Related topics: Spells, Spell Research

  • Spells within a group will override spells in the same group with the same or lower difficulty.
  • Spells in different groups will stack with each other.
  • Spell ID refers to the ID number of the spell in the client data.
  • This information has been automatically transcribed from data retrieved from the game client.
  • Category names come from the client data. Do not edit.
  • Spelling errors, and incorrect descriptions are to be expected. Do not edit.
  • Spells in odd categories have been sorted into their most closely related spell list. Do not edit.

Group 002f: Life Magic Raising Edit

Spell ID Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
605 Life Magic Mastery Self I 30 min 0.0 15 1 Increases the caster's Life Magic skill by 10 points.
611 Life Magic Mastery Other I 30 min 0.0 10 1 Increases the target's Life Magic skill by 10 points.
606 Life Magic Mastery Self II 30 min 0.0 30 50 Increases the caster's Life Magic skill by 15 points.
612 Life Magic Mastery Other II 30 min 5.0 20 50 Increases the target's Life Magic skill by 15 points.
607 Life Magic Mastery Self III 30 min 0.0 40 100 Increases the caster's Life Magic skill by 20 points.
613 Life Magic Mastery Other III 30 min 5.0 30 100 Increases the target's Life Magic skill by 20 points.
608 Life Magic Mastery Self IV 30 min 0.0 50 150 Increases the caster's Life Magic skill by 25 points.
614 Life Magic Mastery Other IV 30 min 5.0 40 150 Increases the target's Life Magic skill by 25 points.
3392 Lesser Vitaeic Chant 30 min 5.0 40 175 Enhances the Life Magic skill of all Fellowship members by 25 points for 30 minutes.
609 Life Magic Mastery Self V 30 min 0.0 60 200 Increases the caster's Life Magic skill by 30 points.
615 Life Magic Mastery Other V 30 min 5.0 50 200 Increases the target's Life Magic skill by 30 points.
3393 Vitaeic Chant 30 min 5.0 50 225 Enhances the Life Magic skill of all Fellowship members by 30 points for 30 minutes.
610 Life Magic Mastery Self VI 45 min 0.0 70 250 Increases the caster's Life Magic skill by 35 points.
616 Life Magic Mastery Other VI 45 min 5.0 60 250 Increases the target's Life Magic skill by 35 points.
3394 Greater Vitaeic Chant 45 min 5.0 60 275 Enhances the Life Magic skill of all Fellowship members by 35 points for 45 minutes.
2266 Harlune's Boon 60 min 5.0 70 300 Increases the target's Life Magic skill by 40 points.
2267 Harlune's Blessing 60 min 0.0 70 300 Increases the caster's Life Magic skill by 40 points.
3395 Superior Vitaeic Chant 60 min 5.0 70 325 Enhances the Life Magic skill of all Fellowship members by 40 points for 60 minutes.
3366 The Heart's Touch 13 min 0.0 10 351 Increases the target's Life Magic skill by 11%.
4371 Incantation of Greater Vitaeic Chant 90 min 5.0 80 400 Enhances the Life Magic skill of all Fellowship members by 45 points for 60 minutes.
4581 Incantation of Life Magic Mastery Other 90 min 5.0 80 400 Increases the target's Life Magic skill by 45 points.
4582 Incantation of Life Magic Mastery Self 90 min 0.0 80 400 Increases the caster's Life Magic skill by 45 points.

Group 0030: Life Magic Lowering Edit

Spell ID Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
617 Life Magic Ineptitude Self I 1 min 0.0 15 1 Decreases the caster's Life Magic skill by 10 points.
623 Life Magic Ineptitude Other I 1 min 0.0 10 1 Decreases the target's Life Magic skill by 10 points.
618 Life Magic Ineptitude Self II 1 min 0.0 30 75 Decreases the caster's Life Magic skill by 15 points.
624 Life Magic Ineptitude Other II 1 min 5.0 10 75 Decreases the target's Life Magic skill by 15 points.
619 Life Magic Ineptitude Self III 2 min 0.0 40 125 Decreases the caster's Life Magic skill by 20 points.
625 Life Magic Ineptitude Other III 2 min 5.0 30 125 Decreases the target's Life Magic skill by 20 points.
620 Life Magic Ineptitude Self IV 2 min 0.0 50 175 Decreases the caster's Life Magic skill by 25 points.
626 Life Magic Ineptitude Other IV 2 min 5.0 40 175 Decreases the target's Life Magic skill by 25 points.
621 Life Magic Ineptitude Self V 3 min 0.0 60 225 Decreases the caster's Life Magic skill by 30 points.
627 Life Magic Ineptitude Other V 3 min 5.0 50 225 Decreases the target's Life Magic skill by 30 points.
622 Life Magic Ineptitude Self VI 3 min 0.0 70 275 Decreases the caster's Life Magic skill by 35 points.
628 Life Magic Ineptitude Other VI 3 min 5.0 60 275 Decreases the target's Life Magic skill by 35 points.
2264 Wrath of Harlune 4 min 5.0 70 325 Decreases the target's Life Magic skill by 40 points.
2265 Life Magic Ineptitude Self VII 4 min 0.0 70 325 Decreases the caster's Life Magic skill by 40 points.
4579 Incantation of Life Magic Ineptitude Other 5 min 5.0 80 400 Decreases the target's Life Magic skill by 45 points.
4580 Incantation of Life Magic Ineptitude Self 5 min 0.0 80 400 Decreases the caster's Life Magic skill by 45 points.

