon Vulnerability
Platinum Phial of Piercing Vulnerability
Platinum Phial of Acid Vulnerability
Platinum Phial of Fire Vulnerability
Platinum Phial of Cold Vulnerability
Platinum Phial of Lightning Vulnerability
Empowered Platinum Phial of Imperil
Empowered Platinum Phial of Bludgeon Vulnerability
Empowered Platinum Phial of Blade Vulnerability
Empowered Platinum Phial of Fire Vulnerability
Empowered Platinum Phial of Cold Vulnerability
Empowered Platinum Phial of Lightning Vulnerability
Empowered Platinum Phial of Piercing Vulnerability
Empowered Platinum Phial of Acid Vulnerability
New Spells Edit
New Titles Edit
- Champion of Stone
- Champion of Sickles
- Champion of the Wild
- Champion of the Hive
- Champion of Assassins
- Immortal Champion
New Creatures Edit
- Paradox-touched Olthoi Eviscerator Grub
- Paradox-touched Olthoi Eviscerator Nymph
- Paradox-touched Olthoi Flyer Nymph
- Paradox-touched Olthoi Noble Grub
- Paradox-touched Olthoi Warrior Nymph
New Dialog Edit
- Town Crier
Viamontian Town Criers
- Town Crier tells you, "I've received reports of a new variety of the strange insect-like creatures called Olthoi. These creatures seem to be appearing in the northeast region of Dereth."
- Town Crier tells you, "We have heard reports of unrest among the talking apes of Oolutanga's Refuge, on that large island off the eastern coast of the Bloodless lands."
- Town Crier tells you, "We have received word that there are new champions to fight in the Colosseum. A loyal and proud Viamontian would step forth to challenge and depose them."
- Town Crier tells you, "I wonder what the Drudges are going to do with all the food they've liberated... ahem... stolen from Cragstone?"
- Town Crier tells you, "There are reports that master alchemists have developed new thrown weapons. This should be investigated. It sounds very useful."
- Town Crier tells you, "If you wish to challenge the new Colosseum champions for the honor and glory of Viamont, you must first prove yourself in the Colosseum's traditional gauntlet. The farther you advance, the more powerful the champion to face you."
- Town Crier tells you, "I have several reports of strange, somehow altered Olthoi creatures in the northeast region of Dereth. These creatures must be originating from somewhere within this 'Olthoi North.'"
- Town Crier tells you, "It seems that alchemists of Dereth have created an innovation in the arts of war - phials that you can throw at your enemies to devastate them with harmful spells. Brilliant!"
- Town Crier tells you, "His Majesty King Varicci has let it be known that he encourages his subjects to journey east to Oolutanga's Refuge and see what is agitating those Tuskers. Their king seems to have a new favorite, and it has created a great deal of political tension."
- Town Crier tells you, "As far as I'm aware, Viamont is not the cause of all the new Monouga activity. There's something more sinister going on."
Mainland Town Criers
- Town Crier tells you, "News! New champions have stepped forth in the Colosseum to stand against the bold challengers of Dereth!"
- Town Crier tells you, "Something in the Direlands has caused increase Monouga activity. They're all over the place now."
- Town Crier tells you, "There seems to be some kind of unrest among the Tuskers ruled by Oolutanga. It may be worth investigating."
- Town Crier tells you, "News! Alchemists of Dereth have developed devastating new projectile weapons!"
- Town Crier tells you, "Strange new altered Olthoi are roaming the area called 'Olthoi North'. I wonder where they came from."
- Town Crier tells you, "I've heard rumors of strange new Olthoi roaming around the Northeast of Dereth."
- Town Crier tells you, "Have you heard of these new phials developed by Dereth's master alchemists? You can throw them like missile weapons and they cast spells like Imperil upon impact."
- Town Crier tells you, "News! A group of powerful creatures stand as champions in the Colosseum, offering great rewards to any who can best them! They will only accept challenges from those who have proven themselves against the original gauntlet of the Colosseum. The further you advance, the more powerful creature you can challenge..."
- Town Crier tells you, "I've a cousin who is a tracker, and he says that Drudges have been seen increasingly heading toward the northern Direlands."
- Town Crier tells you, "There are rumors that a new Tusker at Oolutanga's Refuge has become quite powerful. People have said that Oolutanga himself lets this new Tusker do most of his talking."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant
Free Rumors
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh, don't ask me about those new Champions at the Colosseum. Not a one of them can out-drink me. That Golem, especially, can't hold his booze."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh yes, there's something funny going on with those Olthoi who've taken over the mountains and valleys in the northeast. They're clearly up to something. Near as I can figure, based on the information my Merwart spies have gathered, they are trying to build a raft."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "It turns out that Drudges had a purpose besides simple thievery in their extended raid on Cragstone. Those supplies they've been stealing, especially the food, are meant for a gigantic brewery they've been building in the middle of the Singularity Caul."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Yes, I've heard about trouble over on that island run by Tuskers. It's my fault, I know. I tossed them a golden banana labeled 'For the Ookiest,' and things have been boiling over ever since."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Alchemy grenades? Ha! I know all the alchemists are patting themselves on the back over this development, but honestly I could easily achieve the same effect by simply tossing a mug of stale stout at someone. So thick... so yeasty..."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "You know, I'm starting to think those Tanada have been quiet for too long... Not like a ninja clan to just kind of vanish into the darkness like that. Usually they're much more ostentatious, right?"
Stout Rumors
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I have it! I know what's going on! All the kidnappings, the strange power struggles erupting among all the humanoid races... It's a plot! Someone is plotting to blow up Cragstone and use the crisis to unite Elysa and Varicci's people under one mysterious ruler! Save the Monouga, save the world!"
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Berkholt told me that drinking water tastes kind of strange these days. I was curious, so I tried some. He's right. The water doesn't taste right. It tastes like rot. Like the source of the water's been fouled up by some corrupting force. I'd be pretty worried if I actually drank the stuff on a regular basis."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "If you're nice to me, I'll supply you with the recipe for a super potent alchemy phial that will render your enemies stunned and helpless! You'll have to gather the ingredients for me, too. Let's see, what were they? Water, yeast, grain, hops... Hey, are you writing this down?"
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh yes, my nephew Ardry told me about some strange facility where Drudges have been enslaved to bring food to feed some giant beast... Ardry wasn't able to get close enough to tell what kind of monster they're feeding down there, but I think I know what it is. I think that's where my pet Armoredillo, Fluffy, ended up after I tried to feed him that mysterious black ball..."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Have you heard about this mysterious 'Master' who's one of the most highly ranked champions in the Colosseum? He's a pupil of mine, from when I was teaching self-defense in that Phoenix Temple in the Sho lands of Ispar. He used to be the wimpiest kid in the class. Even the kitchen boys used to push him around. Glad to see he's finally learned to defend himself, the poor boy."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Have you been to see my old friend Oolutanga lately? He seems a little different these days. At first I just assumed he was hitting the fermented coconut milk a little harder than he normally does, but he didn't smell like booze. He smelled like... applesauce."
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