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m (1 revision: Updates to generic Armorer, Blacksmith, Bowyer NPC links)
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The large area bounded by Osteth on the south and the Northern Landbridge on the west.
| Patch Introduced = [[Release]]
|  Related Quests =
|          Updated =
|[[File:Northern Osteth.jpg|thumb|400px|Northern Osteth]]
=== Description ===
The large area north of [[Osteth]] that is bordered by the deserts and fertile lands of [[Middle Osteth]]. The [[Northern Landbridge]] connects this part of Osteth to the [[Direlands]].

== Towns of Northern Osteth ==
''"The great Mount Esper towers over the Derethian landscape, beckoning both thrillseekers and sightseers alike. Bring a companion to the spectacular snowy summit, where the dormant volcano now holds a placid blue lake. But be warned: Some have reported mysterious and deadly creatures in this area. To the southwest, cradled between mountain ranges, the Tiofor Woods are home to tribes of bloodthirsty Banderlings and Tuskers. To the southeast lies the Aluvian town of Glenden Wood. There, near the Lifestone, a small shop carries an excellent assortment of bows and arrows. Just ask for the merchant Peldin Yewbender."''<ref>1999 - [[Lands of Asheron Magazine Tear-out/Map]]</ref>
* [[Bandit Castle]]
=== Related [[Quests]] ===
* [[Holtburg Starter Quests]]
* [[Silencia the Archmage|Silencia's Weapon Glyphs]]
* [[Baron's Amulet of Life Giving Quest]]
* [[Branith's Stolen Possessions]]
* [[Caulnalain Vestibule Quest]]
* [[Collegium Occultus Ring Quest]]
* [[Composite Weapons Quest]]
* [[Creature Lords]]
* [[Crystal Minds and Shattered Souls]]
* [[Fiery Weapons]]
* [[Flags|Grievver Silk Flags]]
* [[Glenden Wood Dungeon Quest]]
* [[Heart of Innocence Quest]]
* [[Hoary Mattekar Robe|The Hoary Mattekar]]
* [[The Mage Academy]]
* [[Land Control]]
* [[Lilitha's Lost Bow]]
* [[Major Smoldering Stone Quest]]
* [[Ruschk Aspect of Grael Quest]]
* [[Stone Tool Quest]]
* [[Frozen Fury]]
* [[Glenden Wood Invasion]]s
==== Kill Tasks ====
* [[Three Eyed Snowman Kill Task]]
=== [[NPCs]] ===
{{NPC Table
| Table Rows =
{{NPC Row
| NPC Name = Archmage (Male Sho){{!}}Archmage
| Location = [[46.0N, 8.0W - Archmage Lifestone|46.0N, 8.0W]]
|    Type = Shopkeeper
|  Details = Magical Supplies
{{NPC Row
| NPC Name = Archmage (Male Sho)
| Location = [[75.5N 10.6E - Vendor House|75.5N 10.6E]]
|    Type = Shopkeeper
|  Details = Magical Supplies
{{NPC Row
| NPC Name = Archmage (Male Gharu'ndim)
| Location = [[55.9N, 52.3W - Beach House|55.9N, 52.3W]]
|    Type = Shopkeeper
|  Details = Magical Supplies
{{NPC Row
| NPC Name = Archmage (Male Sho)
| Location = [[54.4N, 38.3W - Vendor Camp|54.4N, 38.3W]]
|    Type = Shopkeeper
|  Details = Magical Supplies
{{NPC Row
| NPC Name = Archmage (Male Gharu'ndim)
| Location = [[Mountain Retreat|59.7N, 4.1W]]
|    Type = Shopkeeper
|  Details = Magical Supplies
{{NPC Row
| NPC Name = Archmage (Female Sho)
| Location = [[93.9N, 7.7E - Northern Point Bunkers|93.9N, 7.7E]]
|    Type = Shopkeeper
|  Details = Magical Supplies
{{NPC Row
| NPC Name = Archmage (Male Sho)
| Location = [[70.5N, 17.3W - Igloo|70.5N, 17.3W]]
|    Type = Shopkeeper
|  Details = Magical Supplies
{{NPC Row
| NPC Name = Blacksmith (Female Aluvian)
| Location = [[55.9N, 52.3W - Beach House|55.9N, 52.3W]]
|    Type = Shopkeeper
|  Details = Armor
{{NPC Row
| NPC Name = Blind Snowman
| Location = 46.7N, 48.9E
|    Type = Quest
|  Details = Three Eye Snowman Kill Task, Trophy Collector
{{NPC Row
| NPC Name = Collector
| Location = [[Mountain Retreat|59.7N, 4.1W]]
|    Type = Trophy Collector
|  Details = Non-hide Creature Trophies
{{NPC Row
| NPC Name = Denterra the Healer
| Location = [[41.0N, 56.4E - Lost Wish Lovers House|41.0N, 56.4E]]
|    Type = Shopkeeper
|  Details = Healing Supplies & Services
{{NPC Row
| NPC Name = Hasina bint Rira
| Location = Random Spawn
|    Type = Quest
|  Details = [[Hieromancer's Armor]]
{{NPC Row
| NPC Name = Healer (42.4N, 32.2E){{!}}Healer (Holtburg Marsh)
| Location = [[42.4N, 32.2E - Healer and Peddler's House|42.4N, 32.2E]]
|    Type = Shopkeeper
|  Details = Healing Supplies & Services
{{NPC Row
| NPC Name = Healer (76.6N, 6.0W){{!}}Healer (Esper Mountain Range)
| Location = [[76.6N, 6.0W - Igloo|76.6N, 6.0W]]
|    Type = Shopkeeper
|  Details = Healing Supplies & Services
{{NPC Row
| NPC Name = Healer (75.5N 10.6E)
| Location = [[75.5N 10.6E - Vendor House|75.5N 10.6E]]
|    Type = Shopkeeper
|  Details = Healing Supplies & Services
{{NPC Row
| NPC Name = Healer (Lithaenean)
| Location = [[54.4N, 38.3W - Vendor Camp|54.4N, 38.3W]]
|    Type = Shopkeeper
|  Details = Healing Supplies & Services
{{NPC Row
| NPC Name = Healer (Northern Point)
| Location = [[93.9N, 7.7E - Northern Point Bunkers|93.9N, 7.7E]]
|    Type = Shopkeeper
|  Details = Healing Supplies & Services
{{NPC Row
| NPC Name = Jolly Snowman
| Location = [[73.6N, 16.4W - Igloo |73.6N, 16.6W]], [[45.6N, 11.6W - Igloo|45.6N, 11.5W]]
|    Type = Shopkeeper
|  Details = [[A Frozen Note]]
{{NPC Row
| NPC Name = Master Celdiseth the Archmage
| Location = 86.6N, 21.6E
|    Type = Shopkeeper
|  Details = Magical Supplies
{{NPC Row
| NPC Name = Merchant (75.5N 10.6E)
| Location = [[75.5N 10.6E - Vendor House|75.5N 10.6E]]
|    Type = Shopkeeper
|  Details = Basic Supplies
{{NPC Row
| NPC Name = Merchant (76.6N, 6.0W){{!}}Merchant (Esper Mountain Range)
| Location = [[76.6N, 6.0W - Igloo|76.6N, 6.0W]]
|    Type = Shopkeeper
|  Details = Basic Supplies
{{NPC Row
| NPC Name = Merchant (Mountain Retreat)
| Location = [[Mountain Retreat|59.7N, 4.1W]]
|    Type = Shopkeeper
|  Details = Basic Supplies
{{NPC Row
| NPC Name = Peddler (40.8N, 36.5E)
| Location = [[40.8N, 36.5E - Riverside Farm|40.8N, 36.5E]]
|    Type = Shopkeeper
|  Details = Basic Supplies
{{NPC Row
| NPC Name = Peddler (Empyrean Stone Tower)
| Location = [[54.3N, 17.4W - Empyrean Stone Tower|54.3N, 17.4W]]
|    Type = Shopkeeper
|  Details = Basic Supplies
{{NPC Row
| NPC Name = Peddler (Glenden Wood)
| Location = [[31.2N, 19.8E - Peddler's Hut|31.2N, 19.8E]]
|    Type = Shopkeeper
|  Details = Basic Supplies
{{NPC Row
| NPC Name = Peddler (42.4N, 32.2E){{!}}Peddler (Holtburg Marsh)
| Location = [[42.4N, 32.2E - Healer and Peddler's House|42.4N, 32.2E]]
|    Type = Shopkeeper
|  Details = Basic Supplies
{{NPC Row
| NPC Name = Surnad the Peddler
| Location = [[41.0N, 56.4E - Lost Wish Lovers House|41.0N, 56.4E]]
|    Type = Shopkeeper
|  Details = Basic Supplies
{{NPC Row
| NPC Name = Roaming Bowyer (Female Aluvian)
| Location = [[93.9N, 7.7E - Northern Point Bunkers|93.9N, 7.7E]]
|    Type = Shopkeeper
|  Details = Fletching Items, Ammunition
{{NPC Row
| NPC Name = Roaming Bowyer (Female Aluvian)
| Location = [[79.2N, 15.6W - Vendor's House|79.2N, 15.6W]]
|    Type = Shopkeeper
|  Details = Fletching Items, Ammunition
{{NPC Row
| NPC Name = Roaming Bowyer (Female Aluvian)
| Location = [[68.8N, 51.6W - Beachside Farmstead|68.8N, 51.6W]]
|    Type = Shopkeeper
|  Details = Fletching Items, Ammunition
{{NPC Row
| NPC Name = Roaming Bowyer (Female Aluvian)
| Location = 68.0N, 10.0W
|    Type = Shopkeeper
|  Details = Fletching Items, Ammunition
{{NPC Row
| NPC Name = Roaming Bowyer (Female Aluvian)
| Location = [[86.0N, 27.7W - Roaming Bowyer and Lifestone|86.0N, 27.7W]]
|    Type = Shopkeeper
|  Details = Fletching Items, Ammunition
{{NPC Row
| NPC Name = Roaming Bowyer (Female Aluvian)
| Location = 71.8N, 38.0E
|    Type = Shopkeeper
|  Details = Fletching Items, Ammunition
{{NPC Row
| NPC Name = Snowman (NPC){{!}}Snowman
| Location = 71.4N, 22.2W, [[73.8N, 13.7W - Igloo|73.8N, 13.7W]]
|    Type = Shopkeeper
|  Details = [[A Frozen Note]], [[Snowball (Item)|Snowball]]
{{NPC Row
| NPC Name = Spertat the Ursuin Hunter
| Location = Random Spawn
|    Type = Quest
|  Details = [[Hieromancer's Armor]]
{{NPC Row
| NPC Name = Wandering Bowyer
| Location = [[Mountain Retreat|59.7N, 4.1W]]
|    Type = Shopkeeper
|  Details = Fletching Items, Ammunition
=== Towns and Regions of Northern Osteth ===
==== Northwest Osteth ====
===== Towns =====
* [[Beach Fort]]
* [[Beach Fort]]
* [[Crater Lake Village]]
* [[Crater Lake Village]]
Line 9: Line 272:
* [[Stonehold]]
* [[Stonehold]]

