Silver Medal of Vigor
Introduced: | Gears of Change |
- Value: 0
- Burden: 10
- Spells: Answer of Loyalty (Stamina) II
- Cooldown When Used: 30 seconds
- Number of uses remaining: Unlimited
- Activation requires Loyalty: 75
- This medal is eternal. Use this medal to increase the Stamina of your Fellowship by 4.
Notes Edit
- Requires Item Tinkering to make. Usable by anyone with the required Loyalty.
- Remains in your inventory, use to cast spell on all members of your fellowship.
Recipe Edit
- Tools
- Smelting Pot, Medal Mold
- Ingredients
- (1) Silver Scarab, (1) Refining Polish (Stamina)
- Result
- (1) Silver Medal of Vigor
- Steps:
- Use Smelting Pot on Silver Scarab to create Smelting Pot of Silver.
- Use Smelting Pot of Silver on Medal Mold to create Silver Medal.
- Use Refining Polish (Stamina) on Silver Medal to create Silver Medal of Vigor.
- You smelt the Silver Scarab in the Smelting Pot.
- You pour the Silver into the Medal Mold.
- You polish the Silver Medal with a stamina infused substance.