Group 0165: Extra Life Magic Skill Raising Edit

Spell ID Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
2555 Minor Life Magic Aptitude 13 min 0.0 10 5 Increases the target's Life Magic skill by 5 points. Additional spells can be layered over this.
2958 Blessing of the Priestess 5 min 0.0 10 5 Increases the target's Life Magic skill by 5 points. Additional enchancements to the skill can be layered over this.
2810 Moderate Life Magic Aptitude 13 min 0.0 10 10 Increases the target's Life Magic skill by 10 points. Additional spells can be layered over this.
2959 Mark of the Priestess 5 min 0.0 10 10 Increases the target's Life Magic skill by 10 points. Additional enchancements to the skill can be layered over this.
2520 Major Life Magic Aptitude 13 min 0.0 10 15 Increases the target's Life Magic skill by 15 points. Additional spells can be layered over this.
4700 Epic Life Magic Aptitude 13 min 0.0 10 25 Increases the target's Life Magic skill by 25 points. Additional spells can be layered over this.
6060 Legendary Life Magic Aptitude 13 min 0.0 10 35 Increases the target's Life Magic skill by 35 points. Additional spells can be layered over this.

Group 01ad: Extra Life Magic Skill Raising 2 Edit

Spell ID Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
3245 Sacrosanct Touch 180 min 0.0 10 2 You feel urged to bless the worthy and punish the unworthy. Increases your Life Magic skill by 2.
3643 Life Giver's Boon 13 min 0.0 10 2 Increases the target's Life Magic skill by 2 points. Additional spells can be layered over this.
4974 Life Giver's Boon 13 min 0.0 10 2 Increases the target's Life Magic skill by 15 points. Additional spells can be layered over this.

Group 01e8: Life Magic Raising Rare Edit

Spell ID Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
4221 Spectral Life Magic Mastery 9 min 0.0 70 250 Increases the caster's Life Magic skill by 150 points for 9 minutes.
3717 Prodigal Life Magic Mastery 15 min 0.0 70 600 Increases the caster's Life Magic skill by 250 points.

Group 0227: Set Life Magic Raising Edit

Spell ID Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
4836 Novice Theurge's Life Magic Aptitude 30 min 0.0 10 1 Increases the target's Life Magic skill by 3 points.
4837 Apprentice Theurge's Life Magic Aptitude 30 min 0.0 10 2 Increases the target's Life Magic skill by 5 points.
4838 Journeyman Theurge's Life Magic Aptitude 30 min 0.0 10 3 Increases the target's Life Magic skill by 10 points.
4839 Master Theurge's Life Magic Aptitude 30 min 0.0 10 4 Increases the target's Life Magic skill by 20 points.

Group 0293: Cloak Skill Raising Edit

Spell ID Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
5663 Weave of Life Magic I 8 min 0.0 70 2 Increases the target's Life Magic skill by 2 points.
5664 Weave of Life Magic II 8 min 0.0 70 4 Increases the target's Life Magic skill by 4 points.
5665 Weave of Life Magic III 8 min 0.0 70 6 Increases the target's Life Magic skill by 6 points.
5666 Weave of Life Magic IV 8 min 0.0 70 8 Increases the target's Life Magic skill by 8 points.
5667 Weave of Life Magic V 8 min 0.0 70 10 Increases the target's Life Magic skill by 10 points.

Group 02cf: Paragon Life Magic Raising Edit

Spell ID Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
6211 Paragon's Life Magic Mastery I 90 min 5.0 80 1 Increases the wielder's Life Magic skill by 1 point.
6212 Paragon's Life Magic Mastery II 90 min 5.0 80 2 Increases the wielder's Life Magic skill by 2 points.
6213 Paragon's Life Magic Mastery III 90 min 5.0 80 3 Increases the wielder's Life Magic skill by 3 points.
6214 Paragon's Life Magic Mastery IV 90 min 5.0 80 4 Increases the wielder's Life Magic skill by 4 points.
6215 Paragon's Life Magic Mastery V 90 min 5.0 80 5 Increases the wielder's Life Magic skill by 5 points.