== Points of Interest ==
===== Regions =====
* [[63.0N, 8.1W - Standing Stone]]
* [[Esper Mountain Range]]
* [[73.8N, 13.7W - Igloo]]
** [[Frozen Valley]]
** [[Mount Esper]]
== Items ==
* [[Grievver Valley]]
* [[Argenory Plant]]
* [[Lake Lithanen]]
* [[Lapyan Plant]]
* [[Stonehold Valley]]
* [[Minalim Plant]]
* [[Tiofor Woods]]
* [[Relanim Plant]]
* [[Verdalim Plant]]
* [[Snowflower]]

== Creatures ==
==== Northeast Osteth ====
{{Creature Class|Armoredillo}}
===== Towns =====
* [[Hoary Armoredillo]]
* [[Arwic]]
* [[Plate Armoredillo]]
* [[Bandit Castle]]
* [[Glenden Wood]]
* [[Holtburg]]
* [[Neydisa Castle]]

{{Creature Class|Banderling}}
===== Regions =====
* [[Banderling Antagonist]]
* [[Lost Wish Mountain Range]]
* [[Banderling Enforcer]]
* [[Olthoi North]]
* [[Banderling Mangler]]
** [[Paradox-touched Valley]]
* [[Banderling Slayer]]
* [[River Prosper|Upper River Prosper]]
* [[Banderling Thrasher]]

