Related topics: Spells, Spell Research

  • Spells within a group will override spells in the same group with the same or lower difficulty.
  • Spells in different groups will stack with each other.
  • Spell ID refers to the ID number of the spell in the client data.
  • This information has been automatically transcribed from data retrieved from the game client.
  • Category names come from the client data. Do not edit.
  • Spelling errors, and incorrect descriptions are to be expected. Do not edit.
  • Spells in odd categories have been sorted into their most closely related spell list. Do not edit.

Group 026a: Damage Over Time Raising Edit

Spell ID Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
5172 Spectral Fountain Sip 5 min 5.0 80 250 You've sipped the spectral waters. Your blood is poisoned.
5542 Burning Sands Infliction 30 sec 5.0 80 350 You've been covered in burning sand, causing damage over time. The target loses 357 points of health over 30 seconds.
5980 Corrupted Touch 30 sec 5.0 80 350 Sath'tik's corruption has seeped into your skin, causing damage over time. The target loses 357 points of health over 30 seconds.

Group 027c: Nether Damage Over Time Raising Edit

Spell ID Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
5339 Destructive Curse I 30 sec 10.0 10 25 The target loses 56 points of health over 30 seconds.
5340 Destructive Curse II 30 sec 10.0 20 75 The target loses 91 points of health over 30 seconds.
5341 Destructive Curse III 30 sec 10.0 30 125 The target loses 126 points of health over 30 seconds.
5342 Destructive Curse IV 30 sec 10.0 40 175 The target loses 154 points of health over 30 seconds.
5343 Destructive Curse V 30 sec 10.0 50 225 The target loses 189 points of health over 30 seconds.
5344 Destructive Curse VI 30 sec 10.0 60 275 The target loses 231 points of health over 30 seconds.
5337 Destructive Curse VII 30 sec 10.0 70 325 The target loses 294 points of health over 30 seconds.
5338 Incantation of Destructive Curse 30 sec 10.0 80 400 The target loses 357 points of health over 30 seconds.
5334 Bael'zharons Curse of Destruction 30 sec 35.0 80 700 The target loses 600 points of health over 30 seconds.

Group 027d: Nether Damage Over Time Raising 2 Edit

Spell ID Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
5387 Corrosion I 30.0 5 1 Sends a bolt of corrosion towards the target. The bolt does 76 points of damage over 15 seconds.
5388 Corrosion II 30.0 10 50 Sends a bolt of corrosion towards the target. The bolt does 116 points of damage over 15 seconds.
5389 Corrosion III 30.0 15 100 Sends a bolt of corrosion towards the target. The bolt does 152 points of damage over 15 seconds.
5390 Corrosion IV 30.0 20 150 Sends a bolt of corrosion towards the target. The bolt does 192 points of damage over 15 seconds.
5391 Corrosion V 30.0 25 200 Sends a bolt of corrosion towards the target. The bolt does 204 points of damage over 15 seconds.
5392 Corrosion VI 30.0 30 250 Sends a bolt of corrosion towards the target. The bolt does 288 points of damage over 15 seconds.
5393 Corrosion VII 30.0 35 300 Sends a bolt of corrosion towards the target. The bolt does 360 points of damage over 15 seconds.
5394 Incantation of Corrosion 30.0 40 400 Sends a bolt of corrosion towards the target. The bolt does 448 points of damage over 15 seconds.
5335 Bael'zharons Curse of Minor Destruction 4 min 35.0 80 700 The target loses 720 points of health over 120 seconds.

Group 027e: Nether Damage Over Time Raising 3 Edit

Spell ID Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
5395 Corruption I 30.0 10 1 Sends 3 bolts of corruption outward from the caster. Each bolt does 56 points of damage over 30 seconds.
5396 Corruption II 30.0 20 50 Sends 3 bolts of corruption outward from the caster. Each bolt does 91 points of damage over 30 seconds.
5397 Corruption III 30.0 30 100 Sends 3 bolts of corruption outward from the caster. Each bolt does 126 points of damage over 30 seconds.
5398 Corruption IV 30.0 40 150 Sends 3 bolts of corruption outward from the caster. Each bolt does 154 points of damage over 30 seconds.
5399 Corruption V 30.0 50 200 Sends 3 bolts of corruption outward from the caster. Each bolt does 189 points of damage over 30 seconds.
5400 Corruption VI 30.0 60 250 Sends 3 bolts of corruption outward from the caster. Each bolt does 231 points of damage over 30 seconds.
5401 Corruption VII 30.0 70 300 Sends 5 bolts of corruption outward from the caster. Each bolt does 294 points of damage over 30 seconds.
5402 Incantation of Corruption 30.0 80 400 Sends 5 bolts of corruption outward from the caster. Each bolt does 357 points of damage over 30 seconds.