Introduced:  Gears of Change
Platinum Medal of Intellect
  • Value: 0
  • Burden: 10
  • Spells: Answer of Loyalty (Mana) V
  • Cooldown When Used: 30 seconds
  • Number of uses remaining: Unlimited
  • Activation requires Loyalty: 225
  • This medal is eternal. Use this medal to increase the Mana of your Fellowship by 10.
Platinum Medal of Intellect

Notes Edit

  • Requires Item Tinkering to make. Usable by anyone with the required Loyalty.
  • Remains in your inventory, use to cast spell on all members of your fellowship.

Recipe Edit

Smelting Pot, Medal Mold
(1) Platinum Scarab, (1) Refining Polish (Mana)
(1) Platinum Medal of Intellect
  • Steps:
  1. Use Smelting Pot on Platinum Scarab to create Smelting Pot of Platinum.
    • + =
  2. Use Smelting Pot of Platinum on Medal Mold to create Platinum Medal.
    • + =
  3. Use Refining Polish (Mana) on Platinum Medal to create Platinum Medal of Intellect.
    • + =

You smelt the Platinum Scarab in the Smelting Pot.

You pour the Platinum into the Medal Mold.

You polish the Platinum Medal with a mana infused substance.