{{Creature Class|Crystal}}
=== [[Points of Interest]] ===
* [[Crystal Shard]]
''Emboldened POI are those indicated on the [[Ingame Map]] as yellow dots. See also [[Points of Interest Map]]''
* [[Dual Fragment]]
==== Northwest Osteth ====
* [[Sentient Fragment]]
{|border=0 cellpadding=3
{{Creature Class|Drudge}}
* [[Drudge Mystic]]
* '''[[21.4N, 24.8W - Undead Village]]'''
* [[Drudge Sage]]
* [[21.4N, 5.0W - Rat Cave]]
{{Creature Class|Eater}}
* [[Rabid Eater]]
* [[29.4N, 52.0W - Peddler's Hut]]
{{Creature Class|Frost Elemental}}
* [[32.2N, 38.5W - Lifestone]]
* [[Brumal]]
* [[Frost]]
* [[Gelid]]
* [[35.1N, 17.8W - Fort Morntide]]
* [[Horripal]]
* [[Hyem]]
* [[37.7N, 1.3W - Archmage Lifestone]]
* [[40.5N, 78.2W - Tumerok Camp]]
* [[40.6N, 41.6W - Windmills]]
* [[41.4N, 19.8W - Mite Bunker]]
* [[42.9N, 42.3W - Plateau Watchtower]]
* [[43.8N, 44.9W - Plateau Base Lifestone]]
* [[44.6N, 28.5W - Peddler's Hut]]
* [[44.7N, 80.9W - Menhir Ring]]
* [[45.6N, 11.6W - Igloo]]
* [[46.0N, 8.0W - Archmage Lifestone]]
* [[46.5N, 75.8W - Menhir Ring]]
* [[49.2N, 74.6W - Menhir Ring]]
* [[50.1N, 80.4W - Menhir Ring]]
* [[52.9N, 14.6W - Empyrean Columns]]
* [[53.0N, 73.3W - Menhir Ring]]
* [[54.3N, 4.1W - Hidden Valley]]
* [[54.3N, 17.4W - Empyrean Stone Tower]]
* [[54.4N, 38.3W - Vendor Camp]]
* [[55.0N, 3.5W - Undead Shrine]]
* [[55.8N, 52.3W - River Mouth Cottage]]
* [[55.9N, 52.3W - Beach House]]
* [[63.0N, 8.1W - Standing Stone]]
* [[65.0N, 3.0W - Banderling Camp]]
* [[66.5N, 26.7W - Stone Platform]]
* [[68.8N, 51.6W - Beachside Farmstead]]
* [[68.9N, 22.6W - Banderling Camp]]
* [[69.6N, 31.3W - Three-legged Arch]]
* [[69.7N, 21.4W - Rat Tower]]
* [[69.8N, 32.4W - Granite Golem Hill]]
* [[69.8N, 44.8W - Brown Rat Tower]]
* [[70.1N, 31.2W - Three-legged Arch]]
* [[70.4N, 34.5W - Empyrean Statue]]
* [[70.5N, 17.3W - Igloo]]
* [[70.8N, 31.8W - Three-legged Arch]]
* [[71.3N, 48.7W - Undead Barricade]]
* [[71.6N, 29.8W - Viamontian Temple]]
* [[72.1N, 35.6W - Banderling Cave]]
* [[72.2N, 36.1W - Zefir Tower]]
* [[72.3N, 17.0W - Banderling Camp]]
* [[73.0N, 6.6W - Banderling Village]]
* [[73.6N, 16.4W - Igloo]]
* [[73.8N, 13.7W - Igloo]]
* [[75.7N, 20.5W - Verdentine Magnan's Tent]]
* [[76.6N, 6.0W - Igloo]]
* [[79.2N, 15.6W - Vendor's House]]
* [[81.4N, 32.9W - Crystal Shrine]]
* [[83.0N, 0.5W - Wisp Lake]]
* [[84.0N, 22.2W - Paul & Babe]]
* [[85.7N, 7.1W - Wardley's Camp]]
* [[86.0N, 27.7W - Roaming Bowyer and Lifestone]]
* [[89.0N, 1.6W - Igloo]]
* '''[[Banderling Castle]]'''
* '''[[Beach Fort]]'''
* [[Beach Fort Moarsman Fort]]
* [[Cabin by the Frozen Valley]]
* [[Festival Stone of Frostfell]]
* [[Gold Hill Ruins]]
* [[Holtburg Menhir Ring]]
* '''[[Ice Golem Shrine]]'''
* '''[[Mountain Retreat]]'''
* [[Patriarch's Valley]]
* [[Plateau Wedding Site]]
* [[Stonehold Standing Stone]]
* [[Virindi Crafters]]
* '''[[The Pit]]'''
* [[Wisp Lake]]
* [[83.4N, 0.1W - Empyrean Statues]]

