Related topics: Spells, Spell Research

  • Spells within a group will override spells in the same group with the same or lower difficulty.
  • Spells in different groups will stack with each other.
  • Spell ID refers to the ID number of the spell in the client data.
  • This information has been automatically transcribed from data retrieved from the game client.
  • Category names come from the client data. Do not edit.
  • Spelling errors, and incorrect descriptions are to be expected. Do not edit.
  • Spells in odd categories have been sorted into their most closely related spell list. Do not edit.

Group 0049: Lockpick Raising Edit

Spell ID Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
922 Lockpick Mastery Self I 30 min 0.0 15 1 Increases the caster's Lockpick skill by 10 points.
928 Lockpick Mastery Other I 30 min 0.0 10 1 Increases the target's Lockpick skill by 10 points.
923 Lockpick Mastery Self II 30 min 0.0 30 50 Increases the caster's Lockpick skill by 15 points.
929 Lockpick Mastery Other II 30 min 5.0 20 50 Increases the target's Lockpick skill by 15 points.
924 Lockpick Mastery Self III 30 min 0.0 40 100 Increases the caster's Lockpick skill by 20 points.
930 Lockpick Mastery Other III 30 min 5.0 30 100 Increases the target's Lockpick skill by 20 points.
925 Lockpick Mastery Self IV 30 min 0.0 50 150 Increases the caster's Lockpick skill by 25 points.
931 Lockpick Mastery Other IV 30 min 5.0 40 150 Increases the target's Lockpick skill by 25 points.
926 Lockpick Mastery Self V 30 min 0.0 60 200 Increases the caster's Lockpick skill by 30 points.
932 Lockpick Mastery Other V 30 min 5.0 50 200 Increases the target's Lockpick skill by 30 points.
927 Lockpick Mastery Self VI 45 min 0.0 70 250 Increases the caster's Lockpick skill by 35 points.
933 Lockpick Mastery Other VI 45 min 5.0 60 250 Increases the target's Lockpick skill by 35 points.
2270 Oswald's Boon 60 min 5.0 70 300 Increases the target's Lockpick skill by 40 points.
2271 Oswald's Blessing 60 min 0.0 70 300 Increases the caster's Lockpick skill by 40 points.
3755 Master Lockpicker's Boon 3 min 5.0 70 325 Increases the target's Lockpick skill by 45 points.
3756 Master Lockpicker's Greater Boon 6 min 5.0 70 325 Increases the target's Lockpick skill by 45 points.
4585 Incantation of Lockpick Mastery Other 90 min 5.0 80 400 Increases the target's Lockpick skill by 45 points.
4586 Incantation of Lockpick Mastery Self 90 min 0.0 80 400 Increases the caster's Lockpick skill by 45 points.

Group 004a: Lockpick Lowering Edit

Spell ID Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
934 Lockpick Ineptitude Self I 1 min 0.0 15 1 Decreases the caster's Lockpick skill by 10 points.
940 Lockpick Ineptitude Other I 1 min 0.0 10 1 Decreases the target's Lockpick skill by 10 points.
935 Lockpick Ineptitude Self II 1 min 0.0 30 75 Decreases the caster's Lockpick skill by 15 points.
941 Lockpick Ineptitude Other II 1 min 5.0 20 75 Decreases the target's Lockpick skill by 15 points.
936 Lockpick Ineptitude Self III 2 min 0.0 40 125 Decreases the caster's Lockpick skill by 20 points.
942 Lockpick Ineptitude Other III 2 min 5.0 30 125 Decreases the target's Lockpick skill by 20 points.
937 Lockpick Ineptitude Self IV 2 min 0.0 50 175 Decreases the caster's Lockpick skill by 25 points.
943 Lockpick Ineptitude Other IV 2 min 5.0 40 175 Decreases the target's Lockpick skill by 25 points.
938 Lockpick Ineptitude Self V 3 min 0.0 60 225 Decreases the caster's Lockpick skill by 30 points.
944 Lockpick Ineptitude Other V 3 min 5.0 50 225 Decreases the target's Lockpick skill by 30 points.
939 Lockpick Ineptitude Self VI 3 min 0.0 70 275 Decreases the caster's Lockpick skill by 35 points.
945 Lockpick Ineptitude Other VI 3 min 5.0 60 275 Decreases the target's Lockpick skill by 35 points.
2268 Fat Fingers 4 min 5.0 70 325 Decreases the target's Lockpick skill by 40 points.
2269 Lockpick Ineptitude Self VII 4 min 0.0 70 325 Decreases the caster's Lockpick skill by 40 points.
4583 Incantation of Lockpick Ineptitude Other 5 min 5.0 80 400 Decreases the target's Lockpick skill by 45 points.
4584 Incantation of Lockpick Ineptitude Self 5 min 0.0 80 400 Decreases the caster's Lockpick skill by 45 points.
2636 Karenua's Curse 15 min 5.0 70 500 Decreases the target's Lockpick skill by 40 points.

Group 0167: Extra Lockpick Skill Raising Edit

Spell ID Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
2556 Minor Lockpick Prowess 13 min 0.0 10 1 Increases the target's Lockpick skill by 5 points. Additional spells can be layered over this.
2521 Major Lockpick Prowess 13 min 0.0 10 2 Increases the target's Lockpick skill by 15 points. Additional spells can be layered over this.
4701 Epic Lockpick Prowess 13 min 0.0 10 25 Increases the target's Lockpick skill by 25 points. Additional spells can be layered over this.
6061 Legendary Lockpick Prowess 13 min 0.0 10 35 Increases the target's Lockpick skill by 35 points. Additional spells can be layered over this.

Group 01e9: Lockpick Raising Rare Edit

Spell ID Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
3720 Prodigal Lockpick Mastery 15 min 0.0 70 600 Increases the caster's Lockpick skill by 250 points.

Group 020e: Extra Lockpick Skill Raising 2 Edit

Spell ID Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
4058 Journeyman Lockpicker's Inspiration 30 sec 0.0 10 10 Increases the target's Lockpick skill by 10 points. Additional spells can be layered over this.
4054 Master Lockpicker's Inspiration 30 sec 0.0 10 20 Increases the target's Lockpick skill by 20 points. Additional spells can be layered over this.
4050 Artisan Lockpicker's Inspiration 30 sec 0.0 10 30 Increases the target's Lockpick skill by 30 points. Additional spells can be layered over this.

Group 022e: Set Lockpick Raising Edit

Spell ID Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
4840 Novice Locksmith's Lockpick Aptitude 30 min 0.0 10 1 Increases the target's Lockpick skill by 3 points.
4841 Apprentice Locksmith's Lockpick Aptitude 30 min 0.0 10 2 Increases the target's Lockpick skill by 5 points.
4842 Journeyman Locksmith's Lockpick Aptitude 30 min 0.0 10 3 Increases the target's Lockpick skill by 10 points.
4843 Master Locksmith's Lockpick Aptitude 30 min 0.0 10 4 Increases the target's Lockpick skill by 20 points.

Group 0248: Crafting Lockpick Raising Edit

Spell ID Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
4982 Nimble Fingers - Lockpick 6 min 5.0 70 5 Increases the target's Lockpick skill by 5 points. This stacks with all other Lockpick bonuses.