Introduced:  Evolution Related Quests:  Colosseum Bosses
The Master
Class Human
Level 402
Luminance 0
Loot Tier 6
Attacks Slash
Weaknesses Fire, Acid, Lightning
Strength 490
Endurance 1000
Coordination 350
Quickness 130
Focus 450
Self 500
Health 500,000
Stamina 10,000
Mana 500
Advanced Stats
Melee Attack
Melee Defense
Missile Attack
Missile Defense
Magic Attack
Magic Defense



Notes Edit

  • Found in the Colosseum, he is one of the Colosseum Bosses.
  • Highly resistant to War Magic.
  • Like most Human-type monsters, Weeping Weapons and Blighted Weapons deal extra damage.
  • You must have beaten all 18 rooms to be flagged for access to his statue in the south hallway.
  • Timer of 20 hours to pick up another token.
  • Because he is shorter than regular ninjas, he is often called "The Midget."
  • The token gives the Colosseum Master's Robe.
  • Each time he kills a player, his offensive power increases.
  • Spawns with several Master's Acolytes, they can cast blade vulns that immensely increase the damage the Master does on slashing attacks.