{{Creature Class|Golem}}
==== Northeast Osteth ====
* [[Acidic Diamond Golem]]
{|border=0 cellpadding=3
* [[Basalt Golem]]
* [[Crystal Golem]]
* [[Crystal Lord]]
* [[27.8N, 62.9E - Abandoned Cottage]]
* [[Diamond Golem]]
* [[Gold Golem]]
* [[28.9N, 28.3E - Empyrean Ruins]]
* [[Ice Golem]]
* [[Magma Golem Exarch]]
* [[28.9N, 56.8E - Font and Hung Corpse]]
* [[Pyreal Golem]]
* [[29.0N, 58.8E - Drudge Camp]]
* [[29.2N, 29.3E - Road Block]]
* [[29.2N, 57.9E - Branwyn's House]]
* [[30.3N, 25.5E - Road Block]]
* [[30.4N, 28.2E - Windmill]]
* [[30.7N, 26.4E - Watcher Monument]]
* [[31.2N, 19.8E - Peddler's Hut]]
* [[31.6N, 16.7E - Banderling Tower]]
* [[31.7N, 27.9E - Road Block]]
* [[31.8N, 26.4E - Farmer's House]]
* [[32.5N, 66.1E - Skeleton Fort]]
* [[32.6N, 55.0E - Farmer's House]]
* [[33.7N, 13.5E - Monster Training Camp]]
* [[35.0N, 56.0E - Mountain Shortcut House]]
* [[35.7N, 32.7E - Rat Bunker]]
* [[35.7N, 33.4E - Eldrista's House]]
* [[35.9N, 59.7E - Mite Bunker]]
* [[36.2N, 39.5E - Banderling Camp]]
* [[36.7N, 29.1E - Shrine and Portal to Glenden Wood]]
* [[36.9N, 35.1E - Drudge Cave]]
* [[36.9N, 47.1E - Monster Training Camp]]
* [[37.7N, 29.0E - Hedged Platform]]
* [[38.1N, 31.4E - Two Columns]]
* [[38.1N, 56.6E - Mite Cave]]
* [[38.2N, 7.1E - Banderling Tower]]
* [[38.3N, 31.5E - Abandoned Aluvian Building]]
* [[38.6N, 30.4E - Weaponsmith's House]]
* [[38.8N, 36.8E - Golem Spire]]
* [[38.8N, 61.4E - Mite House]]
* [[39.0N, 35.8E - Empty Cave]]
* [[39.3N, 36.7E - Wasp Swarm]]
* [[39.5N, 30.3E - Abandoned Barn]]
* [[39.8N, 37.8E - Drudge Gathering]]
* [[40.4N, 34.5E - Eternal Flame]]
* [[40.5N, 33.0E - Lumberjack's Camp]]
* [[40.8N, 35.8E - Standing Stones]]
* [[40.8N, 36.5E - Riverside Farm]]
* [[40.9N, 44.2E - Lifestone Building]]
* [[41.0N, 56.4E - Lost Wish Lovers House]]
* [[41.4N, 26.3E - Lich House]]
* [[41.4N, 32.4E - Rocks and Ruins]]
* [[41.4N, 36.5E - Fisherman's Camp]]
* [[41.7N, 35.2E - Merchant's Hut]]
* [[41.8N, 34.9E - Wasp Bush]]
* [[41.8N, 35.1E - Statue]]
* [[41.9N, 34.9E - Statue]]
* [[42.0N, 34.9E - Statue]]
* [[42.2N, 34.6E - Apple Tree]]
* [[42.2N, 52.6E - Olthoi Rocks]]
* [[42.3N, 29.3E - Cave]]
* [[42.4N, 31.7E - Drudge Rocks]]
* [[42.4N, 32.2E - Healer and Peddler's House]]
* [[42.7N, 49.8E - Igloo]]
* [[42.8N, 29.5E - Reformed Bandit's House]]
* [[43.1N, 33.6E - Stone Pillar]]
* [[43.2N, 35.9E - Ruins]]
* [[43.3N, 33.5E - Stone Pillar]]
* [[43.4N, 33.4E - Stone Pillar]]
* [[43.5N, 33.3E - Stone Pillar]]
* [[43.5N, 34.9E - Dock]]
* [[43.6N, 33.1E - Stone Pillar]]
* [[43.9N, 25.1E - Banderling Camp]]
* [[44.0N, 32.8E - Swamp Ruins]]
* [[44.2N, 37.0E - Drudge Hut]]
* [[44.2N, 63.1E - Mountain Defile]]
* [[44.9N, 36.4E - Healer's House]]
* [[45.0N, 37.2E - Barn]]
* [[45.0N, 37.5E - Abandoned Hut]]
* [[45.6N, 36.9E - Abandoned Hut]]
* [[45.6N, 37.3E - Banderling Cabbage Farm]]
* [[46.0N, 44.6E - Collector's Hut]]
* [[46.5N, 36.9E - Empyrean Ruins]]
* [[47.5N, 55.5E - Rock Formation]]
* [[49.2N, 26.5E - Drudge Camp]]
* [[49.5N, 27.7E - Armoredillo Marsh]]
* [[50.2N, 52.7E - Rock Formation]]
* [[51.0N, 42.1E - Cave]]
* [[51.1N, 21.3E - Log Cabins]]
* '''[[51.9N, 0.6E - Undead Shrine]]'''
* [[52.6N, 24.3E - Water Golem Gathering]]
* [[53.0N, 46.0E - Fumarole Plain]]
* [[53.7N, 24.2E - Peddler's Hut]]
* [[54.5N, 22.6E - Empyrean Ruin]]
* [[56.8N, 12.9E - Southern Mt. Esper Lifestone]]
* [[56.6N, 25.1E - Wisp Pond]]
* [[59.3N, 18.2E - Banderling Camp]]
* '''[[59.9N, 71.2E - Rock Formation]] (BDC)'''
* [[61.7N, 34.1E - Menhir Ring]]
* [[62.2N, 40.7E - Skeleton Bunker]]
* [[66.1N, 13.9E - Giant Mushroom]]
* [[66.2N, 24.8E - Olthoi Pass]]
* [[68.0N, 53.8E - Rock Formation]]
* [[69.9N, 16.6E - Menhir Ring]]
* [[71.9N, 38.0E - Bandit Castle Outpost]]
* [[73.1N, 8.6E - Ice Golem Shrine]]
* [[73.7N, 50.0E - Auroch Herd]]
* [[75.5N 10.6E - Vendor House]]
* [[76.5N, 9.8E - Lake Pillar]]
* [[85.0N, 28.6E - Dagger Vale Camp]]
* [[90.3N, 43.5E - Pyre Skeleton Cave]]
* [[91.2N, 0.4E - Ice Golem Cottage]]
* [[93.9N, 7.7E - Northern Point Bunkers]]
* [[97.3N, 3.6E - Point Tremblant]]
* [[Access to Crystal Mines]]
* [[Aun Settlement]]
* [[Bandit Castle Standing Stone]]
* [[Blue Coral Reef]]
* [[Casino]]
* [[Citadel Apex]]
* [[Citadel Valley]]
* [[Colier]]
* [[Crater Rim Passage]]
* [[Edelbar]]
* [[Festival Stone of Evensong]]
* [[Festival Stone of Morningthaw]]
* [[Festival Stone of Snowreap]]
* [[Fiery Shrine]]
* [[Glenden Wood East Outpost]]
* [[Glenden Wood West Outpost]]
* [[Hilltop Tower]]
* [[Merchant Cellar]]
* [[Neydisa Castle Standing Stone]]
* '''[[Northern Pass Watchtower]]'''
* [[Northwatch Castle]]
* [[Obsidian Span]]
* [[Paradox-touched Valley Tent]]
* [[Pet Shop]]
* [[Portal to Bur]]
* '''[[Power Plant]]'''
* [[Sea Coast Rocks]]
* [[South Holtburg Outpost]]
* [[Temple of N'cthail]]
* '''[[Tumerok Treehouse]]'''
* [[West Holtburg Outpost]]
* '''[[Mountain Keep]]'''

{{Creature Class|Grievver}}
=== [[Items]] ===
* [[Destroyer Grievver]]
==== Landscape Spawns ====
* [[Harrower Grievver]]
{{Item Table
* [[Rufous Grievver]]
| Argenory Plant
* [[Venomous Grievver]]
| Lapyan Plant
| Minalim Plant
| Snowflower
| Dirty Old Crate
| Orange Monster Seed
| Relanim Plant
| Verdalim Plant

{{Creature Class|Human}}
=== [[Lifestone]]s ===
* [[Shroud Cabal Raider]]
''[[Town]] Lifestones are not displayed.''
* [[Shroud Cabal Raider Captain]]
{{Map Point Plus
| Points =
{{MPP Loc | 47.1 | N | 90.3 | W | MP Town | Ahurenga }}
{{MPP Loc | 31.2 | S | 13.7 | E | MP Town | Al-Arqas }}
{{MPP Loc | 07.4 | N | 04.8 | E | MP Town | Al-Jalima }}
{{MPP Loc | 33.2 | N | 56.6 | E | MP Town | Arwic }}
{{MPP Loc | 60.0 | S | 88.0 | W | MP Town | Ayan Baqur }}
{{MPP Loc | 49.5 | S | 62.5 | E | MP Town | Baishi }}
{{MPP Loc | 66.4 | N | 49.9 | E | MP Town | Bandit Castle }}
{{MPP Loc | 76.0 | N | 49.0 | W | MP Town | Beach Fort }}
{{MPP Loc | 39.4 | N | 75.4 | W | MP Town | Bluespire }}
{{MPP Loc | 87.5 | S | 67.2 | W | MP Town | Candeth Keep }}
{{MPP Loc | 25.7 | N | 49.2 | E | MP Town | Cragstone }}
{{MPP Loc | 23.4 | N | 28.7 | W | MP Town | Danby's Outpost }}
{{MPP Loc | 08.1 | S | 73.0 | E | MP Town | Dryreach }}
{{MPP Loc | 17.6 | N | 63.3 | E | MP Town | Eastham }}
{{MPP Loc | 90.3 | N | 43.1 | W | MP Town | Eastwatch Outpost }}
{{MPP Loc | 95.9 | N | 56.8 | W | MP Town | Fiun Outpost }}
{{MPP Loc | 01.5 | N | 71.8 | W | MP Town | Fort Tethana }}
{{MPP Loc | 29.6 | N | 27.2 | E | MP Town | Glenden Wood }}
{{MPP Loc | 43.2 | N | 66.8 | W | MP Town | Greenspire }}
{{MPP Loc | 39.1 | S | 83.2 | E | MP Town | Hebian-To }}
{{MPP Loc | 42.3 | N | 33.7 | E | MP Town | Holtburg }}
{{MPP Loc | 83.3 | S | 47.1 | E | MP Town | Kara }}
{{MPP Loc | 47.6 | S | 24.7 | E | MP Town | Khayyaban }}
{{MPP Loc | 74.6 | S | 84.5 | E | MP Town | Kryst }}
{{MPP Loc | 54.5 | S | 73.1 | E | MP Town | Lin }}
{{MPP Loc | 77.6 | S | 28.0 | E | MP Town | Linvak Tukal }}
{{MPP Loc | 00.9 | N | 51.1 | E | MP Town | Lytelthorpe }}
{{MPP Loc | 74.2 | S | 92.3 | E | MP Town | MacNiall's Freehold }}
{{MPP Loc | 61.6 | S | 81.9 | E | MP Town | Mayoi }}
{{MPP Loc | 79.9 | N | 59.1 | E | MP Town | Merwart Village }}
{{MPP Loc | 64.8 | N | 13.5 | E | MP Town | Crater Village }}
{{MPP Loc | 52.5 | S | 82.1 | E | MP Town | Nanto }}
{{MPP Loc | 69.6 | N | 17.6 | E | MP Town | Neydisa Castle }}
{{MPP Loc | 02.3 | N | 95.5 | E | MP Town | Oolutanga's Refuge }}
{{MPP Loc | 44.2 | N | 43.4 | W | MP Town | Plateau Village }}
{{MPP Loc | 74.4 | S | 19.3 | E | MP Town | Qalaba'r }}
{{MPP Loc | 40.6 | N | 83.0 | W | MP Town | Redspire }}
{{MPP Loc | 10.8 | N | 58.7 | E | MP Town | Rithwic }}
{{MPP Loc | 02.8 | S | 19.4 | E | MP Town | Samsur }}
{{MPP Loc | 71.9 | N | 61.1 | W | MP Town | Sanamar }}
{{MPP Loc | 28.7 | S | 59.3 | E | MP Town | Sawato }}
{{MPP Loc | 33.5 | S | 72.8 | E | MP Town | Shoushi }}
{{MPP Loc | 87.3 | N | 70.5 | W | MP Town | Silyun }}
{{MPP Loc | 68.8 | N | 21.6 | W | MP Town | Stonehold }}
{{MPP Loc | 44.2 | N | 78.0 | W | MP Town | Timaru }}
{{MPP Loc | 14.0 | S | 05.3 | E | MP Town | Tufa }}
{{MPP Loc | 25.2 | S | 28.3 | E | MP Town | Uziz }}
{{MPP Loc | 61.9 | S | 51.4 | W | MP Town | Wai Jhou }}
{{MPP Loc | 72.8 | N | 73.4 | W | MP Town | Westwatch Outpost }}
{{MPP Loc | 41.8 | S | 16.0 | E | MP Town | Xarabydun }}
{{MPP Loc | 12.1 | S | 42.4 | E | MP Town | Yanshi }}
{{MPP Loc | 21.6 | S | 01.7 | W | MP Town | Yaraq }}
{{MPP Loc | 13.7 | N | 00.6 | E | MP Town | Zaikhal }}

{{Creature Class|Lugian}}
{{MPP Loc | 23.2 | N | 44.0 | E | LS | 23.2N, 44.0E - Standing Stones Lifestone}}
* [[Gotrok Lugian]]
{{MPP Loc | 93.9 | N | 7.7  | E | LS | 93.9N, 7.7E - Northern Point Bunkers }}
{{MPP Loc | 86.1 | N | 27.7 | W | LS | 86.0N, 27.7W - Roaming Bowyer and Lifestone }}
{{MPP Loc | 79.3 | N | 15.7 | W | LS | 79.2N, 15.6W - Vendor's House }}
{{MPP Loc | 70.5 | N | 17.2 | W | LS | 70.5N, 17.3W - Igloo }}
{{MPP Loc | 70.4 | N | 34.5 | W | LS | 70.4N, 34.5W - Empyrean Statue }}
{{MPP Loc | 71.5 | N | 29.8 | W | LS | 71.6N, 29.8W - Viamontian Temple }}
{{MPP Loc | 69.4 | N | 51.3 | W | LS | 68.8N, 51.6W - Beachside Farmstead }}
{{MPP Loc | 55.9 | N | 52.2 | W | LS | 55.9N, 52.3W - Beach House }}
{{MPP Loc | 54.4 | N | 38.3 | W | LS | 54.4N, 38.3W - Vendor Camp }}
{{MPP Loc | 46.0 | N | 8.0  | W | LS | 46.0N, 8.0W - Archmage Lifestone }}
{{MPP Loc | 44.8 | N | 28.6 | W | LS | 44.6N, 28.5W - Peddler's Hut }}
{{MPP Loc | 44.4 | N | 41.6 | W | LS | Plateau Village{{!}}44.4N, 41.6W - East Plateau }}
{{MPP Loc | 43.8 | N | 44.9 | W | LS | 43.8N, 44.9W - Plateau Base Lifestone }}
{{MPP Loc | 40.8 | N | 18.7 | W | LS | 41.4N, 19.8W - Mite Bunker{{!}}41.4N, 19.8W - Mite Bunker Lifestone }}
{{MPP Loc | 29.3 | N | 52.0 | W | LS | 29.4N, 52.0W - Peddler's Hut }}
{{MPP Loc | 24.1 | N | 28.1 | W | LS | Danby's Outpost{{!}}24.1N, 28.1W - Northeast Danby's Outpost }}
{{MPP Loc | 35.0 | N | 17.8 | W | LS | 35.1N, 17.8W - Fort Morntide }}
{{MPP Loc | 54.3 | N | 17.4 | W | LS | 54.3N, 17.4W - Empyrean Stone Tower }}
{{MPP Loc | 66.6 | N | 26.4 | W | LS | 66.5N, 26.7W - Stone Platform }}
{{MPP Loc | 52.1 | N | 3.1  | E | LS | Northern Pass Watchtower{{!}}52.0N, 3.1E - Northern Pass Watchtower }}
{{MPP Loc | 65.9 | N | 2.6  | W | LS | Banderling Castle{{!}}66.2N, 2.3W - Banderling Castle }}
{{MPP Loc | 85.0 | N | 28.5 | E | LS | 85.0N, 28.6E - Dagger Vale Camp }}
{{MPP Loc | 75.5 | N | 10.4 | E | LS | 75.5N 10.6E - Vendor House }}
{{MPP Loc | 60.9 | N | 16.6 | E | LS | Crater Pathway{{!}}60.9N, 16.6E - Crater Pathway Lifestone}}
{{MPP Loc | 56.8 | N | 12.9 | E | LS | 56.8N, 12.9E - Southern Mt. Esper Lifestone }}
{{MPP Loc | 71.9 | N | 38.0 | E | LS | 71.9N, 38.0E - Bandit Castle Outpost }}
{{MPP Loc | 57.4 | N | 38.6 | E | LS | Colier{{!}}57.4N, 38.6E - Colier Lifestone }}
{{MPP Loc | 53.6 | N | 24.2 | E | LS | 53.7N, 24.2E - Peddler's Hut }}
{{MPP Loc | 51.0 | N | 21.3 | E | LS | 51.1N, 21.3E - Log Cabins }}
{{MPP Loc | 40.9 | N | 44.2 | E | LS | 40.9N, 44.2E - Lifestone Building }}
{{MPP Loc | 43.2 | N | 25.9 | E | LS | Edelbar{{!}}43.2N, 25.9E - Edelbar}}
{{MPP Loc | 37.7 | N | 1.3  | W | LS | 37.7N, 1.3W - Archmage Lifestone }}
{{MPP Loc | 59.8 | N | 4.2  | W | LS | Mountain Retreat{{!}}59.8N, 4.2W - Mountain Retreat }}

{{Creature Class|Mattekar}}
{{MPP Loc | 32.2 | N | 38.5 | W | Blue | 32.2N, 38.5W - Lifestone }}
* [[Great Mattekar]]
{{MPP Loc | 40.6 | N | 12.5 | E | Blue | 40.6N, 12.5E - Lifestone }}
* [[Hoary Mattekar]]
{{MPP Loc | 48.3 | N | 57.4 | E | Blue | Olthoi North{{!}}48.3N, 57.4E - Olthoi North }}
* [[Snowy Mattekar]]
{{MPP Loc | 50.2 | N | 73.1 | E | Blue | Olthoi North{{!}}50.2N, 73.1E - Olthoi North }}
{{MPP Loc | 70.2 | N | 65.5 | E | Blue | Olthoi North{{!}}70.2N, 65.5E - Olthoi North }}

{{Creature Class|Monouga}}
* [[Cunning Monouga]]
'''Map Key:'''
* [[Insidious Monouga]]
<br> [[File:Map Point MP Town.png]] - Towns
* [[Merciless Monouga]]
<br> [[File:Map Point Blue.png]] - Nuhmudira's Lifestones
* [[Pugnacious Monouga]]
<br> [[File:Map Point LS.png]] - Asheron's Lifestones
<br>''Hover over a Lifestone on the map to view its location name, or click to view its information page.''

{{Creature Class|Olthoi}}
=== [[Portal]]s ===
* [[Olthoi Lancer]]
{{Portal Table
* [[Olthoi Needler]]
| Table Rows =
* [[Olthoi Warrior]]
{{Portal Row
|    Location = Eotensfang
|    LocCoords = 42.4N, 60.5E
|  Destination = Bandit Castle
|  DestCoords = 65.0N, 49.3E
| Restrictions = None
{{Portal Row
|    Location = 54.3N, 4.1W - Hidden Valley{{!}}Hidden Valley
|    LocCoords = 54.3N, 4.1W
|  Destination = Desert Ridge Border
|  DestCoords = 5.6S, 40.0E
| Restrictions = None
{{Portal Row
|    Location = Bandit Castle
|    LocCoords = 65.0N, 49.3E
|  Destination = Eotensfang
|   DestCoords = 42.3N, 60.5E
| Restrictions = None
{{Portal Row
|    Location = 79.2N, 15.6W - Vendor's House{{!}}Vendor's House
|    LocCoords = 79.2N, 15.6W
|  Destination = Northwest Direlands
|  DestCoords = [[6.3N, 89.7W - Nomad Tower & Lifestone|5.5N, 87.5W]]
| Restrictions = 35+
{{Portal Row
|    Location = Ice Golem Shrine
|    LocCoords = 61.5N, 10.2W
|  Destination = North Desert Edge
|  DestCoords = 4.7S, 3.1W
| Restrictions = None
{{Portal Row
|    Location = Ice Golem Shrine
|    LocCoords = 61.5N, 10.2W
|  Destination = Northern Landbridge
|  DestCoords = 24.4N, 53.8W
| Restrictions = 12+
{{Portal Row
|    Location = Mountain Retreat
|    LocCoords = 59.7N, 4.1W
|  Destination = Hilltop
|  DestCoords = 32.8N, 34.7E
| Restrictions = None
{{Portal Row
|    Location = Stonehold
|    LocCoords = 68.9N, 21.4W
|  Destination = Hilltop
|  DestCoords = 32.8N, 34.7E
| Restrictions = None
{{Portal Row
|    Location = The Pit
|    LocCoords = 64.3N, 23.4W
|  Destination = Beach Fort
|  DestCoords = 76.0N, 49.0W
| Restrictions = None
{{Portal Row
|    Location = Arwic
|    LocCoords = 34.9N, 56.0E
|  Destination = Lost Wish Mountain Range
|  DestCoords = 41.0N, 56.0E
| Restrictions = None
{{Portal Row
|    Location = Bandit Castle
|    LocCoords = 61.7N, 48.6E
|  Destination = Laesvos Island{{!}}Vesayen Isles
|  DestCoords = 72.5S, 81.3E
| Restrictions = None
{{Portal Row
|    Location = Stonehold Valley
|    LocCoords = 68.6N, 23.2W
|  Destination = 71.6N, 29.8W - Viamontian Temple{{!}}Viamontian Temple
|  DestCoords = 71.6N, 29.8W
| Restrictions = 15+
{{Portal Row
|    Location = Olthoi North
|    LocCoords = 63.1N, 76.4E<br>63.7N, 75.6E
|  Destination = Olthoi Island
|  DestCoords = 66.3N, 84.2E<br>69.6N, 80.7E
| Restrictions = [[Player Killer]]

{{Creature Class|Snowman}}
=== [[Dungeons]] ===
* [[Abominable Snowman]]
''See [[Northern Osteth#Towns and Regions of Northern Osteth|Towns and Regions of Northern Osteth]] pages for dungeon lists.''
* [[Three Eyed Snowman]]

{{Creature Class|Tusker}}
=== Creatures ===
* [[Armored Tusker]]
See regional pages for their creature spawns:
* [[Plated Tusker]]
==== Northwest Osteth ====
* [[Rampager]]
* [[Esper Mountain Range#Creatures|Esper Mountain Range]] (west)
* [[Silver Tusker]]
** [[Frozen Valley#Creatures|Frozen Valley]]
* [[Tusker Guard]]
* [[Grievver Valley#Creatures|Grievver Valley]]
* [[Tusker Redeemer]]
* [[Lake Lithanen#Creatures|Lake Lithanen]]
* [[Stonehold Valley#Creatures|Stonehold Valley]]
* [[Tiofor Woods#Creatures|Tiofor Woods]]

{{Creature Class|Tumerok}}
==== Northeast Osteth ====
* [[Ascendant Tumerok]]
* [[Esper Mountain Range#Creatures|Esper Mountain Range]] (east)
* [[Augmented Tumerok]]
** [[Mount Esper#Creatures|Mount Esper]]
* [[Tumerok Champion]]
* [[Lost Wish Mountain Range#Creatures|Lost Wish Mountain Range]]
* [[Olthoi North#Creatures|Olthoi North]]
** [[Paradox-touched Valley#Creatures|Paradox-touched Valley]]
* [[Tiofor Woods#Creatures|Tiofor Woods]]
* [[River Prosper#Creatures|Upper River Prosper]]

{{Creature Class|Viamontian Knight}}
=== Images ===
* [[Viamontian Warcaster]]
* [[Viamontian Knight (Creature)]]
File:Northern Osteth.jpg|Northern Osteth
File:Dereth Spawn Distribution.jpg|Spawn Distribution Map

{{Creature Class|Virindi}}
== References ==
* [[Virindi Executor]]
* [[Virindi Inquisitor]]

{{Creature Class|Wisp}}
* [[Corrosion Wisp]]
* [[Stasis Wisp]]
* [[Strife Wisp]]

[[Category:Geographic Areas]]
[[Category:Geographic Area]]

Latest revision as of 19:45, 6 August 2019

Related topics: Osteth

Introduced:  Release
Northern Osteth

Description Edit

The large area north of Osteth that is bordered by the deserts and fertile lands of Middle Osteth. The Northern Landbridge connects this part of Osteth to the Direlands.

"The great Mount Esper towers over the Derethian landscape, beckoning both thrillseekers and sightseers alike. Bring a companion to the spectacular snowy summit, where the dormant volcano now holds a placid blue lake. But be warned: Some have reported mysterious and deadly creatures in this area. To the southwest, cradled between mountain ranges, the Tiofor Woods are home to tribes of bloodthirsty Banderlings and Tuskers. To the southeast lies the Aluvian town of Glenden Wood. There, near the Lifestone, a small shop carries an excellent assortment of bows and arrows. Just ask for the merchant Peldin Yewbender."[1]

Related Quests Edit

Kill Tasks Edit

NPCs Edit

NPC Name Location Type Details
Archmage 46.0N, 8.0W Shopkeeper Magical Supplies
Archmage (Male Sho) 75.5N 10.6E Shopkeeper Magical Supplies
Archmage (Male Gharu'ndim) 55.9N, 52.3W Shopkeeper Magical Supplies
Archmage (Male Sho) 54.4N, 38.3W Shopkeeper Magical Supplies
Archmage (Male Gharu'ndim) 59.7N, 4.1W Shopkeeper Magical Supplies
Archmage (Female Sho) 93.9N, 7.7E Shopkeeper Magical Supplies
Archmage (Male Sho) 70.5N, 17.3W Shopkeeper Magical Supplies
Blacksmith (Female Aluvian) 55.9N, 52.3W Shopkeeper Armor
Blind Snowman 46.7N, 48.9E Quest Three Eye Snowman Kill Task, Trophy Collector
Collector 59.7N, 4.1W Trophy Collector Non-hide Creature Trophies
Denterra the Healer 41.0N, 56.4E Shopkeeper Healing Supplies & Services
Hasina bint Rira Random Spawn Quest Hieromancer's Armor
Healer (Holtburg Marsh) 42.4N, 32.2E Shopkeeper Healing Supplies & Services
Healer (Esper Mountain Range) 76.6N, 6.0W Shopkeeper Healing Supplies & Services
Healer (75.5N 10.6E) 75.5N 10.6E Shopkeeper Healing Supplies & Services
Healer (Lithaenean) 54.4N, 38.3W Shopkeeper Healing Supplies & Services
Healer (Northern Point) 93.9N, 7.7E Shopkeeper Healing Supplies & Services
Jolly Snowman 73.6N, 16.6W, 45.6N, 11.5W Shopkeeper A Frozen Note
Master Celdiseth the Archmage 86.6N, 21.6E Shopkeeper Magical Supplies
Merchant (75.5N 10.6E) 75.5N 10.6E Shopkeeper Basic Supplies
Merchant (Esper Mountain Range) 76.6N, 6.0W Shopkeeper Basic Supplies
Merchant (Mountain Retreat) 59.7N, 4.1W Shopkeeper Basic Supplies
Peddler (40.8N, 36.5E) 40.8N, 36.5E Shopkeeper Basic Supplies
Peddler (Empyrean Stone Tower) 54.3N, 17.4W Shopkeeper Basic Supplies
Peddler (Glenden Wood) 31.2N, 19.8E Shopkeeper Basic Supplies
Peddler (Holtburg Marsh) 42.4N, 32.2E Shopkeeper Basic Supplies
Surnad the Peddler 41.0N, 56.4E Shopkeeper Basic Supplies
Roaming Bowyer (Female Aluvian) 93.9N, 7.7E Shopkeeper Fletching Items, Ammunition
Roaming Bowyer (Female Aluvian) 79.2N, 15.6W Shopkeeper Fletching Items, Ammunition
Roaming Bowyer (Female Aluvian) 68.8N, 51.6W Shopkeeper Fletching Items, Ammunition
Roaming Bowyer (Female Aluvian) 68.0N, 10.0W Shopkeeper Fletching Items, Ammunition
Roaming Bowyer (Female Aluvian) 86.0N, 27.7W Shopkeeper Fletching Items, Ammunition
Roaming Bowyer (Female Aluvian) 71.8N, 38.0E Shopkeeper Fletching Items, Ammunition
Snowman 71.4N, 22.2W, 73.8N, 13.7W Shopkeeper A Frozen Note, Snowball
Spertat the Ursuin Hunter Random Spawn Quest Hieromancer's Armor
Wandering Bowyer 59.7N, 4.1W Shopkeeper Fletching Items, Ammunition

Towns and Regions of Northern Osteth Edit

Northwest Osteth Edit

Towns Edit
Regions Edit

Northeast Osteth Edit

Towns Edit
Regions Edit

Points of Interest Edit

Emboldened POI are those indicated on the Ingame Map as yellow dots. See also Points of Interest Map

Northwest Osteth Edit

Northeast Osteth Edit

Items Edit

Landscape Spawns Edit

Argenory Plant Lapyan Plant Minalim Plant Snowflower Dirty Old Crate Orange Monster Seed Relanim Plant Verdalim Plant

Lifestones Edit

Town Lifestones are not displayed.

Map Dereth

44.4N, 41.6W - East Plateau 41.4N, 19.8W - Mite Bunker Lifestone 24.1N, 28.1W - Northeast Danby's Outpost 52.0N, 3.1E - Northern Pass Watchtower 66.2N, 2.3W - Banderling Castle 60.9N, 16.6E - Crater Pathway Lifestone 57.4N, 38.6E - Colier Lifestone 43.2N, 25.9E - Edelbar 59.8N, 4.2W - Mountain Retreat

48.3N, 57.4E - Olthoi North 50.2N, 73.1E - Olthoi North 70.2N, 65.5E - Olthoi North

Map Key:
- Towns
- Nuhmudira's Lifestones
- Asheron's Lifestones
Hover over a Lifestone on the map to view its location name, or click to view its information page.

Portals Edit

Location Coords Destination Coords Restrictions
Eotensfang 42.4N, 60.5E Bandit Castle 65.0N, 49.3E None
Hidden Valley 54.3N, 4.1W Desert Ridge Border 5.6S, 40.0E None
Bandit Castle 65.0N, 49.3E Eotensfang 42.3N, 60.5E None
Vendor's House 79.2N, 15.6W Northwest Direlands 5.5N, 87.5W 35+
Ice Golem Shrine 61.5N, 10.2W North Desert Edge 4.7S, 3.1W None
Ice Golem Shrine 61.5N, 10.2W Northern Landbridge 24.4N, 53.8W 12+
Mountain Retreat 59.7N, 4.1W Hilltop 32.8N, 34.7E None
Stonehold 68.9N, 21.4W Hilltop 32.8N, 34.7E None
The Pit 64.3N, 23.4W Beach Fort 76.0N, 49.0W None
Arwic 34.9N, 56.0E Lost Wish Mountain Range 41.0N, 56.0E None
Bandit Castle 61.7N, 48.6E Vesayen Isles 72.5S, 81.3E None
Stonehold Valley 68.6N, 23.2W Viamontian Temple 71.6N, 29.8W 15+
Olthoi North 63.1N, 76.4E
63.7N, 75.6E
Olthoi Island 66.3N, 84.2E
69.6N, 80.7E
Player Killer

Dungeons Edit

See Towns and Regions of Northern Osteth pages for dungeon lists.

Creatures Edit

See regional pages for their creature spawns:

Northwest Osteth Edit

Northeast Osteth Edit

Images Edit

References Edit